Health, let's talk about strokes, run with time!At 4 pm on August 30, come to the live room!

Author:Healthy China Time:2022.08.29

Stroke, commonly known as stroke, is an acute cerebrovascular disease. Today, as the "number one killer" for the health of my country's residents, strokes are not only more out of the elderly, but young people also frequently "recruit". For the treatment of strokes, it is a race between time and time, and it must be scrambled.

In this issue, Professor Miao Zhongrong, the chief physician of the Department of Neurology, Beijing Tiantan Hospital affiliated to the Capital Medical University, will be a "healthy everyone talks" live room and talk to everyone about the relevant knowledge of stroke prevention.

What is wrong with the cerebral blood vessels?

How to fight the "encounter" with strokes?

Is the stroke really caught off guard?


If you want to know the answer to these questions, come to the live room at 4 pm on August 30th!

Medical business card

Miao Zhongrong, the chief physician, professor, doctoral supervisor of Beijing Tiantan Hospital affiliated to the Capital Medical University University, representatives of the 15th People's Congress of Beijing, and a special allowance of the government of the State Council. The first group of members of the National Health Popularization Expert Library.

"Health Everyone" Introduction

In order to implement the "Opinions of the State Council on the Implementation of Healthy China Actions", promote the popularization of health knowledge, give full play to the technical support of experts, and provide scientific health science knowledge for the people. The first batch of members of the National Health Popularization Expert Library. In order to mobilize experts to actively participate in science popularization activities and form a series of brands, the Expert Library Management Office will carry out "Health Everyone -National Health Science Popularization Expert Series Live Campaign", which will be implemented by healthy Chinese government affairs platforms. Create a boutique science science column, and promote it through the new media matrix of healthy Chinese government affairs to expand the spread of authoritative science popularization content.

From 16:00 on August 30th to 16:00, "Health Everyone" meets you!

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Headline, Douyin, Point Live

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Twelve major platforms synchronous live broadcast

Planning: Luo Gang Fangtong

Copywriter: Liang Jing

Poster: Wang Ji Ke

Edit: Liang Jing

- END -

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