The flood that encountered in 500 years, attacked Huangshi National Park

Author:WELENS Time:2022.07.01


On June 13th, a flood that encountered once in 500 years attacked the oldest national park in the United States -Huangshi National Park.

According to the Associated Press, the unprecedented rainfall and rapid snow melting caused a terrible flood in early June, which led to the rivers in Montana, Wyoming and Edaho. The trees were rooted and washed away, the river rushed across the river bank, tearing the large road, the bridge was destroyed, and the house was rushed to the downstream of the river.

The Yellowstone National Park, which is located at the junction of Sanzhou, is the most affected area. Relevant experts from the US Geological Survey said that Huangshi National Park encountered a typical rainfall of the entire June of about two to three times, and its terrain and human footprints in its surrounding communities may be permanently changed.

The birth of the first national park

On March 1, 1872, U.S. President Yurisus Grant signed the "Yellowstone Park Law", announcing that the United States is also the birth of the world's first national park -the birth of Huangshi National Park. In the next hundred years, the concept of national parks has gradually become popular all over the world, and countries have opened their own national parks.

The area where Huangshi Park is located is located in the main tributary of the Missouri River, the source area of ​​the Huangshi River. Archaeological studies have found that 10,000 years or even earlier AD, there are traces of human activities in the Huangshi area, which is a place where the Indian tribes live for thousands of years.

NPS/Jey Fleming, who swims in shallow water

At the end of the 18th century, French skin cargo merchants and hunters recently discovered Huangshi River. Beginning in the early 19th century, the US federal government and the public conducted more than half a century of adventure and inspection activities, which gradually made the strange landscape of the Huangshi region understand the American society and was eventually promoted to become a national park.

In 1803, the United States completed the purchase of Louisiana. In order to survey the basic situation of the land, Jefferson, then US President, sent an expedition to investigate. A member named John Colter reached the source of the Huangshi River in the winter of 1807-1808 and found it. Today, the geothermal area near Tower Fall has become the first white man to discover the geothermal landscape of the Huangshi area.

Winter Yellowstone Park

After the civil war, under the stimulus of the federal government's public land policy, the United States set off a wave of development in the west, and the adventure and inspection activities in the Huangshi area became more frequent.

In 1869, Charles Cook, David Formon, and William Peter Sen, from Montana, for the first time, inspected the source of the Huangshi River for the first time. During the inspection, they described the strange landscape of the Yellowston area with a diary. However, because the landscape they described was too much beyond people's imagination, and magazines such as the New York Reporter refused to publish these diaries, the reason was "unwilling to openly publish those content that is not worthwhile."

It was not until 1870 that they changed the inspection diary that they were published in Chicago's "Western Monthly Magazine" and proposed for the first time that they should protect the landscape of the Huangshi area in the form of a government protected area. The publication of the diary directly promoted Henry D. Washburn, then the general test of the Montana Land Bureau of the Montana Land Bureau, exploration of the Huangshi area.

This 19 -person inspection team rushed to the upper reaches of the Huangshi River, not only found new landscapes, but also proposed the idea of ​​creating national parks on the way to the inspection, and published related articles in the later period to promote Congress legislation. Tour of Huangshi National Park ".

Eruption intermittent spring

One of the team members, Gudtavus C. Doane, once wrote in his inspection report: "If it is a place of sightseeing, it is unparalleled; if it is a place for scientific research, major discovery will inevitably obtain major discovery ; If you want to study geological, mineral, botanical, zoology, birdology, it may be the greatest laboratory set on the earth surface of nature. "

Mulo, also known as the black -tailed deer NPS / Neil Herbert

Since then, the inspection teams have begun to promote the idea of ​​setting up the Huangshi area into a park.


On December 18, 1871, the two exactly the same Yellowstone Park proposal were submitted to the ginseng and the two houses, respectively, and were passed by almost before they encountered resistance. In the discussion of Congress, in addition to explaining the landscape value A, which has been retained as the place where the park has been retained, it also strongly emphasizes the "uselessness" of these places, that is, the interest groups such as agriculture, mining, logging, grazing, settlement and other interest groups There is no use value. National Park

The birth of Huangshi National Park has promoted the concept of "National Park".

Unlike the general parks that provide entertainment and rest, national parks need to meet large areas, cover ecological processes, and provide a variety of functions, such as the spirit, scientific, educational, leisure and recreation of the spirit of the environment and culture. According to the standards identified by the International Natural Resources Protection Alliance (IUCN) in 1974, national parks need, and the area of ​​not less than 1,000 hectare , Residential or development areas.

