From 0:00 to 24:00 on August 12th to 24:00, the city's diagnosis of new crown pneumonia cases

Author:Nanjing Trade Union Time:2022.08.13

Today, "Health Jianyou" WeChat released

"1 new case of diagnosis cases on August 12, Jianye District,

Relevant personnel and environmental nucleic acid test results are negative ""

The full text is as follows

On August 12, our district found the results of the test results of a new crown virus nucleic acid test in a foreign province. The municipal and district immediately launched the emergency response mechanism of the epidemic prevention and control, and comprehensively carried out epidemic surveys, relevant personnel investigation, sampling testing and prevention and control management, and implemented epidemic prevention measures such as related places and environmental disinfection. The patient has been transferred to the Municipal Public Health Medical Center isolation treatment, and the condition is currently stable.

As of now, our district has accumulated 161 people in the confidential, references, and sub -densely connected personnel, and has all implemented isolation management and control measures. The test results of nucleic acid tests are negative. Determine 2 central risk zones, 2608 people have been sampled, and nucleic acid test results are negative. Determine 1 low -risk zone, 63,780 people have been sampled, and nucleic acid test results are negative. A total of 99 sample sample samples were collected for the residential place, work unit, and nucleic acid sample point of this case, and the test results of nucleic acid were negative.

Jianye District Disease Prevention and Control Center

August 13, 2022

Hot issues that residents care

The answer is as follows


What are the requirements for preventing and controlling the prevention and control of Ning in the field (back) Ning personnel?


All other places come (back) Ning personnel, especially those who have a central, high -risk zone or a native epidemic in the history of (cities, districts, flags), (return) personnel, please pass the "return) Ning personnel information The application system "registration information, report to the unit, community or hotel where the destination is located, or directly call the community where the community is located, and actively cooperate with the implementation of relevant epidemic prevention and control measures. If it deliberately concealed or not reported in time responsibility.

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