Scientists in the factory in the factory do not interrupt the $ 2 billion new drug "going to the sea" without slowing down

Author:Chengdu Daily Jinguan Time:2022.09.07

"Regardless of production, transportation, or research and development, they have not slowed down due to the epidemic." When speaking of this, Wang Xuefen, president of Coron Medical Trade, had lived in the company for a week.

Wang Xuefen told reporters that during the prevention and control of the epidemic, Kellen Group's factory production line in Chengdu was still running at full load, and the number of customers' orders could be delivered as agreed. The company also provides nucleic acid testing consumables with over 14 million people, which helps this epidemic prevention and control battle. At the same time, the company's innovative drug research and development has not been interrupted. "At present, the delivery time of the R & D results of each stage follows strict requirements, and the research process has not been greatly affected. Said.

Research and development are not interrupted: scientists in the factory, 2 billion US dollars of new drugs "going to sea" will not slow down

The epidemic is sudden. What is the current development of Chengdu Innovation Pharmaceuticals?

In the field of new drug research and development, the saying of "billion dollars and ten years of waiting" is widely circulated. In the clinical trial stage, R & D projects, long R & D cycle, complex preparation conditions, and complicated processes. Generally, the single continuous continuous continuously stopped driving time, and the production cost of single batches exceeds 10 million yuan. It takes 24 hours to keep the operation. Once such high requirements and high investment requirements are turned on, once the batch starts, it cannot be stopped.

The reporter learned that the research and development of this new drug with global racing did not suspend due to the epidemic raid. In the Coronbutai production plant in Wenjiang District, the development of innovative drugs is accelerating. Wang Xuefen introduced: "The scientists of the company's key projects are currently promoting research and development in the factory, and together with our production, quality, R & D and other teams, they are in the company, in order to not delay the progress of new drug research and development."

Innovative drugs are one of the key industries cultivated in Chengdu. Under the strong chain of the construction circle, many Chengdu enterprises have accelerated the pace of research and development of innovative drugs in Chengdu this year. As of the end of the first half of this year, Colom has promoted a total of 14 national 1 -type innovative drug clinical research, covering a number of major diseases such as malignant tumors, autoimmune, anesthesia and analgesics.

It is worth mentioning that Coron Pharmaceuticals reached two new drug cooperation with Meridon in 2022. The total amount of milestones exceeds 2 billion US dollars. Its research progress is also related to whether this cooperation can be delivered as scheduled. In order to take care of the healthy growth of these "babies", Collennium launched an emergency mechanism. In the closed companies, there are not only more than 200 scientists who eat and live here, but also more online office scientists stick to the front line of research and development, including dozens of leaders introduced overseas.

"At present, the delivery time of the R & D results of each stage follows strict requirements, and the research process has not been much affected. The research results have reached the progress of the contract agreed." In the interview, Wang Xuefen said comfortably.

Establish a "Safe Island": Factory area achieves full load production and completes more than 300 emergency drug distribution

From September 1st, the needs of a citizen of Chengdu to be met with a special type of patients with special patients -patients with special diseases and chronic diseases. Wang Xuefen said that in areas such as Chengdu, Mianyang, Nanchong, Xichang, etc., more than 20 smart professional pharmacies under the Kellen Medical and Trade Group insist on providing drug purchase and drug delivery for patients with chronic diseases. September Since the 1st, the normal drug needs of more than 2,000 patients with chronic diseases have been guaranteed.

Wang Xuefen said that emergency medicines can be successfully distributed, thanks to the rapid and effective arrangement of government departments. "All our pass on September 1 will be taken down, and our sales staff can travel freely to send medicines for such patients. . If these premises cannot be achieved, what companies can do are only minimal. "In all aspects of raw materials reserves, manufacturing, logistics distribution, etc., Karen Pharmaceuticals also prepared all preparations for the epidemic. In terms of raw material reserve, Colom first set up a "safety line" to increase the amount of raw materials appropriately. On the other hand, for some upstream supporting companies that cannot apply for qualifications or do not have transportation conditions in time, Colom Pharmaceuticals on the one hand to help suppliers apply , Also sent a special person to the upstream manufacturers to guide the closed production to ensure that raw materials can be completed in a special period.

In the seven production plants in Chengdu, Colom also built the "Safe Island" early. After determining the employees in the factory, a round of nucleic acid testing was performed to ensure the safety and production safety of all employees. Right now, the detection of nucleic acid in the factory area is still carried out every day. The purpose is to minimize the needs of employees to go out and complete closed -loop production and life. In these 7 factory areas, the company's executives and more than 3,000 cadres and employees rest on the company's dormitory, marching beds, and even mattresses every night, just to run the full load of the production line. "From the Group President to the front -line employees, there are people on the job from production, transportation to sales. There were previously on and off, and now it is completely gone. At 2 o'clock in the middle of the night, we will immediately organize employees to pay for goods, no matter what time is shipping, we will ship, no matter what time is shipping We must meet the trucks and safely on the road in a timely manner. We can wait, but medical needs cannot wait. "Wang Xuefen said. At present, the group's production plants have achieved full load production, and the number of customers' orders can be delivered as agreed.

In addition, once the epidemic comes, pharmaceutical companies need to play a more important defender role.Beginning on September 1st, the demand for consumables such as the test agent and other consumables in Chengdu has increased dramatically.In the huge demand for nucleic acid testing, Colom's total of 35 million people has been put in Sichuan since July 15.Among them, from September 1st to 3rd, the company delivered 14.26 million people to more than 3,000 nucleic acid sampling points and epidemic prevention units, 39,000 units of medical protection clothing, 470,000 medical masks, alcohol, mask and other typesEpidemic prevention materials 11,000 pieces.Chengdu Daily Jinguan News Reporter Liu Taishan Editor He Qixie Intern Editor Lu Yaruitu According to Keron

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