There are many chaos in the home improvement industry. How many chaos have you recruited?

Author:Top news Time:2022.09.29

Dahe Daily · Yu Video Reporter Chu Tianshu

In the process of home improvement, many links are hidden in traps, making consumers "be invincible." The reporter of the Dahe News and Henan Video sorted out the complaint clues about decoration received in recent years, and found that most consumer rights protection is concentrated in these aspects: malicious increases, delayed construction periods, incorrect goods, materials rebate, private exchange materials, decoration, decoration, decoration, decoration, decoration, decoration, decoration, decoration, decoration, decoration Pollution, high price, lack of after -sales.

The reporter interviewed Wang Zili, the director of the Henan Super Decoration Delivery Center in Henan's local decoration industry, and asked him to analyze these chaos to see how these chaos occur? How can consumers avoid the recruitment? Is there any way to make the decoration truly worry -free?

Malicious additional items, incompetence on the board, private change materials ...

It all stems from the irregularity of the decoration company

"The most fundamental reason for the emergence of these chaos is that the decoration market is not standardized." Wang Zili said that since the emergence of the decoration industry in my country, after decades of development, the construction process to the decoration process is increasingly standardized. However, industry standards and management capabilities have not been able to keep up in time, so there will be some irresponsible, non -qualified companies and private decoration teams, walking in the gray area, playing "wipe balls", and pitting consumers.

For example, the root cause of the "increase in decoration" is that an irregular decoration company or the decoration team deliberately reports or missed the construction area in order to promote sales, or intentionally written or write less key items in the contract, and put it in the contract. The overall budget was very low in the initial period, and the quotation was added after starting, making the owner ride a tiger.

For another example, "the cargo is not panel" and "private change materials" are the weaknesses, specifications, brands of the decoration companies that the owners do not understand, and do not list the materials in the decoration quotation form, or they are boldly charged with each other. Even some construction workers use inferior materials to replace high -end materials purchased by the owner, and then sell them for profit.

Wang Zili talked about a case in the industry. When the owner signed the contract with the decoration company, a contract clearly stipulated that the real wood composite door of the begonia wood was. After the renovation, the door of the home seemed to be Begonia wood, and the owner did not find a problem. Later, due to a accident, the door was damaged, and the owner found that the door of the house was only a layer of bells of the begonia outside the door. The inside was all filled materials. This decoration company used fake and shoddy products to pretend to be high -end begonia wood, which has obviously constituted "fraud". After the owner sued, the court finally judged that the decoration company refunded the owner and paid three times compensation.

There is also a "material rebate", which is also derived from the irregularity of the decoration market. Instead of supervision and constraints on design, materials, etc., especially the "hidden rules" between designers and material vendors. The material provider gives the designer a certain cost. In the end, the cost is on the owner.

Construction delay, decoration pollution, lack of after -sales ...

Most of the decoration companies have limited strength

The most common reason for the delay of construction period is that the overall plan is not determined and the materials are not selected, which causes the material to enter the field in time, or the quality of the material has the quality problem, which causes the unable to start work, or even rework and rectification, resulting in delay in decoration. The emergence of these problems is due to the insufficient management level and strength of the decoration company. Although the responsibility is in the company, it is the owner who is affected. If consumers want to avoid extension, they must clearly determine the deadline and delay compensation in the contract.

Most of the decoration pollution stems from the use of materials and is not environmentally friendly. One situation is that the decoration company uses inferior materials, and the environmental protection itself does not meet the standards, and pollution is inevitable. Another case is the various materials used by the decoration company, each of which meets environmental protection requirements, but the superposition pollution that is superimposed together is exceeded.

For example, Wang Zili said that, for example, the bedroom in the family has doors, cabinets, beds, and soft furnishings. Each of these products is detected separately. It is environmentally friendly. Their formaldehyde releases meet national standards. However, they are concentrated in a bedroom space, and the total release is exceeded. For some small decoration companies, such a overall control of environmental protection is lacking.

After -sales issues also mainly appear in some small companies with limited strength, or construction teams on the roadside. According to national and industry requirements, the warranty of home improvement is: 2 years of basic decoration and warranty, 5 years of hydropower warranty, and 5 years of waterproof warranty. But for some small decoration companies, it may not be necessary to operate for 5 years. There are also construction teams on the side of the road. They all shot a shot. Once the decoration is handed over, I ca n’t find anyone, let alone after -sales service. Therefore, from the long -term perspective, consumers must find regular and powerful decoration companies.

Resisting the industry chaos

Extraordinary publicly made seven major commitments

The existence of these chaos is not only the infringement of consumer rights, but also a serious obstacle to the development of the industry. In September 2020, the Housing Industry Branch of the China Architectural Decoration Association released the "Convention on Self -discipline of the Chinese Homeland Instance Industry". The development of enterprises in the home improvement industry is uneven, excessive marketing phenomena are endless, and consumer satisfaction is low. Come to carry out industry self -discipline. Of course, more importantly, home improvement companies must cherish their own image and act in accordance with the law.

