After the "double reduction", the parents' "liability list", please accept it!

Author:Xinjiang Women's Voice Time:2022.09.26

Do not leave homework, do not take the exam, do not make up classes, and arrange teachers to implement "elastic up and off" ...

To sum up, the purpose of double reduction is -let learning return to campus.

Many parents clap their hands and applaud:

"Great, no need to report to the child in the future, it can save a lot of money, and the children's learning is returned to school management, which is more worry -free."

In fact, the double reduction is to reduce the child's excessive academic burden, not to reduce the responsibility of being a parent.

Children's education cannot be simply pinned in school. As parents, they also have the responsibility of companionship, management and urging.

"School education is very important, but no matter how important it is, it is just an important supplement to family education."

Family education is the biggest guarantee of school education. Parents are children's lifelong teachers.

Regardless of how education is reforming, parents are the first responsible person for children's education.

For children's growth, parents are requested to accept this list of responsibility.


Supervise learning and develop self -discipline

The reason why the child is the child is that he has no consciousness. Any self -discipline child must be the result of strict discipline and correct supervision of parents.

Parents cannot send hope at the school. They hope that their children will learn to be conscious, and they will be a shopkeeper.

Parents do not urge, the child will be even more unconscious in the future, and to do whatever he wants.

When the child does not want to learn and is lazy to indulge, he must force him to be cruel.

You urge, children are at least willing to learn.

There are no children who are born to learn and self -discipline, and they all rely on their parents' ruthlessness and persistence.


Cultivate habits and develop in an all -round way

For children, developing a good habit in the new semester is the first step.

learning habit

Pre -class before class, listen carefully in class, and review in time after class.

Take notes in diligence, think about actively, speak boldly, and dare to question.

Develop the correct reading and writing posture, and consciously read extra -curricular books.

living habit

Prepare textbooks, school supplies, etc. to be used the next day.

Go to bed early and get up early, eat on time, eat less snacks, do your own things yourself.

Maintain proper physical exercise every day, pay attention to personal hygiene.


Students should help each other, and do not bully students who are weaker than themselves.

When you see the teacher, you should ask well to respect the teacher and re -teach.

To develop education and promote the comprehensive development of children, we must start with the good habits of the child, and to determine the child's life.


Pay attention to companionship and communicate with heart

Children's growth is very critical, and parents know.

However, how many parents have not been with their children.

Educator Charlotte Mason said:

"Many parents are always busy all day long, and never have time to take care of their children.

When they finally wanted to care about their children one day, they found that they could not communicate with their children, and parents had become insignificant for their children. "

The essence of companionship is a kind of education. Without companionship, parents cannot read the child's heart, let alone lead the child to grow up healthy.

It is the biggest regret for parents to grow up for the growth of children.

Here, not to call for parents to hurry up every minute to accompany their children, but to enthusiastically accompany their children every minute to achieve high -quality companionship.

Accompany the child "heart" instead of "hard", understand the child's psychological needs, and communicate more with the child.

Sincerely accept and appreciate children, give children full of security and positive energy.


Establish rules and learn to be in awe

Professor Li Meijin said: "When parents must be young, they should say that the rules should be determined."

Many parents do not pay attention to the rules for children.

Some are because of laziness, some are because of doting children, and some are afraid of affecting parent -child relationships.

But as the saying goes, strictness is love, loosening is harm, indulgence is a calamity.

There is no regular love, without the indulgence of the bottom line, the child will only become a bear child, and it will be too late to regret it at that time.

There is no greenhouse outside the campus, and there is no children's drama when they grow up.

In the outside world, no one will tolerate children's waywardness and want to do whatever they want.

The child is doing what he is doing. If you do not keep the rules, you will inevitably hit the blood and make a painful price.

There is such a sentence in "The Courage of Discipline":

"The most lucky thing to raise a child is to give him a 'needle -needle' and grow up wings."

After all, we could not accompany the child for a lifetime, and the rules made by him when we were young are the greatest protection of children.

Teach children to abide by the rules, feed the rules, and let the children know what to do and what should not be done.


Sowing ideals, hard work

The theme of this year's "First Class" is "Ideally illuminating the future."

President Zhang Guimei, the winner of the Seventh Medal, is to change the fate of students with education.

Under the ideal guidance, no matter what difficulties and setbacks encountered, President Zhang Guimei clenched the roots and insisted on the end.

"Model of the Times" Rakini Bika's children, 14 -year -old Dier Khan Lazani and 12 -year -old Radir Razini, their ideals are to keep the country, guard our home, guard our motherland.

Tell your children that everyone must have ideals and pursuits.

The happiest thing in the world is to have ideals.

The great writer Lev Tolstot said: "The ideal is the street light. Without the ideal, there is no firm direction; without direction, there is no life."

The ideal is the longing for a better future and the driving force for life. The ideal can be very large or small, but it can let the child look up at the starry sky and see the lighthouse.

As early as possible, the ideal seed should be planted early in the child's heart.

Establish ideals for children, firm goals, and be a person who has a dream, responsibility, and useful to the motherland.

Let's do our best to be the responsibility of the parents, protect the children's ideals, and guide the children to work hard and work unremittingly.


Cooperate with each other to support the teacher

The "double reduction" policy is not only about schools. It requires family and schools to work together to promote coordinated.

The two must cooperate and support each other to form a joint force.

The most taboo is the opposition between parents and teachers to dismantle each other.

The cooperation of home and school is the key to the success of education.

On the long way forward with the teacher, please ask the parents to do:

I believe the teacher's professional spirit

Teachers have the professionalism of teaching and educating people. They cannot represent the entire teacher group with individual issues.

Please trust the teacher, not to discuss the teacher in front of your child, let alone speculate on the teacher with a granted attitude.

When you are distressed for your children to criticize the teacher, please think about the teacher's motivation and original intention.

Keep good communication with the teacher

Link the teacher and participate in the guidance of children's learning methods.

Listen to the teacher's opinions and learn to respect the teacher.

Only on the problems existing in the child, only the two sides maintain a happy and positive way of communication can the way to solve the problem together.

Under the "double reduction", learn to be smart parents and escort their children to grow.

Source: WeChat public account "Hubei E Family" comprehensive knowledge teacher and parents

Edit: Li Xuemin

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