Latest release | Announcement on further strengthening Baotou and Ordos City (Return) Management

Author:Hohhot Evening News Time:2022.08.04

Hohhot's new crown pneumonia epidemic prevention and control work headquarters on further strengthening

Announcement on the control of the personnel control of the people in Baotou and Ordos

(No. 73, 2022)

First, since August 1, 2022, there are people who live (return) for the history of Hamoto City and Ordos City. Please immediately report to the community (village), units or hotels in the area where they are located. Person in the history of district residence adopt a 7 -day concentrated observation of medical observation; for those who have the history of mid -risk districts in the past 7 days, the 7 Heavenly Home Observation Medical Observation is adopted. The management period of the above personnel is calculated from leaving the risk area. If you have any questions, you can call the centers at all levels of the city's medical control centers for consultation hotline (number attachment).

2. Since August 1, 2022, there are other low -risk areas other than high -risk areas outside Baotou City and Ordos City. Carry out 2 nucleic acid detection (nucleic acid detection interval of more than 24 hours) and do a good job of health monitoring.

3. From now on, the people from Baotou City and Ordos (returning) call personnel need to check 48 hours of kernel acid test negative proof, at the same time, scan code check and temperature measurement, and perform a free nucleic acid sampling at the first pass to enter the market. Walk (except personnel in high -risk areas).

Fourth, due to concealment, false reports, or failure to implement prevention and control measures in accordance with regulations, triggering risk or other serious consequences of the dissemination of new crown pneumonia will be held accountable and punished in accordance with laws and regulations such as the Prevention and Control of the People's Republic of China. Criminal responsibility in accordance with the law.

The city's epidemic prevention and control policy will be dynamically adjusted at any time according to the progress of the epidemic in Baotou and Ordos. At the same time, it is recommended that citizens need to go to Baotou and Ordos in the near future.

support hotline:

Hohhot Disease Prevention and Control Center 0471-6627113


Xincheng District Disease Prevention and Control Center 0471-6901455

Hui Min District Disease Prevention and Control Center 0471-6306994

Yuquan District Disease Prevention and Control Center 0471-5973029

Saihan District Disease Prevention and Control Center 0471-6680742

Tuzuo Banner Disease Prevention and Control Center 0471-3188885

Tuoxian Disease Prevention and Control Center 0471-8528589

Helin County Disease Prevention and Control Center 0471-7191244

Qingshuihe County Disease Prevention and Control Center 0471-7912822

Wuchuan County Disease Prevention and Control Center 0471-8822235

August 4, 2022

Source: Hohhot City responding to the new coronary virus infection pneumonia

Epidemic Prevention and Control Work Headquarters

Coordinating/Feng Xiaomin School of Reading/Feng Xiaomin Preliminary Trial/Zhang Yi's Final Audit/Zhao Min



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