Keep 6 more people!All such personnel are "yellow code"

Author:Global Times Time:2022.06.21

In the early morning of this (June 21), the Xiangzhou District of Zhuhai, Guangdong announced that after entering Zhuhai from Macau, the four personnel did not strictly implement the measures of home isolation or centralized isolation health management measures, and went to public places without authorization, causing the risk of epidemic dissemination. Due to its behavior of violating the prevention and control of the epidemic, relevant departments have punished 4 people for 10 days in accordance with the law.

Tan Mouming (male, 46 years old) entered Zhuhai on June 16, and was discovered while in the early morning of the 20th in the Kara OK entertainment in Xiangzhou Phoenix Road.

Zhong Mouxiong (male, 35 years old) entered Zhuhai on June 19, and was discovered when he was consumed at a foot bath center in Xianghua Road, Xiangzhou.

Ding (male, 45 years old) entered Zhuhai on June 18, and was discovered during a hotel at a hotel in Gongbei, Gongbei, 20 afternoon.

He Mouhua (male, 53 years old) entered Zhuhai on June 18, and was discovered during a public place in Longxing Street, Jiuzhou Avenue on the evening of the 20th.

Today (21st), Zhuhai Jinwan District notified that after the two people entered Zhuhai from Macau, they did not strictly implement the home isolation and health management measures, and went to public places without authorization to cause the risk of epidemic dissemination. Due to its behavior of violating the prevention and control of the epidemic, the relevant departments have punished two administrative detention for 10 days in accordance with the law.

Chen Mouzhi (female, 45 years old) entered Zhuhai on June 16, and was discovered during a public place in a public place in Yuyue Village, Sanzheng Town, Sanzheng Town, Jinwan District.

Xue Mouhui (female, 29 years old) entered Zhuhai on June 16, and was discovered while at a KTV entertainment at a KTV entertainment in Pingsha Town, Jinwan District on the evening of the 20th.

Earlier, Zhuhai Xiangzhou reported that 13 people had violated the prevention and control of the epidemic, and the relevant departments had punished administrative detention for 10 days in accordance with the law.

Yesterday (June 20), Zhuhai held a press conference on epidemic prevention and control to report on the prevention and control of the epidemic. The press conference introduced that since June 5th, it has entered the country from the Zhuhai -Macao Port (including Hengqin Port) and is still in Zhuhai, but all personnel who have not implemented nucleic acid testing as required are yellow code.

In order to effectively block the risk of the spread of epidemic, the prevalent of the Xinguan Pneumonia Epidemic Institute of Zhuhai has issued a notice on June 19, requiring to enter the people from Macau since June 15 (inclusive) to report to the communities, units, and hotels in the community, units, and hotels as soon as possible. , Implement 7 Heavenly Home Family Isolation (Can't Out)+7 Heavenly House Health Monitoring (not necessary to go out), return to school without returning to the school, do not take public transportation, and do not go to public places; Sky concentrated isolation+7 Heavenly House isolation.

All units and individuals must strictly abide by the above -mentioned epidemic prevention policies. For those who violate the regulations, the risk of dissemination of the epidemic or causing epidemic dissemination will be dealt with seriously in accordance with the law.

Source: Southern Metropolis Daily (NDDAILY), NANDUZZJ, NANDUZZJ, N Video Comprehensive Report

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