"Volunteer Red" under the prevention and control of the epidemic in Celeuta Township, Wantai County warms people's hearts

Author:Yuntai County Rong Media Cente Time:2022.08.17

(Tuofeng) Faced with the sudden epidemic, the volunteer service of the volunteers of Daaya Township quickly acted, without words, no complaints, only to work hard, bravely and perseverance to fight against the epidemic. They put on the "red vest" and took the initiative to participate in the epidemic prevention and control work. They do a good job in the protection of the masses with feelings and responsibilities, and use action to help the epidemic prevention and control. With a beautiful "volunteer red", it firmly settled the heart -warming defense line against the epidemic.

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"Does anyone?" "Yes!" "How much is the peach a kilogram?" In the Taoyuan of Elidi, the red peach was covered with branches. While introducing his peach, Alei Turdi picked a few peaches to pick a few peaches to pick the peaches to taste them. After everyone tasted, they gave their thumbs up to praise "Peach Aksi!". In the chat, I learned that this year, due to the epidemic, some peaches that were originally sold to Korla and other places were unable to sell, and there was difficulty in selling peach. After buying Taozi's Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and propaganda member of the Celery Township, after learning about this, he immediately took out his mobile phone and posted a circle of friends to help Alei Turdi sell Taozi. After a while, some people left a message asking "where is the peach picked" and "can you deliver the goods to the door". After contacting the buyer and WeChat, ask the purchase quantity. In less than a day, he sold 300 kilograms of peaches to Alei Turl, bringing him a thousand yuan in income.

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It is understood that in order to further help farmers to increase their income and become rich, expand the sales channels of agricultural and sideline products characteristic of Wantai County, the Wheel County Commercial and Industry Bureau, the Rural Revitalization Bureau Human Resources and Social Affairs Bureau, and the Agricultural and Rural Bureau jointly set up the WeChat Mini Mini Program of Wheels Smart Village. The aim is to sell various characteristic agricultural and sideline products produced by farmers and herdsmen in Wantai County. Open the Wheel Smart Village Mini Program. Users can buy special agricultural and sideline products with good quality, green ecology, and guarantee of quality and quality.

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Since the epidemic in this round, the volunteers of Ceya Township came forward to walk towards the danger, and the charge was on the front line of the epidemic prevention and control. Volunteers actively participated in various types of supporting and controlling services such as orderly maintenance, temperature testing code, living essential purchases, distribution and distribution, and issue of epidemic prevention materials.

"For the safety of you and others, please queue in an orderly manner, keep one meter distance, and prepare the personal information code in advance." At the scene of the nanothalette testing site of Caliya Township, a volunteer stood next to the long line and reminded the queue to do nucleic acid from time to time. The masses. "For volunteers participating in the prevention and control of the epidemic, we are all training first and then posting, allowing volunteers to master the basic epidemic prevention knowledge and necessary epidemic prevention skills, and then invest in daily epidemic prevention work." Li Qing, the secretary of the branch.

Since this epidemic, Ceya Ya Township has been attentive, fighting against time, and raising cadres, and mobilizing party members, cadres, social forces, and volunteers to resist. Next, Ce Daya Township will continue to mobilize, in -depth mobilization of social forces at all levels and fields in the township, jointly build the epidemic prevention and control line, and fight against the prevention and control of the epidemic.

Nie Pengfei, the secretary of the party committee of Ceya Township, said, "At present, the national epidemic prevention and control situation is still severe and complicated, and the epidemic prevention and control is in the most important juncture. Sweating the original intention, using the mission with action, composing the gorgeous chapter of responsibility and protecting the country and defending the country. "

Source: Ceya Township, Wheeli County

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