Experts interpret the itinerary card "picking stars" positive influence

Author:Global Times Time:2022.07.01

Reporter Fan Wei Liu Caiyu

On June 29, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology announced that the "Star" mark on the communication card card will be canceled today. What does this major adjustment mean and what will it affect the lives of society and ordinary people?

Wu Zunyou, chief expert of epidemiology of the China Disease Prevention and Control Center, issued a statement on June 30 that the introduction of these new measures is neither the relaxation of the new crown prevention and control measures nor the abandonment of the dynamic zero policy. The so -called "lying" route is about to prevent and control the new crown in Western countries. Relevant departments to adjust prevention and control measures are to further improve and optimize certain specific prevention and control measures in accordance with the new situation of the global new crown pneumonia, the new situation of my country's epidemic situation, and prevention and control work.

Regarding whether the "Star Number" mark will bring new crowns and popular risks, Wu Zunyou said that the "Star" mark of the communication itinerary card indicates that smartphone users have visited a certain area of ​​high -risk areas within 14 days before. Cities or cities do not mean that users have actually visited these high -risk areas. The tag is only used as a travel prompt, and the health status of the user is not related to the user.

Wu Zunyou believes that the "star number" of the communication stroke card is to maximize the number of people who may be infected into the field of prevention and control, especially in the special period of severe and complex epidemic, and play a certain role. Therefore, the cancellation of the "Star Number" mark will not cause the risk of new crowns to increase. With the continuous improvement of scientific prevention and control and accurate policies, the requirements for the division and prevention and control management requirements of high -risk zones/mid -risk areas are more refined and precise. It is difficult to play a role in the specific implementation of the strategy.

An unnamed Chinese disease control expert was interviewed by a reporter from the Global Times on June 30 that the cancellation of the "Star" mark of the "Star" card of the communication itinerary was a positive sign, which will travel for people in low -risk areas across the country. Provide convenience. "Since the outbreak of Wuhan, China has always pursued the dynamic clearing policy and has tried many measures. Some of them have been tried and abandoned, and some have been persisted. After this adjustment, our dynamic zero -related policy is more scientific and more dynamic. This will help balance the prevention and control of the epidemic and economic development. "

After canceling the "Star Number" mark of the communication itinerary, does it mean that people can travel freely? The expert said that first of all, the cancellation of the "star number" on the itinerary does not mean that the risk of travel will increase. Because under the current epidemic prevention and control policy, relevant restrictions will still be isolated and controlled by personnel from high -risk areas in a timely manner. In addition, the dynamic zero policy and related policies also have a mature coordination mechanism. If the nucleic acid testing from low -risk areas is positive, we can still quickly track and take relevant control measures to prevent larger infection. "It is worth mentioning that cancellation of the itinerary card 'Star Number" can also prevent some places from adding layers of people from low -risk areas. " The expert said.

Wu Zunyou also pointed out in the article that in individual places at the grassroots level, prevention and control measures may occur layer by layer, and they areolation measures for those who have the "star" mark. This approach is wrong and does not meet the spirit of scientific prevention and control and precise policy. If there is such a situation, after the "Star" mark is canceled, such errors should also be terminated accordingly.

What positive impact does the cancellation of the "Star" on the society and the people? Wu Zunyou believes that the cancellation of the "Star" mark is the specific manifestation of the implementation of the Party Central Committee's "prevention of prevention, stabilizing the economy, and being securely developed", which is conducive to truly coordinating the prevention and control of the epidemic and economic and social development. The cancellation of the "Star" mark will play a positive role in promoting the flow of personnel and active economic development. The cancellation of the "Star Number" mark is conducive to the implementation of the main measures of the "New Coronatte Pneumonic Pneumonia Prevention and Control Plan (Ninth Edition)". The cancellation of the "Star" mark will no longer provide any excuses for those practices of over -epidemic prevention that may occur, and even "overwhelming everything" for epidemic prevention.

In addition, according to the National Health and Health Commission, on June 29, 31 provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities, and Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps reported 8 cases of new cases (5 cases in Jiangsu, 2 cases in Guangdong, 1 case in Beijing); 31 asymptomatic infections. According to local reports, on June 30, 14 nuclear acid -positive personnel found in Wuxi, Jiangsu. ▲

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