The irresponsible United States pit the world and hurts themselves

Author:Xinhuanet Time:2022.06.14

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, June 14th.

Xinhua News Agency reporter Qiao Jihong Xie Binbin

U.S. Secretary of State Brosky recently delivered a speech on China, rendering the "Chinese threat" again, emphasizing "strategic competition" in China. Judging from this speech full of lies, prejudice and cold war thinking, this year's US government has not only corrected the wrong practices of destroying Sino -US relations in the past, but has gone further and further on the road of promoting deterioration of relations with China. As the world's first and second -largest economies in the United States and China, bilateral relations are pivotal to the world. In order to safeguard the interests of hegemonic rights, constantly blocking China and suppressing China, staining China to incite confrontation is irresponsibility to the world, and it is also irresponsible to the people of the United States.

Since the stage of the Bayeng government, it has positioned China as a "strategic competitor" based on the so -called "competition, cooperation, and confrontation". The United States' speech on China ’s policies will summarize China’ s strategy as a three -point theory of “investment, alliances, and competition”. That is, "investing" itself, "keeping the supply chain in the United States" and "retaining the innovative advantages of the United States"; the so -called "like -minded" allies who "alliances" form all kinds of "small circles" against China; "compete". From the three -point method to three points, the soup does not change the medicine. In essence, the entire resources of the United States and domestic and foreign countries have comprehensive enclosure and bottomless lines to curb and suppress China.

The United States regards China as a "imaginary enemy" and insists on provoking camp confrontation. It will only poison international relations and seriously threaten the world's peace and stability. Over the years, the United States has been the "chaotic source" of the world, which has brought deep suffering to people in many countries. Recently, in order to suppress China to repeatedly make waves, from the convening of the "Quartet Mechanism" summit to build a closed -end "small circle", to the "Indo -Pacific Economic Framework" big coercion diplomacy, and then Tibetan and other issues are constantly creating incidents, and repeatedly "play fire". According to the American "Foreign Affairs" magazine, the United States curbing China will divide its relationship with allies and partners and make the international order more chaotic.

The United States spares no effort to block China and promote the "decoustal" and "broken chain", which will only seriously affect the global economic recovery. The development of the world today has a lot of development challenges. The new crown epidemic is still spreading, the global economic recovery has faltering, and the problems of inadequate and unbalanced development around the world are still prominent. For the world, unity and cooperation, mutual benefit and win -win are the only correct choices at the moment. As the two largest economies in the world, China and the United States account for more than 40%of the world's total economy. The economic and trade connections between the two countries have already been deeply blended. For the private interest in the United States, the artificial barriers to "build a wall" will inevitably seriously impact the Sino -US economy. It will also run counter to the trend of economic globalization with an excessive and complementary advantage. It may hurt the world economy "bones and bones." Craig Allen, president of the National Committee of the US -China Trade National Committee, said that the US government wants to completely remove China from many supply chains, but not only cannot solve the problem, but also causes more problems. The British "Financial Times" said that the U.S. government wants a world of globalization, "that will be a darker and relatively poorer world."

The vicious competition in the United States to lose me, while harming the world, it will be seriously injured. Due to ignoring the basic laws of economic, trying to political affairs, weapons, and ideology, insisting on "decoupling" and "disconnecting chains" in China, the United States has lost hundreds of thousands of employment positions, facing severe inflation pressure, corporate operating risks are constantly continuously Ascending, the talents of scientific and technological innovation accelerated. The "Financial Times" article a few days ago said that the trade war on China launched by the United States has led to increased tariffs on thousands of products in international trade, affecting 3.6%of the GDP in the United States. The American Chamber of Commerce in China released the 2022 "American Enterprise in China", which expressed its resolute opposition to the entire "decoupling" of the United States and China to support the expansion of tariffs on China. Bradford Deland, a professor of economics at the University of California, Berkeley, believes that curbing China will "cause greater harm" to the United States itself, thereby accelerating the decline of the United States. Singapore scholar Ma Kaishuo and others recently proposed that other countries in the world will ask that if they have succeeded in economic development, will the next goal of the United States be them?

The US policy issued by the United States this time reflects the current Washington surge of dangerous reverse flows. In this countercurrent, maintaining a sober, rational, and objective proposition in China is abandoned, and it is "political correctness" to advocate curbing to suppress China. This so -called "political correctness" reflects the private interest in US hegemony, and only a minority interest group in the United States. For the world and the American people, it is the biggest irresponsibility, a complete abandonment of the responsibility of the great powers, and has no responsibility and long -term vision. It will only increase the risk of having the future fate of human beings.

Fifty years ago, the "one week of changing the world" laid the cornerstone for the exchanges and cooperation between China and the United States. An important revelation is to grasp Sino -US relations and share the responsibility of the great power in the historical trend. 50 years have passed, and the theme of peace and development has not changed. How to promote the healthy interaction between China and the United States, how to take the responsibility of major powers, and play a role in playing the cause of peace and development of human beings. It is necessary for the United States to make correct choices.

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