How can an elderly man who has not yet vaccinated the vaccine?Experts have tips!

Author:Beijing Shijingshan Time:2022.08.09

Expert tips

At present, the new coronal virus vaccine is still the best measure to prevent severe illness and death after infection.

First, the effectiveness of vaccination. We see that the effect of vaccine in preventing severe illnesses and death is still very significant.

Second, vaccination is actually easier than other measures.

Third, to improve the specific immunity of the elderly, vaccination is the best way.

For the elderly who cannot be vaccinated or temporarily inaccurate for the time being, the following protective measures can be taken.

First, during the epidemic period or when there is an epidemic, the elderly try not to go to the crowd -intensive places to reduce contact with strangers or foreigners.

Second, if you go to the indoor public places, or take a public transportation, or contact strangers, you must wear a mask.

Third, keep your hand hygienic, including hand -washing, or use disinfectant to do hand hygiene. If you have a virus in your hand, and then touch your mouth, nose or eyes, it is easy to be infected, so it is very important to do hand hygiene.

Fourth, if there are conditions, it is recommended to open the windows every day to keep the air flow fresh.

Fifth, to protect the elderly and people around the elderly, it is also very important to do personal protection. Especially for family members and other people who are in contact with the elderly, they should vaccinate the new crown virus vaccine.

Sixth, if your health code and the itinerary are abnormal, it is recommended not to contact the elderly. Once infected with the new crown virus and infected with the elderly, the risk is very high.

Expert tips

The immunity obtained by vaccination is a specific immunity for the new coronary virus. It is recommended that the elderly over 60 years old. As long as there is no taboos, it is not a slow -breeding object. Friends have a specific immunity to resist the invasion of the new crown virus.


Please pay attention

If it meets the vaccine vaccination requirements

Please take inoculation, vaccination, vaccination, enhanced needle as soon as possible

Improve immunity and fight new coronal virus!

In addition, the elderly and their families do a good job of health protection together

Also protect yourself

An important means to fight against the new crown virus

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