Playing 7 telephone trustees "chasing" home, the doctor "pursuing pursuit" successfully persuaded to return to high -risk pregnant women

Author:Wuhan Evening News Time:2022.07.15

Wuhan Evening News July 15th that the doctor's examination form was a small topic, and the 40 -year -old headache pregnant mother quietly left the hospital. The doctor "pursued the poor" and called for 7 calls and "chased" to the home before he successfully advised the high -risk pregnant mothers. In the end, the treatment was timely, and the mother and child were safe. On July 14, the "stubborn" pregnant mother Ms. Zhang (Hua surname) was discharged from the hospital after birth. Before discharged from the hospital, she thanked the doctor of the obstetrics department of the People's Hospital of Huangpi District several times: "Thank you for your persistence, otherwise the baby and I don't know what kind of danger would I encounter."

Director Liu Danping in the obstetrics department was diagnosed in the high -risk pregnancy diagnosis room. Correspondent Peng Haihua Photo

At 9 o'clock on July 4, Ms. Zhang accompanied her family to the hospital for the hospital for a headache. Since Ms. Zhang is an elderly pregnant woman who is 33 weeks of pregnancy, the emergency department notify the obstetrician's all -time consultation. In order to accurately diagnose the condition, the doctor issued an examination form. But Ms. Zhang thought that the doctor did a lot of questions and left without permission.

Dr. Liu Limin of the obstetric department saw Ms. Zhang delayed returning to the clinic, and she was worried that the patient would not delay the treatment in time. She ran through the entire hospital to find someone. The tracing in the hospital was unsuccessful. She found Ms. Zhang's contact number in the emergency department and contacted every half an hour, but no one answered. From 10:00 to 14:00, she dialed 7 phone calls, and the last time Ms. Zhang's mobile phone was turned off.

"Pregnant women must not be ignored, it may be a signal issued by the disease. Not to mention she is still an elderly pregnant woman, and she must find her!" Director Liu Danping of the obstetrics contacted the maternal and child health staff in Ms. Zhang's area through the maternal health care system. The ground explained the importance and necessity of medical treatment to Ms. Zhang, and informed her serious adverse consequences.

After the relevant examination was improved at the hospital, it was found that Ms. Zhang's liver function was abnormal, accompanied by gestational diabetes, old infarction, and obstetrics, neurology, and infectious doctors. The complex condition causes the fetus internal distress. Director Liu Danping suggested that Ms. Zhang terminated pregnancy and performed cesarean section.

Before discharged, the medical care carefully explained the precautions of Ms. Zhang's postoperative care. Correspondent Peng Haihua Photo

But Ms. Zhang's "temper" came up again. She stubbornly believes that "premature babies" must be unhealthy and require extending gestational week. Director Liu Danping spent three or four hours of patience to communicate with pregnant women and his family members, and finally obtained trust and understanding. In the early morning of July 9, when the newborn crying, the heart of all medical staff in the operating room finally let go.

"Pregnant women and babies are the targets of a very cherished family and the protection of our obstetricians. We cannot miss the next mother and cannot ignore a danger." Liu Danping said. (Reporter Liu Yue correspondent Liu Zhihua Peng Haihua)

[Edit: Yu Lina]

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