Vikra Masinha was elected as the new President of Sri Lanka, and has served as the country's Prime Minister six times

Author:Pole news Time:2022.07.21

Jimu News reporter Huang Jiaqi

According to the Daily Mirror, on July 20, local time, the Sri Lanka Parliament held a new president of voting election. Speaker announced that the temporary President Renier Wikahaminha won and was elected as the new President of Sri Lanka.

Vikra Masinger waits to read the results (source: "Daily Mirror")

The new presidential election was elected by members, with a total of 219 valid votes, and 4 votes were determined to be invalid.

La Niel Vikramaxa received 134 votes, the ruling party member Duras Alaha Pruma received 82 votes, and the left -wing people's party leader Anala Kumala Dosanata got 3 votes. Essence

At the same time, according to the Indian Express, India's senior commissioner Gopar Bagley in Sri Lanka said that India will help Sri Lanka achieve an effective economic recovery at an early date.

Bagley said that India has provided nearly $ 4 billion in assistance to Sri Lanka. Therefore, in the future, India is willing to introduce more investment to help Sri Lanka's ability to build economic challenges.

According to the Associated Press, on the day of the parliament election, the people of the capital Coronapu held a peaceful protest at the President's office and asked Laenier Vikramaxinha to step down.

Colombo people sit quietly to protest (picture source: Associated Press)

Vikra Masinger has served as Prime Minister Sri Lanka six times. In May of this year, former President Rajapaksa appointed Vikra Marinha as the Prime Minister, hoping to bring stability to this country with a serious economic crisis.

On July 9, hundreds of thousands of protesters took the streets of Colombo and broke into the presidential official residence and the Prime Minister's palace. Sri Lanka, then President Rajapaksa, took the Sri Lanka and fled to Maldives, and then fled to Singapore. On the 15th, the then Prime Minister Vikra Marinha served as the acting president.

According to the Associated Press, the 73 -year -old Vikramaxinha is a sophisticated politician and has rich experience in diplomacy and international affairs.

He has been led with the International Monetary Fund to conduct key negotiations on the economic assistance plan and has been supported by members of the ruling alliance.

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