National Health and Health Commission: Risk zone information should be released within 5 hours after the epidemic occurs

Author:Healthy China Time:2022.07.01

On July 1, the official website of the National Health Commission issued the "New Coronatte Pneumonic Pneumonia Prevention and Control Plan (9th Edition)" related questions:

I. What are the timing and requirements of schools and service agencies such as schools and childcare institutions, pension institutions, and children's welfare services.

Omikon's mutant plant is faster and more hidden. The ninth version of the prevention and control plan further strengthens the monitoring of schools and childcare institutions, children's welfare service agencies, spiritual specialist hospitals, training institutions and other key institutions. Early warning requirements to improve the sensitivity of early discovery of infected people. Relevant key institutions are dense, especially for the elderly and patients with mental illness. Once the infected person is introduced, it is easy to cause a clustered epidemic, with high risk of severe illness, and difficulty in dealing with the epidemic disposal. After the local epidemic occurs, the scope of the epidemic should be analyzed in a timely manner based on the flow results. For relevant key institutions within the area of ​​townships (streets) and counties (districts) that the epidemic affects The results of all employees and the risk of the diffusion of the epidemic are adjusted to at least 20%of the sampling ratio per day or the nucleic acid testing is carried out in accordance with the test requirements of the area.

2. What is the time limit for the release of risk areas after the epidemic?

The ninth edition of the prevention and control plan requires that the local joint prevention and control mechanism after the epidemic should regulate the risk areas in a timely manner, and publish relevant low, medium and high -risk areas information within 5 hours, and timely push the overflowers in the middle and high -risk areas overflowing personnel in time information. The follow -up information is updated according to the progress of the epidemic and risk research and judgment results. If the risk of community transmission of the infected infected persons, those such as close contact with those who are closely contacted have been controlled in a timely manner, and the risk of epidemic dissemination has been effectively controlled. After the research and judgment, there is no need to define the risk areas, and relevant information should be issued in time.

3. What is the difference between the prevention and control measures in the low risk zone?

The ninth edition of the prevention and control plan stipulates that the county (city, district, flag) where the mid -to -high risk zone is located is a low -risk zone, and adopt preventive measures such as "personal protection and avoiding gathering". Various types of personnel in the area conduct nucleic acid testing as required. Strict implementation of measures to enter indoor public places, peaks, current limit, temperature measurement, registration, mask and other measures. Remind residents to reduce going out, avoid gathering, maintain social distance, and do personal protection. Cross -regional flow must hold a 48 -hour kernel acidic acid test negative proof. After arriving at the destination, the requirements for nucleic acid testing for 3 days are implemented. Local can not take "layer" measures such as isolation and restricting travel from low -risk areas.

4. How can I return to the place of residence after the entry personnel lift the centralized isolation?

After the entry personnel completed the 7 -day concentrated observation of medical observation in accordance with regulations, they returned to the residence to carry out the health monitoring of the three heavenly homes. Before the centralized isolation, the health notifications and prevention and control requirements of the immigration personnel will be made; the provincial -level joint prevention and control mechanism of the first entry -level place will push the relevant information of the immigration personnel to the provincial joint prevention and control mechanism in the destination in a timely manner to share personnel information sharing. The entry personnel should return to the residential place in time after lift the isolation. It is strictly forbidden to change the itinerary. On the way back, personal protection should be made. After arriving at the destination, report to the local community. Essence

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