Two cases of infected infection of new crown pneumonia in Shangqiu Minquan County, Henan

Author:Global Times Time:2022.08.17

At 6:30 on August 17, the Minquan County detected two types of nuclear acid testing positive personnel at a centralized isolation point. Those who were diagnosed as asymptomatic infected with new crown pneumonia were diagnosed.

The two people took Z166 trains from Lhasa, Tibet (2 vehicles and 5 seats, 14 vehicles and 4 babies) from Tibet at 11:30 on August 14th.The second train (52 vehicles and 72 seats) got off at the Civil Rights Station at 8:18, and the two had been reported in advance before returning to their hometowns.

Please accompany the personnel with the same time as the person with the same time with the two people, and immediately report to the local villages (communities), work units or staying in the hotel to report it, and cooperate with the implementation of the epidemic prevention and control measures in accordance with the requirements of the territory;Risks, please bear the corresponding legal liability.

The Office of the New Guan Guan Pneumonia Epidemic Extraction of Shangqiu City

August 17, 2022

Source: Office of the New Crown Pneumonia Extraction of Shangqiu City

Source: Internet information Shangqiu

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