Guide to prevent and control life in the summer epidemic

Author:Longnan Westwa Published Time:2022.07.13

In the summer season, the temperature is high, humid, and sullen. This environment is easy to grow and reproduce in germs, which is a high incidence of intestinal and respiratory infectious diseases. In addition, the current prevention and control situation is still complicated. We must start with the details of life. We insist on wearing masks, shampooing hands, do not cling up, not gathering, strictly abide by the requirements of various epidemic conditions, maintain a reasonable social distance, actively cooperate with sampling sampling Testing, always tirking the epidemic prevention and control of this strings and not relaxing.

"14+7" becomes "7+3":

The ninth edition of the control plan for control and control measures is adjusted

"New Coronatte Pneumonic Pneumonia Prevention Plan (Ninth Edition)" will be adjusted from "14 -day concentrated isolation medicine observation+7 Heavenly Home Health Monitoring" to "7 -day concentrated isolation medicine observation +3 Heavenly House Health Monitoring ".

Nucleic acid testing measures are adjusted from "centralized isolation medicine observation 1, 4, 7, and 14 days of nucleic acid detection, collect nasopharyngeal swabs, and remove double -adoption double inspection before isolation" to "centralized isolation medicine observation , 7 days and home health monitoring on the 3rd day of nucleic acid detection, collect oral pharyngeal swabs ", and do not require double inspection before the centralized isolation medical observation.

The densely connected tubular control measures were adjusted from the "7 -day centralized isolation medical observation" to "7 Heavenly House Observation Medicine Observation", and the first, 4th, and 7th day nucleic acid testing was detected.

How to prevent epidemic prevention in the high -risk zone

1. High -risk zone: without leaving home, on -site service

When going out, in principle, if you do n’t go home, if you need to go out for special reasons such as medical treatment, you should wear a mask throughout the process. Go out in accordance with the prompts of service personnel of the community or relevant departments.

During the detection of nucleic acid: Do a good job of hand hygiene before opening the door and standardize wearing masks.

When you lose items: When taking items and throwing garbage, do your hand hygiene before opening the door, standardize the mask, and tighten the garbage bag when cleaning the garbage.

2. Central risk zone: no one is out of the area, the peak is taken from the peak

When going out, in principle, "unnecessary to go out". If you need to go out to standardize the mask, do a good job of hand hygiene, keep more than 1 meter distance during the area, and it is strictly forbidden to carry out any form of gathering activities.

During nucleic acid detection: obey arrangement, timely sampling in sections, wearing masks when waiting, strictly maintain a distance of more than 1 meter.

When you lose the items: When the express delivery is unpacked, try not to bring it into the room, wear a mask glove, and make preventive disinfection on the outer packaging. After the express delivery is seized, the outer packaging is discarded in time to do a good job of hand.

3. Daily epidemic prevention: Daily health monitoring

Do a good job of daily health monitoring, and pay attention to whether there are new crown -related symptoms (fever, dry cough, fatigue, sputum, sore throat, diarrhea, abnormal smell, nasal congestion, conjunctivitis, myctoria). , Conceal.

Whenever windows: When using a range hood and a fan, keep the windows open naturally throughout the process.

Attention to the toilet: When the toilet flushing the water, cover the toilet cover first, then flush the water.

The room is clean: ventilation is at least once and in the afternoon every day, and at least 30 minutes each time. At least once a day, it is cleaned to keep cleaning. If necessary, disinfection.

Sanitary habits: Avoid contact with your nose and eyes with your hands, sneezing or coughing with paper towels or elbow clothes to cover your mouth and nose, wrap your nose and nose secretions in paper towels, and abandon the trash bin.

The main points of epidemic prevention in life details

1. Scientific wearing masks

Wearing a mask scientifically, wearing masks cannot be standardized because of hot weather. In addition, it is recommended to bring a spare mask when going out. Each mask does not exceed 8 hours. If the mask is soaked by sweat, it should be replaced in time.

2. Reasonable use of air conditioning

With the rise of temperature, everyone's dependence on air conditioners has gradually increased. Before the use of air conditioners, cleaning and disinfection of the air -conditioned wall -mounted filter, the surface of the evaporator, and the inlet air outlet. It is recommended that indoor temperatures should not be lower than 26 degrees. While using the air conditioner, you need to pay attention to ventilation and gas, open the window 2-3 times a day, 20-30 minutes each time.

