Juli anti -"epidemic" together with the same direction!To all citizens' epidemic prevention and control initiative!Please repost

Author:Linxia Rong Media Center Time:2022.09.18

Dear citizen friends:

Since the new crown epidemic occurs, we have become a city, and we have successfully cope with the waves of epidemic invasion and winning the tough battles side by side.

At present, the epidemic in Linxia is facing severe challenges in complexity and repeatedness. The pressure of "external prevention input, internal prevention and rebound" prevention and control pressure. In order to block the spread of the epidemic as soon as possible, and win the prevention and control of this round of epidemic in the fastest speed, we issued the following initiative to all citizens, concentrated on our hearts, and aggregated to resist the "epidemic".

In the face of the epidemic, we don't need to panic, but we must never be neglected. We advocate that personal protection, continue to adhere to masks, wash hands, often ventilate, one -meter line, less gathering, civilized dining, cough etiquette, cleaning and disinfection, maintaining health, and developing healthy lifestyle. , Stop everything non -necessary flow, try to home and reduce going out. Except for the prevention and control and the necessary life, please consciously do not go out of the community, do not go out, do not go to relatives and do not make the door. Do a good job of health monitoring, and be a "chief health official", such as fever, dry cough, fatigue, smell of smell, nasal congestion, runny nose, sore throat, conjunctivitis, muscle pain and diarrhea, etc., regulate the mask throughout the process, Go to the nearest norms in time; adhere to regular testing, ask citizens to participate in nucleic acid testing as required, reduce hidden communication, nuclear inspections are often done and healthy is often. Resisting online rumors, pay close attention to the "Xinlinxia" APP, and information related to the epidemic related media such as "Linxia Rong Media Center" WeChat public account. Civilized Internet access, rational voice.

Implementing the "four -party responsibility" is the key to prevention and control of the epidemic. The territories, departments, units and individuals cannot be "three lacks and one". We propose to cooperate with (return) management. Outside of the province and the state of the state (return) personnel (return) personnel must sweep the "Hezhou one code", standardize the implementation of management measures such as isolation, monitoring , Prevention and control of epidemic conditions such as nucleic acid testing.

We are acting against the epidemic. In the past few days, the majority of party members and cadres in the city are fighting continuously day and night; "Angel White", "Guardian Blue" and "Volunteer Red" retrograde and adhere to the first line; all citizens are cooperating with the orderly cooperation, watching each other, and the speed, strength and temperature of concentric resistance and resistance. Linxia continued to perform. Facing the epidemic, we take strict prevention and control measures to quickly eliminate hidden dangers, which will definitely cause trouble and inconvenience to the general public, but this is an important mechanism to ensure that we can quickly restore normal work and life. Temporary inconvenience is to be more peaceful. Unity, understanding, and cooperation are the best way for the weave -and -control epidemic prevention and control network. It is the best way to win work at the shortest time, the fastest speed, and the lowest cost.

The epidemic is still continuing, and the big test has not ended! The more important the moment, the more we need to condense the power of the same way. Let us continue to work together to help the epidemic prevention and control in the way we can, and to win the battle to prevent and control this epidemic, so that students can return to the classroom as soon as possible, learn happily, so that citizens can work with peace of mind and live comfortably. Trust, support, and cooperation are the biggest base of winning.


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