1+1 case in Henan!Release the latest reminder in many places!Summary of the latest policy in foreign land

Author:Henan Communist Youth League Time:2022.08.12

Source: Henan Communist Youth League comprehensive from the Health and Health Committee of Henan Province, Zhengzhou Release, Zhumadian Epidemic Prevention and Control Headquarters, Luohe Release, Nanyang Disease Control, Jiaozuo Daily, Zhengguan News News

At 0-24 on August 11, 1 new confirmed case of Henan Province (1 case of Gongyi City, Zhengzhou City, which was found to be quarantine for returning staff home outside the province). 1 case of the county, detected for a centralized isolation point). One of the asymptomatic infected infected by an overseas input, no new overseas input diagnosis cases were added. 1 case of confirmed cases was cured and was hospitalized (1 case in Zhengzhou), 32 cases of asymptomatic infected people lifted medical observations, of which 31 of them (27 cases of Shangqiu City, 3 cases in Zhumadian City, and 1 case in Zhengzhou) were entered overseas.

From January 21, 2020 to 24:00 on August 11, 2022, a total of 3231 cases were reported in Henan Province (3013 cases in the local area and 218 cases were entered overseas), and 15 inpatients were inpatted (11 cases of 11 localities and 4 inputs overseas). There were 368 cases of non -symptoms observed in medicine (346 cases in the local area, and 22 cases were entered overseas). There are 148,028 people who have been tracked to close contacts, and 1499 people who are observing.

Jiaozuo City Disease Control Center reminds: Epidemiums in multiple tourist areas of tourism are strictly preventing the risk of tourism and epidemic.

Recently, in Sanya and other places in Hainan, Lhasa, Tibet, Shigatse, and Ali region, Xinjiang Yili Prefecture, Urumqi City, Shihezi City and other provinces (autonomous regions) have successively occurred local epidemics in tourist areas (autonomous regions). During the holidays, tourists flow frequently. In order to further prevent the prevention and control of the epidemic, prevent the input and spread of the epidemic, and ensure the health of the people's health, the Jiaozuo CDC is reminded as follows:

1. Carefully arrange cross -provincial tourism

At present, the domestic epidemic situation is relatively severe. The majority of citizens are requested to continue to pay attention to the dynamics of the epidemic, and try to avoid traveling to tourist attractions and border port areas where the epidemic is high in the near future. In the near future, if there is a travel plan, you must understand the epidemic situation and prevention and control policies of the destination and destination in advance. You can understand whether the destination is a medium -to -high risk zone and the latest epidemic prevention policy through the small procedures of the State Council. Personal protection should be performed on the way to travel, and prevention and control measures such as masks, temperature measurement, code scanning and nucleic acid detection should be implemented. Pay attention to the itinerary, such as aircraft voyage, motor vehicle time and specific seat number, dining restaurant or accommodation hotel name, address and other information.

2. Come (return) in accordance with regulations

Before going out to focus, you can report to the entrance to the entrance of the "Jiao I Office" app or "Alipay -Yuwu Office -Return) Henan Report" in advance. Personnel who live in the above -mentioned region report in advance, and report the relevant information to the community (villages) and units after returning to provide activities and personal health. In accordance with the prevention and control policies, actively cooperate with various measures such as information registration, nucleic acid detection, and health monitoring. Since the 7th, there are people living in the history of Hainan, Xinjiang, Tibet, and other areas of immune -related areas. It is recommended to take the initiative to perform a nucleic acid detection in time, and do a good job of self -health monitoring, and implement the requirements of the prevention and control of the epidemic.

3. Strengthen self -protection

When taking public transport and entering public places, we must standardize wearing masks to maintain a safe social distance. Entering the "place code" of anti -epidemic prevention in public places, especially chess and card rooms, mahjong pavilions, board game rooms, script killing, dense room escape, Internet cafes, KTV, bars, bath centers, health clubs and other closed places. Flowing and current limiting methods to avoid the gathering of the crowd, and strictly implement the prevention and control measures such as temperature testing code, ventilation disinfection, and health monitoring of staff.

Fourth, do a good job of health monitoring

After returning to travel, pay close attention to the physical health of individuals and family members, such as fever, dry cough, fatigue, sore throat, smell, smell (taste), diarrhea and other symptoms. Harmony, and take the initiative to inform the history of living, contact the history of contact, and avoid taking public transport during the consultation.