Third, pay attention to food hygiene

Summer is the high incidence of intestinal infectious diseases. Pay attention to dietary hygiene in daily life to prevent "disease from the mouth". Be careful to handle raw fish and raw meat. To deal with the cooking utensils and countertops of imported frozen foods, it is necessary to make cleaning and disinfection in time. It is recommended to disinfect it with boiling water. Civilized dining, do not mix with tableware, use public chopsticks, and divide the meals as much as possible; when dining in the cafeteria, try to bring your own tableware as much as possible.

Fourth, do personal hygiene

Develop a good habit of diligence, adopt the "seven -step washing method", and wash your hands under the flowing water for more than 20 seconds with soap (or hand washing solution). When there is no flow water source, you can use hand -free hand -free. When spitting, cough and sneezing, cover your mouth and nose with paper towels, replace your elbows when there is no paper towel, pay attention not to throw paper towels.

Precautions for detecting nucleic acid detection at high temperature days

1. What are the precautions before nucleic acid testing

1. To avoid vomiting, do not eat 2 hours before the sampling; in order to avoid affecting the test results, do not smoke, drink or chew gum 30 minutes before the sampling.

2. In order to reduce the risk of cross -infection in the hospital, all testors to the hospital must wear masks and prepare a spare mask. It is best to keep a safe distance of more than 1 meter when lining up.

3. During the test, please bring your ID card to actively present the "health code"; immediately leave the collection point after collecting to avoid spitting and vomiting around the collection point.

4. Pay attention to the correct mask, do not expose your nose, do not remove it at will, or pull the mask to the chin. On the way to nucleic acid detection, we must also wear a mask and try not to take public transport. 2. The test of nucleic acid in high temperature days should be prevents heat stroke, and these points should be done to prevent heat stroke

1. Drink water scientifically, and diet reasonably: timely supplement water, salt, and minerals. You should not wait until thirst to drink water. A small amount of drinks without drinking alcohol or a lot of sugar. In the morning and evening, you can eat some heatstroke porridge, such as mung bean porridge, silver flower porridge, mint porridge, lotus seed porridge, red bean porridge, winter melon porridge, lotus leaf porridge, etc.

2. Pay attention to diet and rest: take enough carbohydrates to supplement protein, vitamins and calcium. When the temperature is ≥32 ° C, try to be as cool as possible.

3. Planning itinerary, prepare sunscreen supplies: Avoid going out at noon, choose light and light -colored clothing, sunshade, sunglasses, solar umbrellas, sunscreens, etc.

Third, how do you know heat stroke, what symptoms can help judge?

In fact, heat stroke is ahead. If sweating, thirst, dizziness, dizziness, dazzling, tinnitus, limb weakness, chest tightness, palpitations, nausea, and inconsistency are not concentrated.

Under normal circumstances, patients with threatened heat stroke and light heat stroke can return to normal after on -site rescue, so do not panic when you encounter heat stroke, master the following first aid methods:

A shift: Quickly move the patient to a cool and ventilated place, let him lie down, use a fan and electric fan to fan or turn on the air conditioner, unbutton or remove the coat to help the patient breathe and heat dissipation.

Two Applores: Apply the head with warm water, and then change it with cold water and ice water.

Three drinks: Drinking salt -containing beverages, timely supplementing the water needed for the body, and replenishing some inorganic salts at the same time.

Four wipes: Due to high temperature, high humidity, and windlessness, when the body is difficult to heat the heat, you can use cold water or ice water to wipe the bath until the skin is red.

Five drops: The body temperature of the heatstroke is as high as 40 ° C. When symptoms such as coma, convulsions, etc., especially the treatment of patients with heat irritation should follow 3 principles: 1. Quickly, effective, and continuously cool down; 2. When the liquid is supplemented quickly , Early vein supplement; 3. Control restlessness and convulsions. At the same time, dial 120 and send the patient to the hospital for the hospital as soon as possible.

Fourth, nucleic acid testing is to keep the "one -meter line" when queuing, and do not play mobile phones

When the nucleic acid testing is queuing, the "one -meter line" should be controlled. It is recommended not to play mobile phones all the time, because there is a risk of contacting spread. When we play mobile phones, the mobile phone is exposed in an uncertain air environment.

Because nucleic acid collection requires a lot of data information, sending videos and playing online games at the nucleic acid detection site may also cause network congestion, which can easily cause mobile phones of information registered personnel to enter the stuck and reduce the collection efficiency.

