The epidemic prevention and control are not relaxed, and ten measures should be kept in mind!

Author:Zhuhai Xiangzhou Time:2022.06.21

The normalized epidemic prevention and control still requires everyone's persistence. At all times, the epidemic prevention and control this line is tightened, the awareness of self -prevention is improved, and the normalization epidemic prevention and control are done. Please keep in mind these ten measures! Intersection Intersection

First: Not paralysis, not a carelessness.

The embankment of thousands of miles broke the ant hole. In terms of epidemic prevention and control, a small negligence may destroy the hard -won anti -epidemic results. Without paralysis, lack of relaxation, and unreasonable, insisting on protecting the new crown virus can be blocked.

Second: Wear masks and persist.

Scientific wearing masks is one of the most effective measures to prevent respiratory infectious diseases. Especially when you go to public places and closed space, you must wear masks correctly when you take public transport.

Third: sneezing and etiquette.

The droplets produced during cough and sneezing often carry the virus, which can directly or indirectly cause the virus to spread. Therefore, when coughing and sneezing, you must cover your mouth and nose with paper towels and handkerchiefs.

Fourth: Wash your hands and talk about hygiene.

Hand -toasting and talking about sanitation are the most important way to ensure physical health. Before the meal, after contacting the outside world, before touching the mouth and nose, be sure to clean your hands carefully, follow the seven -step washing method, and rub with soap (hand washing liquid) and flowing water for at least 20 seconds.

Fifth: Changqi, essential.

Open the window to ventilate and keep the indoor air flow, which can effectively reduce the concentration of viruses and bacteria in the air and reduce the risk of disease transmission. The windows should be opened 2-3 times a day, 20-30 minutes each time, especially the closed air-conditioned room must open the window regularly.

Sixth: one meter distance, safer.

Respiratory infectious diseases are mainly transmitted through close -range respiratory tract droplets, and the social distance of more than one meter can prevent virus infection to a certain extent. Keep one -meter line, do not crowded when traveling, and keep a safe distance.

Seventh: Go out less and not gather.

There are many people in public places and large flows, and dinner and gatherings can easily lead to the spread of respiratory infectious diseases. Therefore, do n’t go in many places, to avoid crowded places. Go out and do not tie up.

Eighth: Vaccination is important.

Vaccination is the most economical, effective and convenient means to prevent diseases. New coronary virus, vaccination and personal protection must not be less. Anyone who meets the conditions of vaccination must actively vaccinate the new crown virus vaccine and contribute to the construction of an immune barrier.

Ninth: Speaking of science and strong immunity.

Equipment and exercise exercise in a balanced diet, adhere to the regular work, do not stay up late, ensure sufficient sleep, maintain a good mentality, can effectively enhance human immunity.

Tenth: Symptoms, I have been seek medical treatment for a long time.

Take the initiative to do a good job of health monitoring. If there are symptoms such as fever, cough, go to the hot kidney clinic in time. On the way, avoid taking public transportation, take the initiative to inform the history of living, contact the history of contact, do not conceal, avoid avoidance, and follow the doctor's advice.

What are the preventive measures for new crown pneumonia? In daily work and life, you need to keep in mind the "three -piece set" and do a good job of protecting the "five more". ↓↓

If you have been to high -risk areas in the near future, or have been exposed to personnel from high -risk areas, or have the history of contact with the new crown pneumonia and suspected cases, you should take the initiative to report the health department and conduct health monitoring and new coronal virus detection.

Correctly washing hands can effectively prevent various infectious diseases such as influenza, hand, foot and mouth disease, and infectious diarrhea. How can I wash my hands correctly? ↓↓

Correct hand -wash method "hand washing" refers to the use of hand sanitizers or soaps and flowing water. The correct hand washing method should be used when washing your hands. The length of the hands washed is not less than 20 seconds. Seven -step washing method keeps in mind this formula: "Inner, outside, clip, bow, big, standing, wrist". 1. Inner: rubbing the palm of the palm at the palm of the palm 2. On the other hand: the back of the hand, the palm of the palm of the palm, rubbing with both hands and rubbing 3. Clamp 3. Clamp the hand, the palm of the palm to the palm, and the ten fingers cross rubbing. 4. Bow: Bend your fingers into a bow shape, bend the fingers tightly, rotate and rub. 5. Big: The thumb is held in the palm and rubbed. 6. Standing: Standing up your fingers, rubbing your fingertips on your palm. 7. wrist: clean your wrist.

Everyone is responsible for the prevention and control of the epidemic. Please do your personal protection and cooperate with it!

Edit: Yang Yuhan Preliminary Trial: Wang Sheng and Zhou Youman Revised: Wang Biao Material Source: Southern Net

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