Musk responded to the marriage of Google co -founder: This is completely nonsense

Author:Pole news Time:2022.07.25

Jimu Journalist Sun Yan

Video editing Li Yi

After the Wall Street Journal revealed that Musk was involved in the marriage of Google's co -founder of Google, on July 24, local time, Musk wrote on the social platform and responded: "This is completely nonsense."

"Sergei and I are friends. I also attended a party together last night. In three years, I have seen Nicole (Sheri's wife) twice, and there are many people around. ","

Musk posted on social platforms (Source: Twitter)

In addition, Musk also criticized the Wall Street Journal, "The Wall Street Journal should have high standards in the news industry, but now they are not as good as the" Tribunal ". The Wall Street Journal should report Really meaningful things, and there must be a solid factual foundation, not casually from the "hearing theory 'from third parties."

"The Wall Street Journal wrote a lot of articles about me and Tesla, and many of them were nonsense. I couldn't count it! Frankly, it was embarrassing for them." Musk wrote.

Musk posted on social platforms (Source: Twitter)

Earlier, the Wall Street Journal quoted an anonymous source as saying that at the Basel Art Exhibition held in Miami last December, Musk and Sergey's wife 37 years old. Love. The incident led to a divorce on the grounds of "irreconcilable contradictions" in January this year. The friendship between him and Musk also stopped abruptly.

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