Healthy Observation Code Yellow Code and Code and

Related matters

1. Code code rules

1. For the time and time companion, key areas (places), residents, and residents in the mid -risk zone Fu Yellow code management (text logo below the yellow code: medium and high risk personnel).

2. Person in low -risk areas of high -risk cities, and nuclear acid test negative certification of nucleic acid (text identification below the yellow code: risk cities roast personnel).

3. At the end of the place of entry, the concentrated isolation isolation returns to the destination, and the immigration personnel of the home health monitoring period will be managed by the yellow code management (text logo below the yellow code: unlike the isolation and unable to complete the home health monitoring personnel).

4. In the process of carrying out large -scale all -in nucleic acid testing, the person who failed to participate in the nucleic acid test as required (the text logo below the yellow code: not participating in the all -staff nucleic acid test personnel).

Second, yellow code to green code rules

1. Time and space accompaniment, key areas (places) residents, and residents in the middle risk area to implement the first nucleic acid test within 24 hours of implementation of home health monitoring, and conduct a second nucleic acid detection on the third day. The test results of the secondary nucleic acid are negative and turned from the yellow code to the green code.

2. Personnel for low -risk areas where the high risk zone where the high risk zone is located, the negative certificate of the kernel test of the kernel of the 48 -hour kernel is transformed from yellow code to green code.

3. Persons who end the centralized isolation in the first place, return to the destination, complete the nucleic acid detection during the home health monitoring period, and the test results are negative. After the home health monitoring period expires Essence

4. For large -scale full -scale nucleic acid detection, the yellow code personnel participated in the full nucleic acid detection as required, and the test results were negative.

Third, yellow code to green code process

1. Potential time and space accompaniment, key areas (venues) residents, and residents in the mid -risk zone will be negative in two days of nucleic acid testing within three days, and the system will automatically compare and turn to a green code. For those who do not query the records or fail to transfer automatic transcoding, they apply for transfer to the community (village group) in the local community (village group) with two nucleic acid negative detection certificates (paper or electronics) within three days. After the department verified the summary, it was reported to the Municipal Health and Health Commission to turn the yellow code to the green code.

2. The low -risk zone where the mid -to -high risk zone is located. When applying for a health code, the system automatically compares the results of the nucleic acid test. If there is a 48 -hour negative record of the kernel, the system automatically converts the green code. For those who did not query the records, the person who failed to transfer the automatic transcoding applied for transcoding from the community (village group) where the 48 -hour kernel acid -negative testing (paper or electronics), and verified the summary of the county level and above the epidemic prevention and control department. Later, the Municipal Health and Health Commission turned the yellow code to the green code. 3. Personnel who ended concentrated isolation in the first place, and after returning to the destination, the results of the three nucleic acid tests during the home health monitoring period are negative persons. Report to the Municipal Health Commission to turn the yellow code to the green code.

How to wear a mask scientifically

1. Ordinary public, you must wear masks in these occasions

1. When it is at intensive places such as indoor personnel such as shopping malls, supermarkets, cinemas, venues, exhibition halls, airports, docks, and hotel public areas.

2. When taking the compartment elevators and airplanes, train, ships, ships, coach, subway, buses and other public transportation.

3. When it is in outdoor places such as open -air squares, theaters, parks, and other outdoor places.

4. During the hospital for treatment and accompanying, you will receive health tests such as body temperature testing, inspection of health code, and registration itinerary information.

5. When symptoms such as nasopharyngeal discomfort, cough, sneezing, and fever.

6. When the restaurant and canteen are in a non -food state.

2. How to choose a mask on high temperature days

1. Use disposable medical masks or medical surgical masks in non -person -intensive public places.

2. In the densely personnel places, public transport, small spaces, or small spaces, or close contact with others, they can use medical surgical masks or anti -particle masks (KN95, N95, FFP2, etc.).

3. What should I do if I sweat too much and soak the mask wet

Error method: Tumo continues to wear wet masks, or pad a layer of paper towel in the mask to absorb water.

Correct practice: bring a few more masks for use when going out, and change the problem in time.


Buy a mask with a size that meets the face shape. You can apply a little moisturizing cream before you wear it, or put some cotton gauze at the ears and nose bridge. You can also buy some small tools to prevent the ear.

5. What should I do if the mask is too long and causes poor breathing

Method: Pull the mask at the chin and expose the outlet nose.

Correct practice: Immediately take off the mask in a relatively open and safe place and breathe fresh air.

(Source: Gansu Daily Longnan Daily)

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