Strictly take the Tibetan Pass to prevent the epidemic from overflowing the service to ensure that the trapped passengers

Author:Main News in Tibet Time:2022.08.22

Original Title: Reporter Visit Lhasa Gongga Airport at night: Strictly take the Tibetan Pass to prevent the outflow of the epidemic.

Gongga Airport Exterior

At 7 o'clock in the evening, Lhasa Gongga Airport had no hustle and bustle of the past. A small number of tourists are resting on the seat. At present, the epidemic situation in the Tibet Autonomous Region is in a rising period. Tibet strictly strictly puts out the Tibetan pass in accordance with the requirements of the epidemic prevention and control. All Tibetan personnel will be used for antigen detection on the basis of negative proof of three days to test, and resolutely prevent the epidemic from spilling.

Zou Yun, Executive Deputy Director of the Management Committee of the Tibet Airport New Area, was interviewed by reporters

Zou Yun, executive deputy director of the Management Committee of the Tibet Airport New Area, introduced that at present, Lhasa Gongga Airport has formulated strict measures to strictly leave the Tibet Pass, and a temporary reminder point is set up at the high -speed port of the airport to remind the airport high -speed vehicle to hold the flight information of the day And two -day and two -day test negative proof, if there is no relevant proof, it is recommended not to go to the airport to avoid staying at the airport.

The staff distributed box lunch for the staying passengers

On August 20th, the leading group of the Tibet Autonomous Region responded to the new type of coronary virus pneumonia's epidemic situation combined with the current actual situation to study and formulate the latest "measures to do a good job in the service guarantee of the detention personnel in Tibet". Guarantee work.

Lhasa Gongga Airport actively implemented 14 measures. As of 22:30 on August 21st, there were a total of 107 stranded passengers in Lhasa Gongga Airport. Designated hotels, 35 people stayed in temporary tents.

Zou Yun, executive deputy director of the Management Committee of the Tibet Airport New Area, introduced that at present, Lhasa Gongga Airport has set up temporary nucleic acid detection points and actively coordinated the hotel. Now it has coordinated a total of 160 beds in 2 hotels; Temporary free tents for deserved personnel.

Lost travelers also said that the occurrence of the epidemic was unpredictable, and they also expressed their understanding and support for temporary difficulties. I hope that the epidemic can end soon, and hopes that the epidemic prevention and control and strictly prevent the outflow of the epidemic.

Tourist Chen Hu

The nucleic acid here is urgent, which is relatively faster than other places. We came here in the afternoon. We had a box lunch once in the afternoon and ate it again at night. It was free. We hope to go back as soon as possible. We can also understand this strict measure and make every effort to prevent and control the epidemic.

Tourist Liu Zhenfei

As a result of nucleic acid at the airport, it was done in the morning and came out at night. Free box lunch, mineral water and snacks. You can still get basic living security here. Now the epidemic is more serious. Everyone should strictly abide by the regulations and requirements of epidemic prevention to prevent the epidemic from spilling.

Source: Tibet Satellite TV+WeChat public account

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