French report exceeds 2000 monkey acne cases

Author:The official account of Xi'an Time:2022.08.04

Xinhua News Agency, Paris, August 3 (Reporter Chen Chen) French Minister of Health and Disease Prevention Francois Brown said on the 2nd that as of the day, there were more than 2,000 cases of French monkey acne diagnosis.

Brown said at the French National Assembly meeting that 2171 people in France had infected with acne.As of now, France has set up 136 monkey acne vaccination centers, with sufficient monkey acne vaccine and about 250,000 targets.

In order to curb the spread of monkey acne epidemic, in addition to adopting measures such as vaccination for high -risk people and targeted science publicity, it has also established special line telephones to provide consultation services to the public.

The World Health Organization Director -General Tan Desai announced on July 23 that the epidemic of the monkey acne has constituted "an international public health incident."

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