Restricting Russia's oil prices, the United States has no such way to find China for help, China happens to cut off its "long arm"

Author:Kim Can Rong Channel Time:2022.06.30

Author: Battle Law Express

According to, on the day when the Seventh National Group Summit was approaching the end, a source revealed to Reuters that the Seven Kingdoms Group had discussed with China and India for key issues of the conference. The source commented that the Seventh Kingdom Group's contact with China and India "active and effective."

In fact, on the day of the opening of the Seventh National Group's summit, the member states first discussed the above issues. The leaders of the Seven Kingdoms Group hope that countries outside the group can participate in the action of restricting Russian oil prices. The purpose of the Seventh Kingdoms Group is to alleviate the international energy crisis, and it can also weaken Russia's economic income and restrict its funding for funding for special military operations in Ukraine. The British "Financial Times" reported that the proposal was initiated by the United States, and the consent of other members of the Seventh Kingdom Group has been obtained.

Prior to this, US President Biden mentioned: "The United States is discussing with allies to set up limits for Russian oil export prices." Obviously, the United States has proposed this idea is a good strategy for long ago. Biden is not willing to stop using the Ukrainian war to weaken Russian military strength, and also hopes that Russia can export cheap oil to the United States and Europe. While suppressing Russia, he also wanted to buy its cheap oil. Biden's idea was really naive. Russia's response to Russia's proposal is also simple and straightforward: those countries that are included in the blacklist of "unreasonable countries and regions", don't want to buy any cheap oil here in Russia.

As we all know, due to Western sanctions, Russia's number of oil exported to the United States and Europe has been significantly reduced. However, the two major oil consumption countries of China and Russia have imported the total amount of oil from Russia in recent months, which is enough to make up for the losses of Russian oil in the European market. More importantly, due to the continuous surge in international oil prices, the income of Russia's energy exports has not increased. Therefore, on the issue of oil exports, Russia's attitude towards the West is very clear: love or not!

Russian oil, Putin can choose not to export to the United States and Europe, but the US and European countries cannot bear the price of Russia's supply interruption. Therefore, after the announcement of the embargo on the implementation of oil exports of Russia, Europe had to exclude pipeline oil supply outside the embargo list. Even the United States, which has been intimidating the international community to ban the purchase of Russian oil, has always secretly imported Russian oil. In this context, West wants Russia to restrict oil prices according to their requirements. Is it possible?

Since the United States finds the help of China and India, it shows that they have nothing to do with Russia. For the United States, China and India are the largest oil buyers in Russia. As long as the two countries are willing to pressure, Putin will have to export cheap oil to the United States and Europe according to the requirements of the United States. But the question is, is China and India really willing to listen to the United States? India now buys a 50 % discount on Russia, which does not need to set up limits for Russian oil prices. In the anti -bullying of anti -bullying, China is a partner standing in the same camp in Russia. Anyone who damages the legitimate rights and interests of Russia in the West is basically incompatible in China.

Also, don't forget the United States. The joint statement issued by the Seventh -Kingdoms Summit has been mentioned 14 times, which involves the scope of the South China Sea, Taiwan Straits, East China Sea, and so -called "human rights issues" and so on. In addition, the United States has imposed sanctions on many Chinese companies on the grounds of "support Russia". The Chinese Embassy in the United States subsequently issued a statement that China will take all measures to defend the legitimate rights and interests of Chinese companies. Under such circumstances, the United States has also tried to support China to suppress Russia's plot. This hegemonic behavior of eating and smashing pots should not be used to it.

Regarding the provocations of the United States and its vassals, China had long been on a stomach, and was preparing to cut off the "long arm" of the United States to interfere with his domestic politics. Global Network pointed out in the latest social reviews: Why do the United States block normal energy and trade cooperation between China and Russia? It is also necessary to sanction Chinese enterprises on the grounds of this. The Chinese resolutely oppose it. Therefore, China must make decisive shots and cut off the "long arm" that constantly extended to the United States to make it memorable.

The United States interfere with the normal trade cooperation of China and Russia, and even initiate trade provocations to China. Now it is also required to help it to pressure Russia to restrict oil prices, which is too scallion! The United States had no choice but to ask for help with the Chinese side, and it just happened that China supported Russia's oil export policy to cut off the American hegemonic "long -arm" creative opportunities. Obviously, China must ensure that China -Russia's various economic and trade cooperation, including energy, to defeat the US conspiracy. Only by allowing the United States to experience some skin cuts can it make it "memorize".

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