The words of the lungs | Why do people feel difficulty in breathing?

Author:Guangdong Provincial Hospital Time:2022.07.04

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The lung master's qi is full of essence inside, and the qi is combined with breathing. The lungs are "delicate and dirty", are not dry, and are susceptible to external evils. They are not suitable for cold and heat. Therefore, lung disease is the most common and is also troubled by the people. The words of the lungs will be regularly pushed to the prevention, treatment, treatment, and lung rehabilitation of the lung disease, and protect your "relaxing breathing every day" to escort. Welcome to continue to pay attention!

The words of the lungs of the lungs 101 talk

One breath, vomiting, and newness is the ability of human beings. The moment the newborn left her mother, with the cry of crying, the mouth and nose opened, the gas entered the lungs, and began the life of a free breathing. However, due to various reasons, some people have difficulty breathing due to various reasons, manifested in always feeling that the air is insufficient, or the breathing is effort. It is necessary to speed up the breathing frequency to meet the needs of the body and not even meet the needs of the body. Why does this happen? This time the breathing school can answer this question for everyone.

1. Take you knowledge of breathing exercise

Oxygen is the "necessity" of life. The human body needs oxygen at all times, and the carbon dioxide is discharged from the body. This process is completed by breathing. Fresh air rich in oxygen reaches the alveolar through the channels of mouth, nose, pharynx, trachea, and bronchial, and exchange carbon dioxide in the pulmonary and fine blood vessels through the alveolar wall, so that the blood in the capillaries in the capillaries has a rich oxygen. Pump flowing to the whole body to supply the demand for various organs. In order to complete this exercise, muscles such as intercostal muscles and diaphragm need to provide motivation. During the inhalation, the intercostal muscle and diaphragm contraction, the thoracic expansion, the power generates the power to enters the lungs, the thorax shrinks when exhaling, and discharge the gas.

As mentioned above, breathing can be divided into two links: "ventilation" and "ventilation". The ventilation is that oxygen enters the alveoli, and the ventilation includes the exchange between the oxygen in the alveoli and the capillaries, and the exchange between the oxygen in blood and various organs.

2. Why do you feel difficult to breathe

Breathing relaxing is the right of everyone, but for some people, it has become a luxury. When various reasons affect any part of the above breathing exercise, people may feel difficulty in breathing.

1. The airway is not smooth

The respiratory tract is like a big tree. The trachea and bronchus are trunk and large branches. The small air tract below is like a small branch, and the alveoli is like a leaf. The airway can be divided into two categories: one is that the atmosphere of the trunk is not smooth, and the other is the narrowing of the small airway. The atmospheric tract is not smooth, often because the throat or the trachea grows (benign or malignant), or is compressed by adjacent organ tubs (such as thyroid mass, esophageal mass compression of the trachea, etc.), which narrows the ventilation fortress. Gas cannot be sucked smoothly or exhaled easily. It is a relatively serious disease. The obstruction of local strokes generally does not cause obvious dyspnea, but when the twilight tract of both lungs is blocked and oxygen cannot enter and exit smoothly, it will cause breathing difficulties. For example The entry and exit channels will become narrower, or the acute attack of patients with bronchial asthma, bronchial spasm, and the originally smooth pneumatic narrowing, which will have obvious symptoms of breathing difficulties.

2. Can't breathe normally

It can be seen in the disease of the lung itself, and the substantive disease of the lungs, such as the large area of ​​pneumonia, or the lesions of blood vessels and lymphadenopulosal between the alveoli walls and alveoli. Normal softness, oxygen is difficult to enter the capillaries through the barrier, causing insufficient oxygen in the blood, and symptoms of dyspnea. In addition, due to the impact of other diseases, such as heart failure, pulmonary edema and urine hydrocephalus compress the lung tissue, causing the lungs to be unable to open normally, and it can also cause the lungs to not breathe normally and cause breathing difficulties.

