"5+22" in the local area

Author:Longnan Wenxian Rong Media Cen Time:2022.06.19

At 00-24 on June 18, 31 provinces (autonomous regions, municipalities) and Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps reported 36 newly confirmed cases. Among them, 31 cases were entered overseas (10 cases in Shandong, 9 cases in Fujian, 6 cases in Shanghai, 1 case in Beijing, 1 case in Jiangsu, 1 case of Hunan, 1 case in Guangdong, 1 case of Yunnan, 1 case of Shaanxi), including 10 cases of asymptomatic The infected person turned to a confirmed case (8 cases in Shandong, 1 case in Fujian, and 1 case of Hunan).

There are 5 newly confirmed cases in the local area, and the distribution is as follows:

3 cases in Shanghai, 1 case of Inner Mongolia, 1 case of Liaoning.

There are no new death cases. No new suspected cases.

There were 53 new cases of hospitalization on the day, of which 24 cases were entered overseas.

There are 29 cases of newly increased natives. The distribution is as follows:

18 cases in Shanghai, 4 cases in Beijing, 4 cases in Sichuan, 2 cases in Inner Mongolia, and 1 case of Liaoning.

4,127 close contacts with medical observations, and severe cases were reduced by 1 case from the previous day.

There were 246 existing confirmed cases overseas (non -severe cases), and there were no suspected cases. There were a total of 19,061 confirmed cases, and 1,8815 cases were cured and there were no death cases.

As of 24:00 on June 18, according to the reports of 31 provinces (autonomous regions, municipalities) and Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, there are 897 confirmed cases (8 of them), with a total of 21,9120 cases of hospitalization, and 5,226 cases of accumulated death cases. A total of 225,243 cases were reported to the accumulated report, and there were no suspected cases. A total of 4212,613 people were tracked to the close contact, and 108,801 close contacts were still observed in medical observation.

31 provinces (autonomous regions, municipalities) and Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps reported 123 cases of non -symptoms, of which 101 were entered overseas.

There are 22 newly added infected infections in the local area. The distribution is as follows:

There were 6 cases in Shanghai, 4 cases in Inner Mongolia, 3 cases in Liaoning, 3 cases of Jilin, 2 cases in Guangdong, 1 case in Beijing, 1 case in Zhejiang, 1 case of Guangxi, and 1 case.

There were 138 asymptomatic infected people who observed medical observations on the day, of which 68 were entered overseas.

There are 70 asymptoms of non -infected infections on medical observation on the same day. The distribution is as follows:

45 cases in Shanghai, 6 cases in Liaoning, 5 cases in Sichuan, 4 cases in Beijing, 4 cases of Jilin, 2 cases in Zhejiang, 1 case of Hebei, 1 case in Inner Mongolia, 1 case in Guangxi, and 1 case of Yunnan.

Ten cases of confirmed cases (all inputs overseas) were turned on that day; 1560 non -symptoms who were observed in medical observation (546 cases were entered overseas).

A total of 357,9135 cases were notified in Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan. Among them, 334,599 cases of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (63,191 cases were discharged from the hospital, 9393 deaths), 83 cases of 83 cases of Macau Special Administrative Region (83 cases were discharged from hospital), and 32,44453 cases in Taiwan (13,742 cases were discharged and 5049 deaths).

Source/National Health Committee official website

Edit: Ran Yitong

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