The first African female judge in the United States nominated by Biden was sworn in, and it is difficult to solve the current dilemma

Author:Pole news Time:2022.07.01

Jimu Journalist Song Qingying

Intern Yang Xingnan

According to the BBC, on June 30, local time, Kaitami Brown Jackson officially vowed to work in the Supreme Court of the United States, becoming the first African -American judge in American history.

Oath scene (picture source: Reuters)

Jackson's analing ceremony was held on the 30th, and Liberal Justice Brey officially retired on the same day.

On the same day, Biden expressed congratulations on Jackson on Twitter. He posted a photo of Jackson and wrote: "As I was confirmed to be said on the day: you can hardly find people who are more than this job. Congratulations, Julson."

Jackson is 51 years old, from Washington, DC. She graduated from Harvard University and obtained two degrees. It was the editor of the Harvard Legal Review. Before he was the Supreme Court, Jackson worked in the Court of Appeal Court in Washington, DC. Biden has commented that she is a "consensus builder, outstanding legal person and outstanding jurist."

(Screenshot of Biden Twitter)

Jackson took over the oldest liberal judge Breye, the oldest and 83 -year -old in the hospital. In January of this year, Brey announced his retirement and asked Bayon to get the opportunity to nominate a judge. In February this year, Biden officially nominated Jackson as the Supreme Court of Court of Court of the United States. But he still cannot change the faction structure of the Supreme Court.

After Jackson joined, of the nine judges in the Supreme Court of the United States, conservatives still accounted for a majority of 6 seats, and liberals still accounted for only 3 seats.

However, after her joining, the three major judges of the Supreme Court of the United States will be composed of women. Coupled with a conservative female judge, for the first time in the history of the United States, 4 female judges appeared at the same time.

The BBC believes that when Jackson joined, the Supreme Court was in a very turbulent period. A week ago, the court overthrew the case of "Roy Verider Case" that the court established a female abortion 50 years ago, which caused huge controversy in the United States and abroad. She will not immediately change the current conscious balance of the Supreme Court.

The New York Times also pointed out that according to the experience of serving as the United States, Jackson may really adapt to the actual work of the Supreme Court may still take a long time. "I have been trembling for the first three years." Judge Breye, who entered the Supreme Court in 1994, said.

However, Judge Jackson is only 51 years old and may work in the Supreme Court for decades. Next, four of the judges who work with her will be over 67 years old. The composition of the Supreme Court may change. With Jackson's continuous accumulation of experience and enhancement, not only has the opportunity to become a pioneering judge, but also may have a significant and far -reaching impact.

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