Korean media noticed that when South Korean foreign ministers saw Wang Yi, they used an idiom

Author:Global Times Time:2022.08.11

[Global Times special reporter Liu Haisheng Global Times reporter Ni Hao] For the China -Korea Foreign Minister's Association held on the 9th, South Korean media paid close attention to and interpreted on the 10th.

"China and South Korea Foreign Minister discuss the relationship between the two countries in the future in many difficult problems." South Korea's "Seoul News" said on the 10th that on the 20th of this month, the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and South Korea will be held. In -depth communication and talks, including the future development direction of China -Korea relations, the situation of the Korean Peninsula, and the restructuring of the supply chain. Although it has not reached an extremely eye -catching agreement, the two countries can strengthen strategic communication on the basis of mutual understanding, and form a future -oriented consensus consensus on Sino -South Korean relations.

South Korean Foreign Minister Park Zhen Data Map

Yonhap News Agency said on the 10th that the Minister of Foreign Minister of South Korea focused on safety concerns, but the focus was different: the Korean side had high hopes for the constructive role of China on the North Korean nuclear issue, and China attached importance to the security concerns of the "Sade" anti -missile system and emphasized the emphasis on the emphasis on the "Sade" anti -missile system and emphasized the emphasis on the emphasis on the "Sade" anti -missile system and emphasized the emphasis on the emphasis on the "Sade" anti -missile system and emphasized the emphasis on the emphasis on the "Sade" anti -missile system and emphasized the emphasis on the emphasis on the "Sade" anti -missile system. Work hard to deal with it. South Korea ’s KBS TV reported on the 10th that officials from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of South Korea said on the day of introducing the talks of the China -Korea Foreign Ministers on the same day that the two countries’ foreign ministers exchanged their opinions on the “Sad” issue and expressed their positions on their respective positions. It should not be a stumbling block that hinders the improvement of the relationship between the two countries. However, it is reported that the South Korean side did not mention the statement that China mentioned "paying attention to each other's security concerns" and "properly handling". The "emphasis on each other's security and concern" by China is interpreted by the Korean media as the Chinese side requests the Korean side to respect the Chinese side, that is, the "Sad" radar used by the US military in Korea to detect China's strategic trend; "proper treatment" is interpreted Ask the Chinese side to abide by the "three no" side (without deploying the "Sad" system, not joining the US anti -missile system, not joining the Korean and American military alliances) and "one -limit" use). The Korean side explained the basic position of the new government in this issue, that is, "three non -commitments" and "not the formal agreement between the country". South Korea has no room for compromise in security sovereignty.

"Minister of the Korean Foreign Minister quoted idioms 'and different' to strengthen cooperation with China", South Korea's "Central Daily" reported on the 10th that on the issue of South Korea, which is most concerned about in the outside world, Wang Yi emphasized that "not subject to External interference "and" maintaining stable and smooth production chain ". Some analysts believe that related speeches have recently decided to join the "Indo -Pacific Economic Framework" led by the United States, and consider joining the "chip Quartet Alliance". Park Zhen said, "It will be based on national interests and principles, and seek cooperation with the Chinese side with the spirit of" and different ". Some analysts believe that Park Zhen's remarks are emphasizing that South Korea is not to exclude China, but to make choices based on the value of democracy and market economy.

As the first Korean official to visit China after the Yin Xiyue government came to power, Park Zhen's trip was on the eve of South Korea's participation in the "Chip Quartet Alliance" preparatory consultation. Li Yan, an associate researcher at the American Institute of Modern International Relations, told the Global Times reporter on the 10th that South Korea is very concerned about China ’s treatment of South Korea on the issue of“ chip Quartet Alliance ”. The main task of South Korean Foreign Minister's visit to China is to explain South Korea's understanding of the "chip Quartet Alliance" and declare that it has no intention of joining the "small circle" of Chinese exclusion, but it is only a mechanism for participating in economic industrial alliances or industrial cooperation to eliminate China to eliminate China Doubt and seek longer -term economic and trade cooperation with China.

Lu Chao, the dean of the American and East Asian Institute of Liaoning University, said in an interview with the Global Times reporter that from the current information, China and South Korea have reached preliminary principles on the issue of semiconductors and other industrial chains. The two parties will be committed to maintaining the integrity and opening up of the industrial chain, as well as the openness and smoothness of both parties in investment. Lu Chao believes that under the United States, it is inevitable to join the so -called alliance in South Korea, but South Korea's definition of this alliance is significantly different from the United States. The interests of South Korea and the United States have different interests. Even if they join the league, South Korea must adhere to its own interests. This may make the United States' willingness to block Chinese chips into a "empty shelf".

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