As one of the head enterprises of Henan's home improvement industry, super -decoration has been established for 27 years. The development vision of "building a century -old integrity home improvement enterprise" is essential. In fact, as early as ten years ago, the super decorative decoration made seven major commitments in the industry's chaos and various concerns in the industry. "These seven public commitments are not only an embodiment of the extraordinary active implementation of social responsibilities. It is also a manifestation of his strength after 27 years of growth. "Wang Zili said. Promise 1: Reject malicious increase: Customer passive additions are free! The project is transparent, the price is determined, and it is not cheated.

The "Delivery Center" is specially set up in the super decorative decoration. One of its duties is to review the design schemes, budgets and construction drawings one by one, and strictly prevent malicious increases.

"The requirements of the designer's construction drawings are very high. Before the designer's plan is started, it must be submitted to the delivery center. The auditors will review the construction drawings and budgets. The area, construction volume, etc., depending on whether the area and unit price of the budget are consistent to prevent leakage and errors. "Wang Zili said.

In addition, at the beginning of the decoration project, the delivery center will also perform pre -control. The designer, the leader, and the owner went to the scene to meet with the construction drawings. In the case of the three parties, the construction plan was finally determined and the final confirmation was finally determined. In addition to excluding the normal increase of the project, if the final cost exceeds 5%of the budget, the company will punish the designer and construction leader accordingly.

If the project included in the design plan budget during the construction process, no matter whether it is design or construction, all the costs are borne by the extra company.

Promise 2: Refuse decoration pollution: environmentally friendly materials to ensure green engineering.

The extraordinary decoration is the first batch of decorative enterprises that have passed the qualification certification of green decoration enterprises in Henan Province. At the same time, it is also the vice president unit of the National Building Materials Inspection Center Henan Household Building Materials Quality Inspection Association. Core business development concept.

On the other hand, all decoration materials used now, regardless of the main materials and auxiliary materials, are all first -line brands, without small factory products. "The more the products produced by small manufacturers, the easier it is to have problems, because its production technology level cannot reach, and the inspection capacity is not good. Supervisor only uses first -line brands, whether it is quality and environmental protection. The superflief itself also has the technical capabilities of the overall testing and processing of the whole house to ensure that green engineering is achieved.

Promise 3: Refusing the material rebate: Take one pay for ten! Break the hidden rules and strictly beat "eating, getting, card".

The extraordinary materials are directly purchased by the factories. Without dealers, they objectively eliminate the possibility of the staff's private rebate. Inside the company, there are also strict regulations on "eating, getting, and cards". Once the designer and construction staff have the above behavior, they will be fired directly, and industry notifications will be carried out according to the situation.

Promise 4: Refusing to fake and inferior goods: Fake one pay for ten! When the auxiliary materials entered the market, the customer was supervised by the listing list.

All the decoration materials used by the extraordinary use are all centrally purchased by the factory, and the company is uniformly enrolled in the warehouse management. When the warehouse was out of the warehouse, the company also made a single out of the warehouse and sent it directly to the decoration site. There were no designers and construction workers. When the material enters the market, customers can use the special list, material staff and engineering supervision.

Promise 5: Refusal price sales: cooperative main materials, buy a three -fold compensation for the expensive price difference.

"For products of the same brand and the same model, if the owner finds that it is expensive, we will return ten times the difference. This is an extraordinary public commitment." Wang Zili said that the extraordinary material, the main material or the soft outfit, cooperation, cooperation, cooperation, and cooperation, cooperation, All brands are large -line brands. It is precisely because the extraordinary implementation is a centralized procurement model, and in the procurement contract, it is clearly required that the supplier will give the market the best price. Therefore And there is an extraordinary price advantage.

Promise 6: Refusing to increase the price at will: lock in the event discount, increase the price without adding money, and the price reduction will be low.

On the anniversary or some important holidays, extraordinary activities will be launched. "Even if the customer buys a housing house, you can catch up with the extraordinary preferential activities. As long as the deposit is paid during the event, you can insured the price for a certain period of time. As long as the customer starts at any time, you can enjoy the event discount."

During the insured period, materials and labor prices have risen, and they will still be implemented at the original price. If the price is reduced, it is implemented at the lowest price and returned the customer to the customer.

"For example, in the first half of this year, oil prices have risen many times, and transportation costs and raw materials have also risen a lot, but as long as customers have locking the event discounts before, no matter how much the actual price rises, it will always be implemented according to the event preferential price."

Proposal 7: Rejects delay in the construction period: Project delay, pay for a day, and pay for the compensation if you can't do it.

Each project will be clear when the construction period starts, from material distribution to installation, each project is refined until the specific days are completed. If there is an extension, the owner will be paid according to a certain percentage of the contract. These contents will be clearly stipulated in the contract to let the owner eat Dingxin Pill.

"These seven public commitments, on the one hand, are responsible for customers, and on the other hand, they are also restricted and urged by extraordinary ourselves. We must use these public commitments to keep the owners rest assured and promote the self -discipline of the industry.The supermarkets are constantly excellent. "Wang Zili said that it has been 27 years since its establishment. In the course of 27 years, the extraordinary decoration has served more than 100,000 household clothing customers.It is also the result of customer reputation.

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