How to bring a baby in accordance with the law?Hunan women's federations at all levels help you focus on you!"Sanwei Liang Fang" is so delicious ...

Author:Hunan girl Time:2022.08.04

Today Women's News/Fengwang reporter Ouyang Ting Correspondent Fu Ruifang

"We are also the first parents. Although we know that family education is important, sometimes I do n’t know where to make it. After listening to this lesson, I have a new understanding of how to educate my children!" Recently, in Zhangjiajie A parent said with emotion in the "first classroom" public welfare tour activity carried out by the city's Yongding Street Office.

Family is the root of human growth, and family education is the foundation of all education. On January 1, 2022, the "Family Education Promotion Law of the People's Republic of China" (hereinafter referred to as the "Family Education Promotion Law") was officially implemented. Parents must bear the responsibility.

In order to promote the popularization of the law of the "Family Education Promotion Law" and the "Regulations on the Promotion of Family Education in Hunan Province", the Hunan Women's Federation closely follows the theme, keeps close to the times, close to the masses, and starts the "Sanwei Good Recipe", launching the province's women's federation at all levels in the province Carry out various activities such as Pushing Public Propaganda, Family Education Excellent Course, and Propaganda and Display of Good Family Tutoring Family Style. A total of tens of thousands of activities were held to benefit more than 2.2 million families.

Let's take a look at how the women's federations at all levels in the province make the "Family Education Promotion Law" and "Hunan Provincial Family Education Promotion Regulations" go deep into the masses?

The Provincial Women's Federation invites the deputies of the Provincial People's Congress and the Standing Committee of the Provincial People's Congress, the Employment Committee of the Provincial People's Congress, and the departments of the Provincial Government Office, and other departments to go deep into the community research and promote the implementation of the "one law, one regulations"


"Fawei" fancy propaganda

Send family education "legal gift package"

From May 9th to May 15th, 2022 is the first family education publicity week in the country. In early May, the National Women's Federation and the Ministry of Education jointly issued a notice requesting that during the propaganda week, the theme of "sending the Fa into Wanjiajia Education and the Growth" was required to carry out extensive family education propaganda and theme practice activities for the majority of families.

After the news was sent, the Hunan Provincial Women's Federation immediately responded. The party secretary and chairman of the Provincial Women's Federation and the chairman Huang Fang forwarded the "National Women's Federation General Office and the General Office of the Ministry of Education to carry out the first family education propaganda week in the country. The "Notice of the Activity" requires localities to organize publicity and education activities.

The Ministry of Women's Federation of the Provincial Women's Federation took the lead in responding, and the head of the Ministry of the Ministry took the lead in entering the State Administration of Taxation's Hunan Provincial Taxation Bureau, Hunan Volkswagen Institute and other agencies and universities to carry out special preaching activities.

Under the demonstration of the Ministry of Women's Federation, the women's federations at all levels have carried out the "five -entry" activities such as the "one law and one regulations" to enter the agency, the campus, the community, the rural areas, and the family. Essence Among them, the Women's Federation of Xiangtan City carefully produced the law -popular courseware, and the Organization Department of the Municipal Party Committee carried out the "Sending the Law into the Ten Thousands of the Family, the Growth of the Tutoring and the Growth" of the Municipal Party Committee. 70 townships and 952 administrative villages (communities) have been fully covered in urban and rural areas.

Huang Lanxiang, Minister of the Provincial Women's Federation, entered the university campus to preach, demonstrating the "Five Entry" activities of the "Family Education Promotion Law"

In addition to conventional preaching activities, the women's federations at all levels also use mainstream media such as "newspaper, network, end, micro, and screen" to open a special column of the Family Education Propaganda Week, focusing on the theme of universal law activities, and guide parents to bring their baby in accordance with the law. Scientific advice.

The Provincial Women's Federation made full use of the "Xiangmei" new media matrix and the Hunan Provincial Online Parent School to carry out the "one law, one regulations" law publicity. The Chenzhou Women's Federation has released the video of the "Family Education Promotion Law" through the media platforms such as Luzhou, Luzhou News Broadcasting, and Chenzhou Women's Sounds. Zhuzhou Municipal Women's Federation not only launched the special edition of the Family Education Propaganda Week in Zhuzhou Daily, but also launched the first family education program with Zhuzhou Traffic Broadcasting to open a parent service hotline to answer questions for parents one -on -one questions. Women's federations at all levels of Huaihua City have launched the "Family Education Promotion Law" "Family Education Promotion Law" activities through WeChat public accounts and WeChat work groups. "Legal gift package". At the same time as promoting, in order to improve the enthusiasm of the parents' enthusiasm for learning the "Promotion of Family Education", the women's federations at all levels have frequently made wonderful tricks to attract more parents and guardians to participate.

The Provincial Women's Federation actively mobilizes the province's parents and other guardians to participate in the special answering questions of the "Family Education Promotion Law" of the "Family Education Promotion Law". The "Family Education Promotion Law" has a prize. This activity attracted 453,000 parents to participate in the competition. Among them, 31,000 parents scored full points.

The Family Education Guidance Service Center of the Women's Federation of the Women's Federation in Hengyang City has established a WeChat group of family education guidance services. While preaching the "Family Education Promotion Law" daily, it also carried out knowledge to answer and select active learning awards.


