At the High -level meeting of the Security Council, Rafrov left the scene in advance

Author:Global Times Time:2022.09.24

At the general debate of the 77th UN General Assembly, the UN Security Council held a high -level meeting of the theme of Ukraine peace and security on September 22, local time, and the foreign ministers of each member state were invited to participate in the meeting.

Based on media reports such as the United States CNN (CNN) and the National Broadcasting Corporation (NBC), Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov did not attend the meeting on time, and only appeared before his speech.

Screenshot of the National Broadcasting Corporation

Faced with many condemnation to Russia, Ravros did not show weakness and fiercely countered Western allegations at the meeting. He said: "Today, someone tried to strengthen a completely different statement on us. ","

He accused Ukraine's "fear of Russia", including the enforcement of Ukraine regulations, and said that Ukraine has always oppressed the Russians and Russian groups in the Udong region and killed Donbas residents unscrupulously.

At the meeting, Lavrov said that in order to weaken Russia, Western countries continued to transport weapons to Ukraine, making Western countries involved in the Russian -Ukraine conflict.

"The purpose of Western countries that provide weapons and military equipment and training Ukrainian troops to Ukraine is very obvious, that is, to split and weaken Russia.

Lavrov said that this policy means that these western countries have directly involved in conflict and become the party of conflict.

He also accused Western countries of intentionally inciting the conflict without being punished, saying "of course, you will not punish yourself here."

On September 22, 2022, local time, New York in the United States, Russian Foreign Minister Raft Raverov delivered a speech during the 77th UN General Assembly. Source: Visual China

According to the United Nations website, the Office of the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court of Criminal Court launched an investigation only a few weeks after the outbreak of the Ukrainian war. The International Criminal Court (ICC) Prosecutor Carim Khan also announced on the same day that the prosecutor's office will send more jobs next week Personnel investigations on related allegations in eastern Ukraine.

In response, Lavrov responded, "We noticed that international judicial activities related to Ukraine have increased. It is said to be trying to investigate the crimes committed in Ukraine. These crimes are blamed on the Russian authorities. It is a propaganda effort. "

He questioned the legitimacy of the International Criminal Court, saying that "we have no confidence in the work of the International Criminal Court, and we don't have more expectations for this institution or other series of international institutions."

He added: "Everything I am talking about today is just confirming that the decision to carry out special military operations is inevitable. We have said more than once. We provide a lot of facts, indicating that Ukraine is ready to play anti -Russian roles as to Russia as Russia Safety constitutes a gathering place for threat, I can guarantee you that we will never accept this. "

After the speech, Lavrov got up and left the venue.


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