[Epidemic prevention and control Dongxiang is in action] Anti -disease mother and daughter file -volunteer spiritual salary fire

Author:Colorful Dongxiang Time:2022.08.08

Epidemic prevention and control Dongxiang is acting

In early July 2022, the new crown pneumonia has been confirmed in the province and states. In the face of the severe situation of the prevention and control of the epidemic, they gave everyone a small family. They are family members, comrades, and the epitome of tens of millions of anti -epidemic workers. They charge forward and fight for the health and life safety of the people.

"Trouble you to wear a mask"

"Please pull away the distance, interval one meter line"

"Come and help you open your health code",

At the nucleic acid detection point of Heidan Village, Hetan Town, Dongxiang County, Lin Fengyun and her daughter Conna carefully organized the masses to participate in nucleic acid sampling every time.

Lin Fengyun is the chairman of the Women's Federation of Hedong Village and a Communist Party member. After the epidemic, she actively responded to the call of her superiors, actively participated in duty on duty, prevention and propaganda, actively cooperated with nucleic acid testing, distributed materials for the masses, and helped the village committee to do it. Rice and other work. Looking at her busy figure, her daughter Kangna looked in her eyes. Under the influence and infection of her mother, Conna also actively signed up to join the volunteer ranks and participated in the community epidemic prevention and control volunteer service activities. Kangna is studying in the first grade of Hezhou Middle School. As a member of the school, she is a liaison member between the school and the class and classmates. Volunteers, Kangna seriously guarded, patiently reminded and explained to the masses, and tissue nucleic acid testing. The mother and daughter were accompanied and encouraged to complete the tasks that they handed over to them.

A sudden epidemic has made this beautiful county's pause key, which also made Hedong Village quiet, but this also caused many people to move and do their best for the epidemic prevention and control. "This time to be a volunteer with my mother is a special experience. When I put on the volunteer vest, I felt the responsibility on my body. Essence

Laiyuan: Dongxiang Women's Federation

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