3. Insufficient breathing power

Breathing normally, muscle is required, and muscle is controlled by nerves. If neurological diseases, or muscle diseases occur, such as our common severe muscle weakness, Greenbarry syndrome, etc., the human body will also have symptoms of breathing difficulties.

Finally, there are some uncommon diseases that cause breathing difficulties, such as drug poisoning, anemia, etc., and specialists need to carefully identify them. Some people who are nervous will also accelerate their breathing involuntarily and feel difficult to breathe. It can be relieved by adjusting emotional relaxation.

In summary, dyspnea is a dangerous signal, which often indicates that the body has problems. When you have symptoms of dyspnea, you need to go to the hospital to seek help from a specialist, clarify the cause as soon as possible, and treat them targeted. The cough and asthma team of the slow disease outpatient clinic of Guangdong Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine conducts diagnosis and management of patients with cough and dyspnea. Through individualized drugs and exercise, patients who have difficulty respiratory diseases have reduced their symptoms and participated in more. Social activities have improved the quality of life.

Healthy trick

Sky moxibustion therapy: It is an ancient and new and effective treatment method. Apply a specific Chinese medicine to the acupuncture points, so that the skin is congested, red, and even foam to stimulate meridians, adjust qi, blood, yang and yang, and prevent diseases.

According to the time of the post, it is divided into Sanfu Tian moxibustion and three or nine days moxibustion. Each day, moxibustion time, major hospitals. For weakness and allergic diseases, Tian moxibustion has a good effect. When you suffer from chronic respiratory diseases and symptoms of breathing difficulties, it belongs to bronchial asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases. You can try moxibustion therapy.

Selection points: Feishu, Dingshou, Shenshu, Qi Hai, Huangshu, etc. Medical Guidance: Xu Yinji, Director of Disposal and Critical Medicine, Daide Road General Hospital of Guangdong Province

• Chief physician, professor, master's tutor

• Director of the Division of Division of Disposal and Critical Medicine, Dade Road General Hospital of Guangdong Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine

• Professor Professor of the Master of the Chinese Medical Medicine

• Vice President of the Fever Branch of the Chinese National Medicine Society

• Deputy Chairman of the Breathing Special Committee of the Guangdong Provincial Chinese Medicine Society

• Vice Chairman of the Guangdong Female Physician Association Respiration and Critical Critical Critical Special Committee

• Young famous Chinese Medicine Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Yangcheng Good Doctor, Guangzhou Power Middle -aged Doctor

• Good at: Childbella, asthma, chronic cough, deficiency people with colds, dilatation, lung fibrosis, pulmonary hypertension, pulmonary embolism and other diseases such as Chinese and Western medical treatment and traditional Chinese medicine recovery

Cough Cosmetic Slow Disease Management Clinic

Cough and asthma Slow Disease Management Outpatient Clinic is located on the eighth floor of the training building of Dade Road General Hospital of Guangdong Province. Patients with chronic diseases provide drug treatment, lung rehabilitation, diet guidance, and health education to protect and manage the health of patients with cough and asthma.

Huang Minling

Deputy Chief Physician, Master's degree, member of the Standing Committee of the Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine Integrated Lung rehabilitation professional committees, and member of the Respiratory Society of Traditional Chinese Medicine Society.

Good at: Common diseases of traditional Chinese and Western medicine diagnosis and treatment of respiratory systems, such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), bronchial asthma, bronchial dilation, chronic cough, etc., as well as pulmonary embolism, pulmonary hypertension, interstitial pneumonia, severe pneumonia, respiratory failure, pulmonary exhaustion, pulmonary exhaustion, lung exhaust Nodule and other difficult and critical China and Western medical diagnosis and treatment, slow disease management of respiratory diseases, and lung recovery.

Supply: Division and Critical Medicine (PCCM) of Daide Road General Hospital of Guangdong Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine (PCCM)

Medical Guidance: Xu Yinji

Author: Huang Minling

Executive editor: Wu Yuan Tuan

Audit school pair: Zhuang Yingge

Editor in charge: Song Liping

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