Ambassador to Niger meets the Minister of Education Nada

Author:Direct Africa Time:2022.07.18

On July 15th, Ambassador Jiang Zhen, the Ambassador to Niger, met with Nadu, the Minister of Education of Nicomo, and the two sides mainly exchanged opinions on the cooperation between Sino -Nini relations and education fields.

Ambassador Jiang Yan said that the traditional friendship between China and Indian is profound. In recent years, under the common concern and guidance of the leaders of the two countries, the political mutual trust between the two sides has continued to consolidate.Education is an important part of the cooperation between the two countries. China is willing to strengthen cooperation in the field of education with the Nigerian side, especially actively promoting in Chinese teaching.

Minister Nadu said that for a long time, China has been strongly supporting Niger's socio -economic development, especially helping Ni to establish the oil industry and the oil industry.Nigeria attaches great importance to and is willing to strengthen cooperation with China in the field of education, and is willing to actively promote the teaching of Nigeria and continuously enrich the connotation of friendly cooperation between the two countries.(Source: Embassy in Niger)

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