On September 22, a newly added non -symptom infection in Gansu, here →

Author:Gansu daily Time:2022.09.23

The information information of the new crown pneumonia in Gansu Province will be announced at 0-24:00 on September 22:

Local epidemic:

At 00-24 on September 22, there were no new confirmed cases in Gansu Province; 1 newly added infection was added in Jingyuan County, Baiyin City. The above -mentioned new infected persons are personnel from other provinces. They found in the test of nucleic acid testing at home isolated crowds that trajectory information was released by relevant cities or counties.

As of 24:00 on September 22, the cumulative report of the "0815" epidemic reported 15 cases of confirmed cases and 569 asymptomatic infected infected. There are 22 cases of dismissal non -symptoms. There were 13 cases of accumulated healing hospitals, and 468 cases of infected infection were dismissed. There are two existing confirmed cases and 101 asymptomatic infections, all of which are quarantine or isolation medical observation in designated medical institutions.

Enter the epidemic overseas:

At 0-24 on September 22, there were no new input diagnosis cases and asymptomatic infections.

Baiyin Jingyuan County has added a new high -risk zone and 2 mid -risk areas

The Office of the Leading Group of the New Crown Pneumonia Epidemic Institute of Pneumonia in Jingyuan County, Baiyin City issued a notice. "Ninth Edition)" Relevant provisions, after research and judgment by the city and county Liu Tuanxuan expert group, since 00:00 on September 23, 2022, Jingyuan County has designated high -risk areas, mid -risk zones and low -risk areas in the jurisdiction.

1. High -risk area

Choir Yonghe Village of Shuanglong Town as a high -risk area. Measures such as "not leaving home and on -site services".

Second, mid -risk zone

Shuanglong Town Shuanglong Village and Chengchuan Village are classified as mid -risk areas. Measures such as "people do not get out of districts and peaks".

3. Low -risk zone

In addition to the high -risk areas and other areas of the high -risk area divided by Jingyuan County are low -risk areas. Implement preventive measures such as "personal protection and avoiding gathering". When you leave Jingyuan County, you must hold a 48 -hour nucleic acid detection negative certificate. The above measures will be implemented from 00:00 on September 23, 2022, and will be adjusted in a timely manner according to the changes in the prevention and control situation of the epidemic.

Source: official website of the Gansu Health Committee, CCTV News

Editor in charge: Yu Shuai

Supervisor: Mu so strong

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