Senior Russian Intelligence Officer: A series of "Color Revolution" of the Middle East and Africa is the United States

Author:Global Times Time:2022.08.18

According to Russia New News Agency on the 16th, the Director of the General Administration of Management (GRU, previously known as the General Administration of Intelligence), the Federal Force General Staff of the Russian Federal Force, said that a series of "colors caused by the United States in the Middle East and Africa are in the Middle East and Africa. revolution".

Russia New News Agency reported screenshots

Coschukov said at the 10th Moscow International Security Conference, "The color revolution of the country's countries, or even public aggression, all of which are under the slogan of democratization and struggle with the autocratic regime. The so -called 'rules -based international order' claimed to be carried out, and he pointed out that because of this process, countries that have been prosperous and have sovereignty are becoming a country that has been weakened due to domestic armed conflicts. Various indicators of people's living standards have been weakened.

Coschov emphasized that in some cases, some such countries are on the edge of humanitarian disasters, and some countries have been unable to restore the national system for decades. According to him, the territory of these countries is becoming a shelter for international and regional terrorist organizations. At the same time, Western companies have obtained the opportunity to obtain their natural resources at will.

Coschov added, "Behind all these events is the United States and its allies. They use science and technology to maintain the chaotic situation of their control and use the opposition and extreme terrorist organizations created by them to implement the reform policy in the region. This transformation that I saw in Iraq and Libya is the most obvious. "(Editor: HHJ)

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