Sri Lanka's temporary president took office

Author:Chang'an Street Knowledge Time:2022.07.15

According to the Associated Press reported on the 15th, Sri Lanka Prime Minister Vikramaxa officially sworn in the interim president until the Parliament chose a new president.

Report screenshot

According to reports, Abervadner, the Speaker of the Sri Lanka Parliament, announced at a press conference on the 15th that Sri Lanka President Rajapaksa has arrived in Singapore on the 14th.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Singapore has confirmed that Lajapaksa has been allowed to enter the country for "private access" and added: "Lajapaksa has no demand for shelter and has not obtained any shelter."

Abervadner said that Rajapaksa officially announced his resignation by email after arriving in Singapore. He has received a letter of resignation from the president, and his resignation has taken effect from the 14th.

According to the Sri Lanka Constitution, after the presidential resignation, the Prime Minister Vikra Marinha will become an extraordinary president until the parliament is selected.

The Associated Press said that as of the 19th, the Presidential Candidate nomination will be held on the 20th, and the presidential election vote will be held on the 20th. Speaker Sri Lanka hopes to select new leaders within a week.

Vikramaxinha data chart. Picture source: Reuters

Vikra Masinha was born in 1949 and has been the leader of the Sri Lanka National Reunification Party (UNP) since 1994. In May 2022, Vikra Marinha was appointed Prime Minister by President Rajapaka and served as the Minister of Finance. This was his fourth time as the Prime Minister.

On July 9, the Mansion's mansion of Vikra Marinha was burned in large -scale anti -government protests. He announced his willingness to resign after the establishment of the new government.

On the 13th, after the leaves of President Rajapaksa, Reuters quoted Sri Lanka Speaker's Office that Rajapaksa had notified the Speaker, and Prime Minister Vikra Marinha had been appointed as a temporary president.

Reuters said that the core members of the Sri Lanka ruling party supported the nomination of Vikramaxinha as the presidential candidate with the "overwhelming majority", while the protesters had any objections to him as a temporary president, and believed that he would also be responsible for the economic crisis responsible for the economic crisis. Essence

India ’s Asian International News Agency (IANS) previously reported that as of now, the two determined presidential candidates were Vikra Marinha and the opposition leader Sagite Predesa.

Preda Madasa lost in the presidential election in 2019. He said on the 11th that he was expected to be nominated for president and had prepared to return to China to form a new government to revive the country's economy. The unified national forces he led are one of the main opposition parties of the Sri Lanka. In the August 2020 parliamentary election, the unified national forces won 54 of the 225 seats.

Preda Madasa Data Map. Picture source: Sri Lanka Daily News

Regarding the candidate of the Prime Minister, the media team of Vikra Marinha has issued a statement on the 13th, "The Prime Minister and Interim President Vicramaxa have notified the Speaker Abvadner, nominated for a government and the opposition party that the prime minister acceptable to both the prime minister that can be accepted by the opposition party Education. "

The Associated Press said that after Rajapaksa officially announced his resignation on the 14th, the protesters who occupied the government building also retreated on the same day. The gunpowder bucket.

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