The "National Park Business License Operation Rolling Resolution Act" issued by the United States in 1970 stipulates that "the national park system is now or future, and the Minister of the Interior is managed by the Minister of the Interior to build parks, cultural relics, historical land, and tourism avenue by the National Park Administration. All land and waters for the purpose of recreation areas. "

Since the establishment of Huangshi National Park, more than 100 countries in the world have set up as many as 1200 national parks with different styles and different scale.

Caren Gaiti National Park

In addition to Yellowstone, the world's famous national parks include the Carenaitti National Park in Tanzania, the Chipwon National Park in Nepal, and the Igua Su -National Park across Argentina and Brazil. In Higuasu National Park, in addition to walking through the tropical rain forest, you can also see the representative crickets, big otters, ant animals, roar, American tigers and crocodiles in South America. In 1885, the first national park in Canada, Banff National Park, has thousands of glaciers and blue -green light.

Banff National Park

Looking at the various types and scale in the world in the world, there are generally two obvious characteristics: First, the natural and primitive nature of the natural conditions of the national park, that is, national parks are usually based on naturally formed environments. With natural landscape as the main content, artificial buildings and facilities are only necessary assistance to the convenience. Second, the rarity and uniqueness of the national park landscape resources, that is, the natural or primitive landscape resources of the national park are often rare in one country, and have irreplaceable and special effects in domestic and even the world.

Wuyu Village National Park is characterized by five colorful small fishing villages spread on the Mediterranean coastline

After more than 100 years of research and development, the "National Park" has become a natural cultural protection campaign with global and all humanity, and has formed a series of gradually promoting protection ideas and protection models.

Protective objects from visual landscape protection to biological diversity protection;

The protection method is moving from negative protection to active protection;

The protection force from one party to multiple parties;

Protective space from point protection to system protection.

Special Yellowstone Park

As a area with unique geological landscapes, Huangshi National Park has unique geothermal, geological and canyon terrain, which makes people call it "a place for hell boiling."

According to the characteristics of natural landscape distribution, the park divides five management areas. Among them, the mammothing elephant hot spring area in the northwest is mainly limestone steps, so it is also called the hot step area; Roosevelt is located in the northeast and still retains the landscape of the old western part. The Huangshi Lake District is mainly the lake and mountains; the intermittent fountains in the west and southwest are full of intermittent springs, hot springs, steam ponds, hot water ponds, mud and jet holes.

Scenic area tour map

Each scenic area has its own characteristics. Water bodies such as Huangshi Lake, Shawani Lake, Snape and Huangshi River are distributed, and they have become the link between them. Surrounded by Castle, Teton, Tay, Berham, and Galatine, are the source of green and vibrant green vitality in the park.

Huangshi National Park retains the most extraordinary hot springs, intermittent springs, quagmires and jet holes in the earth. There are more than 10,000 geothermal spots, of which about half of the active intermittent springs in the world are here, covering an area of ​​28,000 square miles.

The microorganisms known as the thermal or loveders settle in the geothermal spots of Yellowstone Park. Although they are too small and cannot be seen with the naked eye, many of the geothermal spots in the park are combined to reach trillions. These microorganisms are also known as extreme microorganisms because they inhabits an environment that is extreme to human life.

The Indians were very afraid of these fountains and called it "violent elf". Each spring has a very vivid name, such as "Mengwa Hot Spring", "Thunder Fountain", "Female Giant Fountain", etc. These fountains can often spray hundreds of feet heights, in their nearby heights, in their approach, they are close to them. You can fully feel the stormy sound. Bleak


Among them, Old FaithFul, which is named, is as famous as its name. It is always erupted at a frequency of 90 minutes to prevent each visitor from disappointing. Grand Prismatic Spring is also the same as its name. The creators of these colors are thermacular bacteria that can survive in various high temperatures, and each color comes from different flora. Prism Tibi @kalyan v. Srinivas

In addition, Huangshi National Park also has abundant animal and plant species resources.

There are nearly 300 kinds of birds, 16 fish, five amphibious animals, six types of reptiles and 67 kinds of mammals, including seven local hoof animals and two bears. Because it is a forbidden hunting area, animals such as camel, cattle and antelopes can walk freely.

Elk is the most abundant large mammal in Yellowstone Park and an important species in the rhubarb ecosystem. In summer, Huangshi Park lives about 10,000-200,000 elk, with six to seven groups, most of which will spend winter in low altitude areas outside the park.

