The Prime Minister of Sri Lanka announced the campaign to be president and protest again on the street

Author:Pole news Time:2022.07.18

Jimu News reporter Zhang Yang

On July 16, local time, the Sri Lanka ruling party decided to nominate Prime Minister Renier Wicker Masinger as the next presidential candidate, but this caused the protesters to dissatisfy and oppose it. It will continue.

According to the Guardian, Sri Lanka faced the worst economic and political turbulence since independence. After the "dramatic" fell in the "dramatic" of former President Gotapa Rajapaksa, who will take over the election activity.

Protesters in Sri Lanka

Although the protesters clearly stated that Victormassinha was not the leader they expected, he still announced on Friday that he would participate in the election of the president.

Now the ruling party's Sri Lanka People's Party (SLPP) nominated Victormaxinha as a presidential candidate. The party still has the most seats in parliament. Parliament will be held next Tuesday or Wednesday, and he is likely to be elected as the president.

But this decision caused anger and frustration of the protesters on the streets of Colombo.

It is reported that Victor Marinha has now served as the Prime Minister of the country six times. The protesters have accused him of protecting and supporting the rule of the former President Rajapaksa for many years to protect them from rot.

The protesters have been expressed many times to the dissatisfaction of Vikra Masinger. They burned their private houses and impacted and occupied the Prime Minister's palace on Wednesday.

Jievita Peris, one of the leaders of protests, said: "Victor Masinger should step down, he has been the prime minister many times before, but he is a defender of this corruption system. As a citizen. We don't accept him, we don't need another corrupt leader. What we want to change is the entire system and system. "

Protector of the Prime Minister's Palace and take pictures

The 21 -year -old protesters Misandy Saulvitt said: "The replacement of Gota Baya with Victor Minda is not a change that we have always asked, and we are worried that his suppression of this movement may even be better than that Gotapa is much worse. "

The 25 -year -old Manes said: "The young people came out and drove Gotapa to step down -at first everyone thought it was an impossible task. But we did not give up, and we insisted on fighting for a few months. . But Victor Masinger is not a change we want to see -from our or children, he is either a prime minister or a opposition leader, so we have no confidence in Victormaxinha. "

The nomination for Vichel Minda seemed to cause differences within the Sri Lanka People's Party. The party's chairman GL PEIRIS believed in the party's general secretary and stated that he was "surprised and unbelievable to support Victor Marrinsinha as his presidential candidate.

It is reported that in the presidential non -name vote held next week, Victorma Sinda will match several candidates. These include the opposition leader Sagite Preda Madasa, who vowed to ensure that "elections will not produce new dictators" and hunt up those who have "plundered this country". The Sri Lanka People's Party also has another candidate -Duras Alaha Pruma. Some analysts have said that this may make the ruling party dispersed, and the former chief of staff of the Army Salat Fengseka also expressed intentional intentions Estimation.

(Picture from the Guardian)

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