India is messy again, farmers broke through roadblocks and broke into New Delhi. Modi was clever and clever.

Author:UTV Bingjian Time:2022.08.24

According to the overseas network, Indian farmers' organizations once again held a large -scale protest protests. Thousands of farmers broke through the barricades and broke into the Indian capital New Delhi, asking the Modi authorities to fulfill the undeveloped commitment -to ensure the "minimum support price" of agricultural products, and and of. Clear farmers' debt.

Earlier, because Modi insisted on passing three bills involving farmers' interests, Indian farmers adopted various radical methods to protest. Blocking railways, blocking high speeds, and camps in New Delhi, etc., can be used basically, and a large number of people died during the period, and women were violated. Many people also stained new crowns because of protests.

In this way, it took more than a year to allow the Indian authorities to make concessions. After India's official compromise, farmers were persuaded to return home. However, less than a year after stopping, Indian farmers returned to New Delhi again. This time the Indian police made full preparations in advance and set up a large number of roadblocks and inspection stations, but still could not stop the farmers who filled with indignation.

Data show that India's rural population accounts for 69%of the total population. Although many people enter the city, most farmers still live on planting land. For farmers, the land in the family is the source of family life. Modi has pushed the new agricultural bill and touched the fundamental interests of 70 % of the Indians. It is not difficult to understand that Indian farmers' life to protest.

The previous protests lasted more than a year, fully demonstrating the determination of Indian farmers. However, Modi did not think about how to solve the problem. After evacuating New Delhi, the crisis was lifted, but did not work.

Modi may think that as long as the farmers are persuaded, it is fine. After all, it is not easy to go to New Delhi to protest once. However, after all, Modi was clever and clever. Now that she promised, she fulfilled her promise. The consequences of dragging unused were that Indian farmers rolled back and rushed New Delhi again.

At present, the core demands of Indian farmers are to ensure the "minimum support price" of agricultural products. This is also the main purpose of Modi for the new agricultural bill. The so -called "minimum support price" is a price protection for agricultural products. No matter what the market is, each agricultural product has the lowest price. Not to mention drought and flood protection, at least there is a minimum guarantee that allows farmers to have a bottom.

Modi just wants to cancel this price protection measure and say that there is no "minimum support price". Farmers can pricing themselves and sell the price of agricultural products higher. It sounds good, but it is unrealistic at all. Farmers can indeed raise the price, but the key is that the price is high and cannot be sold. For those who acquire food, after no price protection, you can crazy the price. If you do n’t sell it, find someone who is willing to sell, and the final price will only be lower.

Indian farmers now require the Indian authorities to fulfill their promises and restore the "minimum support price". Judging from the response of the Indian authorities, I still do not want to recover. Other promises may have been fulfilled. Only this key promise will not be fulfilled. It is clear that you do n’t want to compromise.

Therefore, a new round of farmers' protests may erupt. If Indian officials do not give solutions and wait for them, a large number of farmers will enter New Delhi.

Indian farmers who protest this time will be even more angry, because they have been played by Modi. With such emotions, they will never compromise easily, and they will no longer believe in politicians. Lai is in New Delhi. It is not the first time anyway. If this problem cannot be solved, the land is not solved.

After Modi took office, it has led to two large -scale protests. One is an identity amendment. It is also a major group in India. The other is the New Agricultural Law. The problem, the future of endlessness will make India more and more chaotic.

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