Children treat the cleaner as juice and be sent to the gastric lavage!6 types of items in the home, beware of children, swallow it by mistake

Author:Tencent Medical Code Time:2022.06.20

Children are inherently curious. They want to touch everything and want to taste everything.

But they ca n’t tell what ca n’t eat and what ca n’t be touched. If you do n’t pay attention, you may cause a big disaster.

Sometimes, parents are negligent with a baby, and they may also give their babies a dangerous thing.

On January 21, 2022, a child in Suzhou accidentally drank a cleaner by mistake ...

Zhimei sorted out the six categories of things that are most likely to be eaten by children, and you may have it. You must finish watching.

Forward to the circle of friends, let more Bao Ma Bao's father see it ~

Special author

Zhou Zhanfan | The attending physician of the Second Hospital of Shunyi District, Beijing

Review expert

Shengkai | Deputy Chief Physician of the Emergency Department of Beijing Children's Hospital affiliated to the Capital Medical University

Bao Huiling | Deputy Chief Physician of the Third Hospital of Peking University


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*The content of this article is a science of health knowledge. It cannot be used as a specific diagnosis and treatment suggestion, nor can it replace the practice physician for face -to -face diagnosis, for reference only.

*The copyright of this article is owned by the Tencent Medical Code, and the media is prohibited from reprinting without authorization. The reprinting of illegal regulations will be investigated for legal responsibility in accordance with the law. Personal personnel are welcome to forward to the circle of friends.

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