5. Please actively complete the new crown vaccine to take over or strengthen immune vaccination, reduce their own infection and disease risk, and jointly build a crowd immune barrier.

August 10, 2022

Zhumadian issued a notice: This type of returning personnel implemented "7+3" management measures

Office of the New Crown Pneumonia Epidemic Epidemic Epidemic Epidemic Epidemic Epidemic Epidemic Extraction Headquarters


(No. 25, 2022)

On August 9, 2022, the Hainan Provincial New Crown Pneumonia Epidemic Prevention Headquarters issued an announcement of the relevant matters in the return of the Hainan passenger's outlying islands, and the category arranged in batches in batches. In order to do a good job of returning to the health management of Zhumadian City, after research, the following measures are taken, as follows:

I. All personnel to be resident in Hainan Province shall report to the destination village (community) in advance to explain in detail the current risk level of the regional region, and to return to the time of detailed information such as the resident time, the transportation of transportation, and the post -residence address.

Second, personnel from or passing through Hainan Province's high epidemic conditions and people within the region of the central risk are not resident. 3. For the destination, there is a fixed place of residence in Zhumadian City and in Zhumadian City, and the retention passengers who meet the conditions of Hainan Province can return. After returning to the residence, implement the measures "7 days of centralized isolation medical observation+3 Heavenly House Health Monitoring" measures, centralized isolation of medical observation period 1, 2, 3, 5, and 7 days each conducts 1 nucleic acid test, and the 3rd home health monitoring period is 3 A nucleic acid detection is performed by the sky, and the local community is organized to be sampled. If you do not have the conditions for home health monitoring, take 10 days of centralized isolation medical observation.

4. Hainan Province lags to settle in the residence of passengers, and conducts 1 nucleic acid test on the spot, and is responsible for a closed -loop transfer to a centralized isolation point from the county -level epidemic prevention and control headquarters.

V. Subsequent Zhumadian City will dynamically adjust the corresponding control measures according to the epidemic trends and prevention and control requirements.

Pneumonia infected with new coronary virus infection in Zhumadian

Epidemic Prevention and Control Headquarters Office

August 10, 2022

The latest reminder of Luohe CDC releases

Recently, in Sanya and other places in Hainan, Lhasa City, Tibet, Shigatse, and Ali, Xinjiang, Yili Prefecture, Urumqi City, Shihezi City and other popular areas have successively occurred local epidemics. During the holidays, tourists flow frequently. In order to further prevent the prevention and control of the epidemic, strictly prevent the input and spread of the epidemic, and ensure the health of the people's health, the Luohe Disease Control Center reminds:

1. Report in time in time

Recently, those who have the history of the above -mentioned region please report to the community (village) and units to report relevant information to provide relevant information to provide activity trajectory and personal health status. In accordance with the requirements of the epidemic prevention and control headquarters in the jurisdiction, actively cooperate with various measures such as information registration, nucleic acid detection, and health monitoring.

2. Carefully arrange cross -provincial tourism

At present, the domestic epidemic situation is relatively severe. The majority of citizens are requested to continue to pay attention to the dynamics of the epidemic, and try to avoid traveling to tourist attractions and border port areas that have recently occurred in the epidemic. In the near future, if there is a travel plan, you must understand the epidemic situation and prevention and control policies of the destination and destination in advance. You can understand whether the destination is a medium -to -high risk zone and the latest epidemic prevention policy through the small procedures of the State Council. During the travel, we must do a good job of personal protection, and adhere to the prevention and control measures such as masks, temperature measurement, code scanning and nucleic acid detection. Pay attention to the itinerary, such as aircraft voyage, motor vehicle time and specific seat number, dining restaurant or accommodation hotel name, address and other information.

3. Strengthen self -protection

When taking public transport and entering public places, we must standardize wearing masks to maintain a safe social distance. Entering the "place code" of anti -epidemic prevention in public places, especially chess and card rooms, mahjong pavilions, board game rooms, script killing, dense room escape, Internet cafes, KTV, bars, bath centers, health clubs and other closed places. Flowing and current limiting methods to avoid the gathering of the crowd, and strictly implement the prevention and control measures such as temperature testing code, ventilation disinfection, and health monitoring of staff.

