Shenzhen issued an international professional qualification recognition catalog to establish a green channel for international professionals to establish professional titles

Author:Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Time:2022.07.15

Recently, the Shenzhen Municipal Bureau of Human Resources and Social Security issued the "Shenzhen International Vocational Qualification Catalog (2022)" (hereinafter referred to as the "Catalog"). There are professional talents (unlimited nationality and household registration) in the "Seeing the Catalog", which is deemed to have obtained the corresponding job title, and can declare the first -level professional title review in accordance with relevant regulations.

The reporter was informed that the "Catalog" includes 25 international professional qualifications, which are mainly concentrated in the field of engineering technology, involving green buildings, artificial intelligence, survey and design and other majors, covering the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia, Hong Kong, Macau and other countries and regions in China. This moves the first step of the city's international vocational qualifications with the domestic professional titles system, which helps further release the system dividends to attract international talents.

As one of the first batch of authorized matters in the pilot reform, Shenzhen has made significant progress in implementing a highly convenient overseas professional talent system in the past two years. At the beginning of 2022, the "Shenzhen Overseas Overseas Vocational Qualification Convenience Practicing List" was released, allowing professionals who held overseas professional qualifications within the list to follow the relevant implementation measures to practice after registration and registration in Shenzhen to provide professional services. As of now, more than 400 overseas professionals have been practicing deeply.

According to the person in charge of the Professional and Technical Personnel Management Office of the Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, the list of practicing recognition issued in the early stage focuses on breaking the barrier of practice, in order to directly exempt the testing, use the test, and professional subjects. The release of the "Catalog" is the "green channel" directly to establish professional title review for international professionals. For example, international talents who have been awarded the Hong Kong registered professional surveyor (industrial surveying group) meet the requirements of a certain degree of education. It can be regarded as an engineer and directly declared the deputy senior engineer's professional title review. It does not need to start leveling from the titles of assistant engineers. The appraisal review will be more unblocked in the development path of international talents.

(Author: Shenzhen Special Economic Zone reporter Zhuang Ruiyu Correspondent Mei Lichen)

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