There are many vegetation communities in Yellowstone Park, high -altitude and low altitude forests, as well as related forest vegetation, sage grassland and water -heat plant communities. Among them, 80%of the areas in the park are covered with forests. The main tree species are twisted leaf pine, dragon bilts, American spruce, and Asuka Yin Shan. There are more than 1,160 native plant classification groups, with hundreds of wild flowers, trees, shrubs, and three kinds of unique species discovered in Yellowstone Park: Rose Bending grass, yellow -stones and whip, and yellowish sulfur wild buckwheat.

In order to record the existence of plants in the park over time and the history of plants in the park, Huangshi National Park has built the plant specimen hall at the Caldona Heritage and Research Center in Montana, and has currently included more than 17,000 specimens.

The original landscape of Yellowstone Earth, which is made from water and fire, is called "the last Eden Garden of Human" because of being too exciting and spectacular.

The main body of the landscape of Huangshi National Park is Huangshi Grand Canyon and Huangshi Lake District. They are connected by the Huangshi River to form an organic whole. The Huangshi River in the canyon is "the only river in the United States without a dam in the United States". For thousands of years, the endless river water has continuously eroded the rock wall of the canyon.

It is this great "natural sculptor", which has created a Grand Canyon about 32 kilometers long and about 60 meters deep, and a huge gap and terrain ups and downs, forming a series of waterfalls in the canyon. The two sides of the canyon are volcanic rocks, water vapor and sunlight make them exuding eye -catching colors.

Yellowstone Grand Canyon

What did you get from climate change incident

This planet's powerful natural forces have shaped the yellow stone and gave it a magnificent scenery. But naturally remind us that humans are just a small part of this ecosystem. For example, in 1988, one -third of the park fire was burned; for example, the non -local lake catfish that destroyed the local population of Huangshi Lake catfish; for example, the 500 -year flood in June this year.

"Our apartment was first washed away," said Ramon and Nicole Perez. Her home was washed away by the flood, and her daughter's photos and toys were floating on the water.

Schalene Darr, who lived downstream, saw his own houses drifting in the flood, eventually hit a bridge, and the roof was opened.

At 7 pm on June 13, the river bank under about half of the buildings was completely eroded, and Katie's home was crumbling on the banks of the river. After swaying for a while, the building finally fell into the water.

On the afternoon of the 13th, the water level measurement of the Huangshi River reached 4.23 meters, and the highest peak in history since 1918 was unexpected by everyone, because the small town of Gardiner, where they lived Area. This town with more than 900 people is located in the northern entrance of Huangshi National Park. Before this flood, it was the gate of the park. Every summer, it will receive more than 4 million tourists from all over the world. It is the perfect paradise for tired tourists.

Due to severe damage, the reconstruction of Huangshi Park may take several years, and it may spend up to $ 1 billion.

Taking the State Park of Jesseli, California as an example, the park had a flood 25 years ago. At that time, it was estimated that the reconstruction work took 4 to 5 years, and it took 15 years later.

The garden manager Kam Shawli said that the reconstruction of Huangshi Park is "not easy." He was also worried that even if he raised a huge funding to build roads, he might still encounter floods frequently in the future.

The road is closed

According to the latest news, after half a month of repair. At present, tourists can enter the South Ring Road of Huangshi Park through alternate license plate systems. The North Ring Road of the park will be reopened on July 2, and the alternating license plate system will be suspended at that time.

The tragedy of Huangshi Park indicates the extreme weather brought by climate change, and has not let go of this nature of nature. The continuous rise in temperature has accelerated the melting of the mountain glaciers, leading to a decrease in snow, the time, temperature and quantity of the stream. In addition, the loss of local species, changes in vegetation mode, and the expansion of wildfire seasons have brought more serious fires with higher frequency and larger scale.

Some studies have shown that destroying extreme weather incidents of park infrastructure and habitats, such as thunderstorms, hurricanes and storms, increasing frequency and intensity. Perhaps climate change will fundamentally change the ecosystem of Huangshi National Park.

In the past few days, the heat wave invaded the Midwest and the East Coast of the United States. From Michigan to Florida, the city continued to set the highest local temperature record. The temperature in Phoenix was as high as 43 ° C. The high -temperature drought brought more than 30 fires and burned about 4,000 square kilometers of land.

Do we really stop and think about, what did we learn from the past and present climate change incidents?

Text: Cloud Radish Editor: Xiaomeng

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