Fourth, do a good job of health monitoring

After returning to travel, pay close attention to the physical health of individuals and family members, such as fever, dry cough, fatigue, sore throat, smell, smell (taste), diarrhea and other symptoms. Harmony, and take the initiative to inform the history of living, contact the history of contact, and avoid taking public transport during the consultation.

Fifth, active inoculation of new crown virus vaccine

The vaccination of the new coronal virus vaccine is an effective measure to prevent new crown pneumonia. It is also the responsibility and obligation of every citizen. Citizens who meet the conditions but have not yet been vaccinated to complete the vaccination as soon as possible to jointly build an immune barrier.

August 10, 2022

Nanyang Disease Control Release the latest reminder

On August 7, Pulang County, Ali District, Tibet, found that 4 tourists in Nagatocystone New Crown Virus nucleic acid were detected in conventional nucleic acid testing. On the same day, Lhasa found 18 first -sieve positive personnel during the test of nucleic acid testing of key personnel, 10 of which were personnel from Shigatse to Lhasa. The regional implementation of 5 days of static management, and the entire region of Shigatse implements 3 days of silence management. At present, the peak of summer tourism is in order to effectively control the risk of the epidemic, and the Nanyang Disease Prevention and Control Center reminds as follows:

1. Next (return) Wan personnel will report immediately

1. Since July 31 (inclusive), there are people who live in (back) of Shimotsen City, Lhasa City Pass, and the History of Lhasa City, Lhasa City, and the Ali region;

2. In the past 7 days, there are people living in the history of high, middle and low risk areas, and people living in cities where the immune -related areas are located;

3. The trajectory of the published positive infected persons intersects and accompanies personnel at the same time;

4. The site code is abnormal, and the health code is red and yellow.

The above -mentioned personnel are requested to report to the communities (villages), units, and hotels in the communities, and cooperate with the prevention and control measures such as nucleic acid testing, medical observation or health monitoring.

2. Do not go to cities with outbreaks to pay close attention to the development of the epidemic, not necessary to go to the risk zone and the cities that occur in the local epidemic. If you really need to travel, be sure to learn about the local epidemic prevention and control measures in advance, pay attention to your own health code and the status of the itinerary, do a good job of personal protection throughout the process, and report to the active report before returning to Wan.

Third, do a good job of personal protection and development of good sanitation habits

Standardize the hygiene habits such as wearing masks, hard -to -hands, often ventilation, non -gathering, unprocessed, meals, public chopsticks, one meter line, etc., and cooperate with the epidemic prevention and control measures such as sweeping venue code, bright code, and nucleic acid detection. When traveling and entering and leaving dense places, we must properly standardize wearing masks. Pay attention to keep personal hygiene and avoid directly touching your eyes, mouth, and nose with your hands.

Fourth, do a good job of self -health monitoring

He is the first person in charge of health. If you and your family have symptoms such as fever, dry cough, fatigue, sore throat, smell (smell), diarrhea, diarrhea, etc., do not take the medicine by yourself, wear a mask to go to the nearest medical institution to go to the nearest kidney examination and consultation. Transportation and actively inform the history of living and contact.

Fifth, timely vaccination of the new crown vaccine in time

Vaccination vaccine is the most economical and effective measure to prevent and control new crown pneumonia. It is also the obligation and responsibility of every citizen. Please please personally do not take over in vaccination and fail to complete the whole process. In particular, the elderly over the age of 60 will complete the new crown virus vaccine as soon as possible, and work together to build a national immune barrier.

August 10, 2022

What are the new changes in the policy of entering Zheng and cities in other provinces and cities? One picture understand

The current domestic and foreign epidemic prevention and control situation is severe and complicated.

Please continue to maintain a high degree of protection awareness

Tighten the epidemic prevention and control this string

Provincial personnel

If it is not necessary, don't go to the high -risk area

Reduce non -necessary inter -provincial and cities travel

Outside of the province (back) Yu personnel

Please 3 days in advance

Report to the destination community (village), units, hotels

And hold 48 hours of kernel acid test negative proof

After entering the jurisdiction

Detection of detection frequency according to local normalized nucleic acid testing

Please vaccinate the new crown virus vaccine as soon as possible

Active vaccination and enhanced needle after 6 months

Try to avoid the risk of infection

It is to contribute to the prevention and control of the epidemic

Let us work together and work together

Consolidating the hard -controlled prevention and control results

We welcomed the ultimate victory of this war "epidemic" as soon as possible!

, Strictly prevent strict control!

- END -

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