Non -little things of heat stroke!Learn these five tricks and correct heat stroke correctly

Author:Shandong Disease Control Time:2022.06.21

The hot summer is coming,

Under high temperature,

Don't treat heat stroke as trivial matter.

Know the heat stroke

Severing stroke refers to a group of clinical syndrome caused by a long -term exposure to high -temperature environments, or in a hot environment, causing the body's temperature adjustment function disorders, characterized by symptoms of high fever, dry skin, and central nervous system.

Severing stroke can be divided into threatened heat stroke, light heat stroke, and severe heat stroke.

The threatened heat stroke is a heat stroke with a normal or slightly increased body temperature (<38 ° C). As long as you get out of the high temperature environment as soon as possible, transfer to a cool place, timely ventilate and cool down to supplement cold saline, and you can recover in a short time. The main manifestations are sweating, weak limbs, dizziness, thirst, headache, inattention, dazzling, tinnitus, uncoordinated movements, etc.

The mild heat stroke is more serious compared to the threatened heat stroke, manifested as the symptoms continued to increase, the body temperature rises to more than 38 degrees Celsius, and the skin is hot, red or dehydrated (such as wet limbs, pale complexion, decreased blood pressure, increased pulse, etc.) symptoms) Essence However, after timely rescue treatment, it can be recovered within a few hours. Therefore, there is no need to be too panic in heat stroke, just take rescue measures in time.

The most important thing is to attract severe heat stroke. Because severe heat stroke is not treated in time, it is easy to occur, which is life -threatening.

Severe heat stroke includes three types: heat spasm, thermal failure and thermal ejection disease.

Thermal spasm is an early manifestation of thermal injection. Mainly manifested in muscle pain or convulsions, which is more severe.

Patients with a history of heart disease, low -salt food, or those who are not alleviated after sitting in a cool place for 1 hour, once the symptoms occur, they must quickly go to the hospital.

The onset of thermal failure is rapid, and patients often experience symptoms such as dizziness, vomiting, spasm, and fainting. The body temperature rises, but lower than 40 ° C.

If you do not intervene in time, it will develop rapidly into heat irritation.

Thermal radiation disease is the most serious type of heat stroke, accounting for 8.6%to 18.0%of heat stroke. The core temperature of the body rises rapidly. The core temperature increases by more than 40 ° C. The central nervous system has abnormal performance, and the damage of multi -organ functional damage is to occur. The main characteristics are severe clinical syndrome that is accompanied by multi -organ system damage such as skin burning and consciousness disorder.

If it cannot be treated in a timely and effective treatment, the mortality rate is extremely high.

First aid "five moves" to deal with heat stroke

Under normal circumstances, patients with threatened heat stroke and light heat stroke can return to normal after on -site rescue, so do not panic when you encounter heat stroke. First, master the emergency method.

One shift: Quickly get off the high temperature environment, move the patient to the cool vent of ventilation, and raise the head to unbutton the pants to facilitate breathing and heat dissipation.

Two compresses: Apply the head with warm water, and then change it with cold water and ice water to help patients cool the body temperature.

Three drinks: Drinking salt -containing beverages, timely supplementing the water needed for the body, and replenishing some inorganic salts at the same time.

Four wipes: Due to high temperature, high humidity, and windlessness, when the body is difficult to heat the heat, you can use cold water or ice water to wipe the bath until the skin is red.

Five drops: When the body temperature is as high as 40 ° C and the heat stroke appears coma, convulsions and other symptoms, especially in the face of patients with heat irritation, the treatment must follow 3 principles:

1. Quick, effective, and continuous cooling.

2. Quickly replenish the capacity. If it is difficult to take the liquid orally, the vein is required.

3. Control restlessness and convulsions. At the same time, dial 120 and send the patient to the hospital for the hospital as soon as possible.

Remember! Do not drink water for patients with severe heat stroke.

Because the patient sweats a lot, sweat will take away a lot of salt, causing the imbalance of electrolytes inside the human body. If you drink a lot of water at this time, it will further reduce the effective concentration of electrolytes and increase the condition.

Introduce a few ways to cool down:

1. Evaporation and cooling: spray with cold water or spray water mist at the skin, and with continuous fan at the same time, it can achieve effective cooling.

2. Cooling in ice, physical cooling of ice packs, pay attention to frostbite.

3. Under medical permission, the method of cooling and drug cooling in the body can also be used.

Prevent heat stroke, what time do you do

A. Be prepared for sun protection and heatstroke prevention

Keep cool: Choose light, light -colored, loose clothes, keep the room cool in the room, and stay as if there are air -conditioned places or cool places.

Arrange outdoor activities reasonably: When the weather is hot, try to arrange outdoor activities in the morning or evening.

Pay attention to rest during exercise, pay attention to adjusting the intensity of outdoor sports, and it is recommended to reduce outdoor activities in hot days.

If you have accelerated heartbeat, breath, dizziness, and panic during the exercise process, you should stop exercise and rest in time.

Do a good job of summer sunscreen: sunburn can affect the body's cooling ability and cause dehydration. Put outdoor sun hats, sunglasses, etc., and apply sunscreen with suitable sunscreen coefficient 30 minutes before going out.

B. Drink water scientifically and eat reasonably

Scientific drinking water: Don't wait until thirsty before drinking water.

The correct method is to drink water at any time to maintain the water needed by the human body. Do not drink a lot of water when you are thirsty, otherwise it will make it difficult for the stomach and intestines to adapt.

Everyone likes to eat cold drinks in summer, but cold drinks will cause the gastric mucosa capillaries to shrink, which will affect the secretion of gastric protease and gastric acid digestive solution, and even bring various gastrointestinal diseases, such as gastric pain and diarrhea.

Salt and minerals: A large amount of sweat will lose salt and minerals. Sports drinks can help replenish the salt and minerals lost in sweat, and should be supplemented in time.

Reasonable diet: hot summer climate, people's appetite is generally reduced, which will limit nutrition absorption and reduce human body resistance. Therefore, in summer, pay attention to nutritional balance, and supplement enough protein, such as fish and milk beans. The diet should be light and should not eat high -calorie, greasy and spicy foods, because these foods are not easy to digest and increase the burden on the gastrointestinal tract.

To eat some foods rich in vitamin C, such as tomatoes, watermelon, bayberry, melon, etc. In the morning and evening, you can eat some heatstroke porridge, such as mung bean porridge, silver flower porridge, mint porridge, lotus seed porridge, red bean porridge, winter melon porridge, lotus leaf porridge, etc.

C. Master the first aid measures and prepare heatstroke prevention drugs

Learn the symptoms and signs of heat stroke -related diseases, and how to treat. At the same time, it is often prepared for heatstroke prevention drugs, such as Ren Dan, ten drops of water, cool oil, wind oil essence, summer symptoms, summer chrysanthemum particles, etc.

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Source: China Health Education, Jiangsu Disease Control, Health China, and Health Health

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