The elderly did not defecate the abdomen as a drum for a month.

Author:Changjiang Daily Time:2022.07.04

The Yangtze River Daily Da Wuhan Client July 4th (Correspondent Liu Shanshan) The old man with a stroke bed in the stroke caused intestinal obstruction, bloating like drums, pain, and the danger of intestinal rupture at any time. In a hurry, gastrointestinal surgeons leaned down, and the family members were moved by their own stools for the elderly.

Grandma Chen, 71, has been in bed for more than half a year. She started to have constipation a month ago, and she did not clearly relieve it after taking the medication. Later, Grandma Chen's stomach was drumming, moaning in pain, and very uncomfortable. The family quickly sent her to the gastrointestinal surgery of Wuhan Central Hospital. The CT examination prompts as intestinal obstruction, and the rectum has been filled with "dung stone". After admission, Wang Xiangyang, deputy chief physician of gastrointestinal surgery, found that Grandma Chen's belly was swollen like a ball, which was particularly hard, and then conducted anal finger test for him. According to many years of experience, the elderly have not bowed bowelies for too long. At the same time, Grandma Chen also has a lot of basic diseases such as diabetes and heart disease. If it is not treated in time, the accumulation of stains may cause intestinal rupture and life -threatening.

The doctor bent down to the patient's stool to relieve the pain.

Watching Grandma Chen moaning constantly and lying on the hospital bed pain, Deputy Chief Physician Wang Xiangyang immediately decided to help her pull it out with her hand. He leaned down and talked with Grandma Chen softly, while gently rubbing with his finger wearing a glove's index finger to make the feces easily discharged. "Grandma Chen, don't be nervous, I will be comfortable when I take it out for you." After half an hour of hard work, Deputy Chief Physician Wang Xiangyang ignored the bad smell. With the assistance of the nurse, the stool of the dry stool was little by little from the patient's anus. Pull out, and then assist the enema. The family members on the side were particularly moved to shoot the doctor bent down. Grandma Chen is full of gratitude: "It is difficult for our family members to do this. Thank you Dr. Wang too." At present, Grandma Chen's intestinal obstruction is basically lifted and is about to be discharged.

Wang Xiangyang said that as a doctor of gastrointestinal surgery, it is very common for patients who have difficulty defecating patients like this. They are just doing their job. "Seeing that the patient is no longer painful, and the condition is getting better, it is the doctors' greatest comfort."

Wang Hui, director of the gastrointestinal surgery of the hospital, introduced that constipation is a common problem for the elderly, but it cannot be ignored. Patients with constipation often form a larger manure, which may block the lumen and cause intestinal obstruction. If it is not treated in time, it can be threatened. Especially for the long -term bed, the elderly are mostly due to lack of exercise, gastrointestinal peristalsis, and more likely to occur.

Experts remind that preventing constipation should develop good eating habits, eat more vegetables and fruits rich in dietary fiber to ensure enough drinking water. While paying attention to diet, you should also pay attention to rest and exercise in moderation. If you feel regular constipation and cannot be resolved, it is recommended to go to the hospital for further examination in time to avoid delaying treatment.

[Edit: Yu Lina]

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