American councilors went to travel to travel, and they actually took such a large game of chess!
Author:Global Times Time:2022.09.27
Liang Yizhi
On August 12, the US Democratic Parliament Council Cindy Akna had applied for an important bill of the United States Congress on the grounds that the "epidemic issue" did not attend the United States Congress and changed to other people to vote for themselves.
However, on September 21, some US netizens turned to a photo posted by Sindy's son in mid -August. The photo originally claimed that "Cindy, who could not attend the voting due to the epidemic", was traveling with his family in France. As soon as the news came out, US netizens have rebuked the parliamentarians to leave important jobs and use dishonesty to deceive the opportunity to travel.
However, this story that was originally "lied to the class", but because of several key information, in these two days, it became an important "battlefield" for the two parties in the United States.
Cindy is from Aiwa. He serves as a state member of the state in the US Congress on behalf of the state. A document with the signing of the US Congress and Cindy himself showed that Sindy had applied to Congress on the grounds that the "public health emergency situation" (that is, the new crown epidemic), and another member voted in Congress instead of himself.
However, the photo mentioned at the beginning of this article shows that the day before the signing of this application, she and her husband and son traveled in the field. "Come to Congress" is just her "leaving class".
The story has developed here. Sindy's approach was originally a story of "neglecting public officials" and "seeing tourism more important than work". However, the problem is that Sindy's absence of this meeting performed a very important voting -the review of the "Reduction of Inflation Act".
This "Reduction of Inflation Act" is an important politics measure that Democrats, led by US President Biden Biden, have always eager to promote before the midterm elections. This bill involves a number of promises in the election of Biden, and also includes medical insurance reforms, and also includes medical insurance reforms, and also includes medical insurance reforms, and also includes medical insurance reforms. The investment of about 370 billion U.S. dollars for low -carbon emissions and the response to climate change are called the Democratic Party as "one of the most important legislations in the past ten years".
However, the United States Republicans strongly oppose the bill. The Republican party believes that the passage of this bill means a sharp increase in taxes on American companies and workers, which will bring a burden on the people and further damage the US economy.
Because the two parties in the United States were extremely opposite on the bill, after several rounds of fierce competition, on August 12, on the day of Cindy and their families in France, the US House of Representatives was in favor of 220 votes and the weakness of 207 votes against the weakness of 207 votes. The gap finally passed the "Reduction of Inflation Act".
Originally, the bill that was strongly resisted by the Republican Party was passed by a few votes, which made them very unconvinced, and after the exposure of the Cypriot's "Class" scandal, they found that Sindy has always supported the "Reducing the Infusion Act" This time, she cast a vote in the way of "other people's agency" and gave the passage of the bill.
According to the US media previously reported, the United States, such as an exemption of voting by others by others, was approved by the American Democratic Party politician and the Speaker of the House of Representatives Perosi. Do further extension.
From the webpage archived by the US Congress's "Others' Investment" applications, on the day of August 12, many Democratic members of the Democratic Party members voted for their votes through this exemption.
Although we have no way of knowing these Democratic members who "have not come to let others make a substitute", did we all vote for the bill for the bill, but the number of Democratic members in the US House of Representatives is exactly 221, and the number of Republican seats is 212. Compared with comparison, comparison The number of votes for voting, most of the members of the two parties are likely to vote with the attitude of their respective political parties.
From the perspective of the Republican Party, if these "political enemies" "political opponents" cannot be used to vote, it may be that the Republican resistance bill will abortion. Therefore, the Democratic Party, who supports the bill, drove another vote of the gap set by another Democratic party Peros. And the strong dissatisfaction of the person who promotes it.
In the social media review area of Sidy herself and the news about the news, many American netizens have held her "going to France" and constantly questioning why she lie and why go out and play on the "exercise of democratic rights on behalf of the American people". Position.
There are also US netizens who oppose the aforementioned bill: "Why do you pass that bill?", "This is your fault, you have passed that bill to push inflation higher."
In addition to the bill, when mentioning the "other people's investment" for the "other people's agency", the US Parliament Mountain News also said without a lot of money that the US President Biden had just announced that "the American epidemic was over", followed by. Biden, who is also a Democrat, has extended the time limit for exemption of "voting by others" on the grounds of the epidemic.
This also made me from reading this report. I couldn't help but be curious: Is the US epidemic ended or not over?
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