One new local diagnosis case is added, and the previously reported overseas input -related local native non -symptom -free infection was transferred to the confirmation

Author:Published by Chengdu Time:2022.07.06

New Coronary pneumonia epidemic daily notice

At 0-24 on July 5th, 1 new local diagnosis case was added (the previously reported overseas input associated with symptoms of native-symptomatic infections was transferred), and there were no new natives of non-symptoms. An additional overseas input confirmed cases (for the diagnosis of non -symptoms notified in the past), and 3 cases of asymptomatic infection were added overseas.

As of 24:00 on July 5th, there were 1712 confirmed cases (including 1,388 cases of overseas input), a total of 1693 cases were discharged, and 3 cases were killed. There are 19 asymptomatic infections (all inputs overseas input) are being observed for centralized isolation medical observation.

1 new local diagnostic cases that are newly entered overseas

Confirmation cases: Instant analogy -associated local native non -symptom infected infected from the previous notification.

1 case of new overseas input diagnostic cases

Confirmation case: The diagnosis of asymptomatic infected infected infected by previously notified.

3 cases of new overseas input non -symptoms infected

Announced asymptomatic infection 1: Chinese nationality, departing from South Korea, entered from Guangzhou on June 23, and resolved the concentrated isolation on July 1 on July 1.

Announced asymptomatic infection 2: Taiwan, China, set off from Taiwan, and arrived in Chengdu on July 4.

Announced asymptomatic infection 3: Chinese nationality, departing from Bangladesh, to Chengdu on July 4th, China.

The quarantine environment of the above -mentioned confirmation cases and asymptomatic infections has been disinfected, and the densely connected personnel are in a state of isolation observation.

Source | Healthy Chengdu Guanwei

Chengdu Published Edit | Meng Niang

Do a good job of protection, repost well

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