"New Taste" home school society

Help children grow up together

In order to enable family education and propaganda activities, the form of innovative publicity activities of the Provincial Women's Federation is invited to invite representatives of the Provincial People's Congress and the Provincial People's Congress Standing Committee of the Provincial Government, the Provincial Education Department, the Provincial Civil Affairs Department, the Provincial Human Resources and Social Affairs Department and other departments Relevant responsible comrades, in -depth on -site research on the community's field of family education, handling the suggestions of the Provincial People's Congress on the spot, innovating and promoting the promotion and implementation of the "One Law, One Regulations", and effectiveness. The women's federations at all levels innovate and carry out wonderful practical activities, attracting the participation of the majority of families, and promoting the healthy growth and comprehensive development of children. The Women's Federation of Changsha City has organized a series of activities such as the Parent -Child Fun Games of "Happy Family, Happy Family Day" parent -child fun sports meeting, red movie dubbing collection activities, family education scenarios, "flying meteor" popular science theme activities, etc. For children, children "Five Education Empowerment".

The Provincial Women's Federation also joined the Yiyang Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and the Organization Department of the Municipal Party Committee to organize the launching ceremony of the Hunan Province's "Inheritance Red Gene to promote the cleanliness of the clean home style" family to help the integrity. Representative. At the same time, the province has continued to advance nearly 6,000 parent -child reading activities with the theme of "Parent -child Mu Shu Xiang Gexiang Revival". Among them, the "Children's Sales Fire" Biography of the Party's Sales Fire "Biography -Parent -Child Reading Reading Activities" jointly sponsored by the Hunan Women's and Children's Activity Center, today's Women's News/Fengwang, Hunan Children's Publishing House, nearly 160,000 people Watch. In order to guide the majority of children and children to feel the party, listen to the party, and follow the party, the Women's Federation of Hengyang City organized a series of parent -child reading and practical activities such as listening to the story of the family style, making pictures of picture books, and visiting the farming and cultural museums, which also achieved good results.

In order to allow family education to keep pace with the times, the Provincial Women's Federation invited relevant experts and scholars and family education workers to produce and select high -quality courses and promoted it in the province. More than 3,000 family education courses were carried out to enter the 10,000 family activities.

The Zhangjiajie Women's Federation, the Municipal Education Bureau, and the Municipal Intermediate People's Court jointly organized the selection of the "First Classroom" public welfare tourist lecturer of the family education. Family education "first classroom" public welfare tour. The Yiyang Women's Federation continued to carry out the family education public welfare lecturers' competition activities, and released the new course on the Internet "Parenting Classroom" and pushed it to the grid group of 5925 communities (villages) in the city. The Marriage Registration Office of the Women's Federation of Shimen County and the County Civil Affairs Bureau jointly carried out the pre -marital family education activities of "sending the law into marriage, guarding the happy family", and registering the newcomers who are registered for marriage to promote marriage and family laws and regulations, and send family education for newlyweds. Essence

Shimen County Women's Federation and the County Civil Affairs Bureau Marriage Registration Office jointly carried out "sending the law into marriage, guarding a happy family" pre -marital family education activity

Under the linkage of women's federations and other departments at all levels, a series of activities with various forms and rich contents are carried out with family education promotion activities, allowing family education to deeply root the hearts of people.


"Earth smell" passed thousands of households

Online and offline "First Class"

How to make the promotion of the "Family Education Promotion Law" and "Hunan Province Family Education Promotion Regulations" can be extended to the grassroots level? The Provincial Women's Federation launched the "soil methods" such as the municipal, county, county, townships, and townships and streets. Establish a "Xiangmei" law consultation point to vigorously publicize the "one law, one regulations" and family education knowledge. The Women's Federation of the Shaoyang City responded to the call of the Provincial Women's Federation, mobilizing the enthusiasm of the Executive Committee of the three -level women's federation of the county, township, and village, and sent preaching activities to various villages with the "earth method" and entering millions of households. The Women's Federation of Lintong County, Changde City, also made full use of rural market rushing nodes to carry out "Xiangmei" rushing activities in 11 townships (streets) in 11 townships (streets) in the county. Fresh stories can infect people's hearts. To this end, women's federations at all levels actively excavate the touching stories of five good families in Hunan Province and the most beautiful family, carry out typical family deeds propaganda and family education public welfare tours, and use people around them to talk about things around and education around them. People around. The Provincial Women's Federation opened the "Most Beautiful Family" column in "Today's Women's Daily" and reported typical deeds in depth. Yueyang Women's Federation uses newspapers, television stations, radio and other media platforms to promote outstanding family deeds through special topics, columns, videos, etc. Hengyang City Women's Federation has launched a series of domestic style of family style in the mainstream media such as Hengyang Daily and Hengyang, such as Hengyang, and other mainstream media.

While telling the story of the family tutoring family style, the Provincial Women's Federation actively uses the role of the most beautiful families, the Executive Committee of the Women's Federation, and the Volunteers of the Women's Federation at all levels, and launch them to carry out the "sharp sword to protect the bud" to protect the healthy growth of girls. The Jianghua Yao Autonomous County of Yongzhou City launched the "escort growth" children's anti -sexual assault concentrated preaching activities in 2022. On the two days of May 17th to 18th, 110 girls' anti -sexual assault lectures were concentrated. The Changsha Women's Federation launched a small thing for family education in the "Lighting Heart Lantern"; the Shaoyang Women's Federation opened the hotline of the "Family Education Publicity Week" hotline consulting cloud service in 2022; , Answer to parents' doubts; Hengyang Women's Federation implements the left -behind children's care project of "Yue Dynamic Growth · Flying the Wind", "Love Radio Young Goose" disassembly of the minor assistance project, and for left -behind children, children, and missed the case involved in the case. Provide care services; Women's Federation of Xiangxi Autonomous Prefecture launching various social organizations to go deep into schools, carry out lectures and psychological counseling of family education public welfare lectures, and relieve psychological pressure on students who are facing college entrance examinations and high school entrance examinations, and have been well received by parents.

Today's Women's Daily "August 4, 2022 Report 04

First instance 丨 Yiren

Second Trial 丨 Wu Duan

Third Trial 丨 Ouyang Lingxi

- END -

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