Colorful summer wonderful "summer" Xinjiang women's federation at all levels to carry out summer children's care service activities Time:2022.08.05 reporter Guan Mengying

How to accompany children to spend a safe and happy holiday? This summer, the women's federation of Xinjiang at all levels focuses on the theme of "Children's Hearts to Growth with the Party with Love with the Party", and cooperates with the 11 departments to carry out summer child care service activities to promote the healthy growth and comprehensive development of young children.

"Pomegranate Seed" Study Summer Camp Inherits the Red Spirit

During this holiday, Ayijiang Yelkan, a student from Balikun Kazakh Autonomous County, Barry Kazakhon Autonomous County. "I learned a lot of historical knowledge in the summer camp and made new friends."

On July 20, the "Love in Xinjiang -Children's Heart to the Party Welcome the Twenty of the Great" hosted by the Women's Federation of the Autonomous Region was successfully ended. During the 5 -day summer camp, 50 children from 9 places (states, cities) in Xinjiang visited the Cocoa Haiki Geological Exhibition Hall and the Patriotic Education Base of the No. 3 Mine Mine. Everyone learns and lives together, learns knowledge in practical activities, and helps each other to help and help blend.

From July 15th to 24th, 84 children from all counties and cities from Bayin Guo Leng Mongolia Autonomous Prefecture participated in the "Love Hometown Pomegranate Flower" children's summer camp event. In 9 days, everyone visited the Malaysia Hongshan Military Expo Park and the Robbus villages. "We want to inherit the" Malaysian Spirit "who are not afraid of suffering or tired." Said the first primary school student of Wei Li County, the first primary school student of Weili County excitedly.

The Aksu Women's Federation organized 60 children and children in batches to carry out the experience activities of "the heart to the party, see history, visit the country, and love the motherland". Picture of Aksu City Women's Federation

Recently, the Aksu Women's Federation has organized 60 children in batches to conduct experience activities of "the heart to the party, see history, visit the country, and love the motherland". "Since 1986, cadres and masses of all ethnic groups in the Aksu region have made every effort to implement the Koko teeth greening project ..." Following the introduction of the interpreter, the children went to the Aksu area museum, the Koco Memorial Museum, and the Qianhe Women's Spirit Aksu Practice Base study. Aksu 2nd Primary School Fourth Grade 5 Student Ai Lidal Aiza Tidi said: "Koko's spirit has benefited me a lot, inspiring us to study hard and build our beautiful hometown."

"Pomegranate Seed" small classroom culture

This summer, women's federations at all levels have actively carried out traditional cultural experience activities through the "six:30 classrooms" and weekend small classroom activities.

At the scene of "Love in Xinjiang Culture Runxin" pomegranate seed class activity at the Xinjiang Children's Development Center, 50 children from various primary and secondary schools from Urumqi experienced the practice courses of Chinese excellent traditional cultural research practice such as calligraphy, classic recitation, and paper -cutting. In the small classroom of paper -cutting, Dai Yan, a teacher of the 68th Middle School in Urumqi, explained while demonstrating. After 30 minutes, a lifelike lotus was born in the children's hands. "Paper -cutting is easy to learn. We teach children to cut a small animal and a small flower, which can inspire children's love for the excellent traditional culture of Chinese." Dai Yan said.

The Women's Federation of Yingli Town, Shaoya County launched the "recitation of red classic and the country with the country with me" parent -child recitation competition. 17 families from the whole town closely follow the theme of "love the party and the country and love home". The love of the party and the motherland. Everyone said that participating in parent -child recitation activities not only deepened parent -child feelings, but also further inspired everyone's patriotic enthusiasm. Parent, Guguli Aihei, said: "Today's activity makes me realize the importance of cultivating children's reading habits, and also recognize the significance of the parenting of parents to the growth of children."

The "Pomegranate Flower" preaching group accompanies children to spend the summer vacation safely

Drowning, car accidents, deceived ... Children's summer safety has become the focus of attention for many people. The Public Security Department of Sanping Road Street Women's Federation of Plearfang District, Caramay, organized more than 100 primary and secondary school students in the jurisdiction to carry out safety publicity and education activities to allow children to spend a safe and happy summer summer.

The Hami Women's Federation organized the "Pomegranate Flower" Shengsheng lecture team and the family education lecture team, and walked into the Shannan Development Zone of Yiona County and the construction road community of Liyuan Street to carry out the "protective operation" preaching education activities, education and guiding parents to raise the awareness of the rule of law. Help children enhance their awareness of self -protection.

Kashgar City and Shache County Women's Federation will jointly carry out the "Ling Action" and family education preaching activities to help parents establish the correct family education concept, master the scientific family education methods, and create a healthy and harmonious family environment for children. Barchi County Youyi Road Community Women's Federation organized a child and children in the area under the jurisdiction of the area.

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