Good family style health bank 丨 Shanghai Family Planning Association and 8 departments to carry out family health theme promotion activities to promote "healthy taste" co -cultivation healthy family style

Author:China Family Planning Associat Time:2022.09.19

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China News Network, Shanghai News, September 17th (Reporter Chen Jing)

On the morning of September 17, the Shanghai Family Planning Association, the Office of the Municipal Health Promotion Committee, the Municipal Agricultural and Rural Commission (Rural Revitalization Bureau), the Municipal Health and Health Committee (Chinese Medicine Administration), the Municipal Women's Federation, and the Municipal Federation of Trade Unions " Good family style · Health Travel "2022 Shanghai Family Health Theme Promotion Campaign.

He Xiang, deputy secretary -general of the Chinese Family Planning Association, pointed out in a video speech that family is the basic cell of society and family health is the cornerstone of the health of the whole people. This year, the China Family Planning Association, the National Health and Health Commission, and the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Ministry jointly carried out the promotion activities of the "Good Family Style Health" family health theme, which aims to actively play the advantages of organizing networks and mass work of the family planning association, and the family education of family tutors in the new era in the new era The integration of the construction of the family style and the construction of healthy China has vigorously promoted the implementation of health China actions in the family.

Since 2020, the Chinese Family Planning Association has carried out family health promotion actions across the country every year to create a "healthy China, healthy family" service brand. Over the past two years, the Shanghai Family Planning Association and relevant director units, functional departments, group organizations and professional institutions have promoted family health promotion actions from point to face, creating a group of good work typical and experience. The majority of grass -roots family planning associations around the construction, capacity improvement, connotation expansion, and continued deepening action. For outstanding cases of healthy families, the Yang Jianhua family of Baoshan District won 20 best cases in the country. Nine cases of "pregnant mothers Mengbao bird meals" recommended by this city are unintended in the country.

In Jinshan District, the first batch of 10 household health promotion projects in the China Family Planning Association, the District Health and Health Commission and the Family Planning Association joined hands with the women's federation to focus on the needs of family services in different ages, create a "four great enjoyment" service brands, and actively actively Strive for the support of social resources such as the China Population Welfare Foundation "Respecting the Lao Lai and Love Family Development Fund" to explore the prevention of deepening children's injury. Mr. Hong, a second -child father who lives in Shanyang Town, Jinshan District, is a member of the family training camp of the theme family training camp of "Preventing accidental injuries" this year. The training camp has carried out the theme activities of parent -child "podcasts", online security knowledge classrooms, and "education". , Mr. Hong said with emotion, "During the epidemic, the big baby at the family was the" director of the director ', and the little baby turned into a "security officer" to shoot a short popular science drama, both learned knowledge and exercised skills. The whole family. The experience of recording and watching the live class together has also become our unforgettable house parent -child time. "

"We are really‘ one votes hard to find ’!” Shen Aihua, head of the Maternal and Child Guidance Center of Jinshan District. In September last year, the first family health service center in Jinshan District was established at the Maternal Guidance Center of Jinshan District. Based on the original functional places, members of members' homes, warm heart homes, and youth and health clubs were opened. Type families provide convenient services such as public activity space and health self -testing, reproductive and health consultation. "More and more residents and friends have participated in the promotion of family health promotion of family education, traditional Chinese medicine health lectures, and often 'spikes'."

This year, in accordance with the city's implementation opinions on the implementation of family health actions, the Shanghai Municipal Family Planning Association started to promote the construction of family health instructor teams and multi -functional publicity service positions, and to popularize the knowledge of eugenics and reproductive health knowledge for people in the life cycle, and convey the concept of family health. At the same time, health is the focus of the family style of the new era, and jointly carried out the promotion activities of the family health theme of the "Good Family Style · Health", and facing the city's families in the city to popularize reasonable diet, scientific movement, "three reductions and three health" and other health knowledge. Focus on telling the stories of healthy family style, sharing the "healthy family • taste" story, and the development of family health knowledge competitions, integrate the concept of healthy life into the creation of home style, and carry out extensive home home with the core of advocating civilization, health, green environmental protection lifestyle as the core Wind practice activities.

Tang Qiong, vice president of the Municipal Family Planning Association, introduced, "With the support of the professional institutions of the health system, the current Family Planning Association explores the creation of 'sea school Chinese medicine to help family health promotion' service brand. The content of lively healthy knowledge and cultural products of the content is a series of online and offline health science activities such as the "Family Health Lecture Hall" and 'Health Salon "adapt to local conditions."

At the live broadcast site, the leaders and representatives of various departments and representatives jointly launched this year's family health theme promotion activity, released a series of annual family health theme promotion activities, and appointed Tao Chun, host of Shanghai Radio and Television Station to promote the family health promotion, and to Xinjing District, Changning District Zhou Xiangjun, deputy chief physician of the general department of the township community health service center, and the top ten family doctors in Shanghai, issued a letter of appointment for family health instructors at the municipal level, and unveiled the Hongkou project of the Shanghai Family Health Promotion Action in 2022. At the same time, by showing the publicity posters such as "20 Beauty in Healthy Family Style" and "20 Better of Healthy Family • Excellent Cases" to collect the posters, carry out the theme lectures and other forms, to promote the concept of health knowledge and convey health concepts to the general public. At the live broadcast, citizen representatives took the lead in issuing initiative to families in the city, calling on the general public to take the initiative to learn health knowledge, improve health literacy, strengthen health management, and create healthy families.

Huang Hong, executive deputy minister of the United Front Work Department of the Municipal Party Committee and President of the Municipal Family Planning Association, pointed out that "Family Planning Associations and relevant departments at all levels in the city must consolidate consensus, innovate integration, and continue their advantages. Family cultivates healthy and understandable people, strives to create an active fertility and support environment and new wedding culture, consolidate the cell engineering promoted by the family's health, and makes healthy families the most bright scenery of health Shanghai. "

The China Family Planning Association issues the work information of the family planning association, promoting the family planning policy, spreading health knowledge, serving the family planning masses, promoting family health and development of 25 original content public accounts

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