After being injured, the man's wound infection was almost abolished!Seeing this kind of thing is far away!
Author:Global Times Time:2022.09.10
Mr. Wu, a Guangzhou neighborhood, was obsessed with surfing
Last month he and his friends went to the seaside of Huizhou to play
But it didn't take long for the launch
He found
The situation seems a bit not right ...
"When the surfing was surfed, something suddenly was tied up by something
So hurry up and see
I found a little redness and swelling
But there is basically no trace of injury ""
Yes, he was bitten in the water!
"Hands" is the sailor!
Mr. Wu said
The moment I was stung was painful, just like a needle tie
After that, the ankle started to swell
He ran in the seawater for half an hour according to the instructions of the coach
Then go to the local health center for treatment
After simple treatment
Mr. Wu said that he basically did not sleep very much that night
"I hit a needle muscle needle
It's not so fast after playing, it is very serious that night
The pain of needle or burning "
To seek further treatment
After returning to Guangzhou, Mr. Wu hurried to the hospital for treatment
The ankle surgery of the hospital was admitted to the hospital with "ankle infection"
Doctor introduce
When Mr. Wu was admitted to the hospital, the right foot, the right ankle swelling, and pain
Skin ulcers, pus
The calf activity is limited, you can't walk
Li Runguang, chief physician of the ankle surgery of the third affiliated hospital of Southern Medical University: If the patient's condition was not treated in time and the infection was further developed, it may invade the deep fascia to the joint.
Doctor said
Once invading deep fascia, it will cause necrotic fasciitis
The consequences could be disastrous
The medical team carefully check the affected area for Mr. Wu
Remain the jellyfish in the wound
And the patient's leg necrosis tissue is cleaned up
And give symptomatic treatment
After more than a week
Mr. Wu's leg infection is controlled
Red swelling and pain obviously improved
Can be discharged
Li Runguang, chief physician of the ankle surgery of the third hospital of Nanyi: After being injured by seafood, it is mainly to see its toxins. If it is more toxic, it may cause serious allergies, as if it is bitten by a poisonous snake, such as the whole body, such as the whole body Allergies, dizziness, or syncope may be shock in severe cases, but this situation is relatively rare.
The jellyfish seems to be harmless
But there are similar damage events every year, which occur from time to time
If you are accidentally injured
What should we do?
If you are injured accidentally, don't panic
First peel off the tentacles of marine life
You can use dry towels or other soft clothes
Wipe the wound in the same direction
If the thorns are large, you should find a tool to scrape it in time
Rinse the place with seawater or white vinegar
Pay attention to the whole process
Do not contact your skin with your tentacles to avoid being stuck
After preliminary treatment, you need to seek medical treatment in time
The doctor reminded that the tentacles from the mother's body can continue to release the stab cells, and they are squeezed or stimulated to shoot more stab cells. Do not use fresh water for rinse wounds. If there is no sea water, you can use vinegar to inhibit the activity of stab cells.
Source: Guangdong Public DV site
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