Wang Lixia video scheduling epidemic disposal work

Author:Inner Mongolia Daily Time:2022.08.04

On August 3, Wang Lixia, deputy secretary of the party committee of the autonomous region and chairman of the autonomous region, dispatched the epidemic disposal of Ulanchabu and Erlianhot in the video connection.

After listening to the report, Wang Lixia said that the current situation of the epidemic prevention and control is severe and complicated. It must be attached great importance to and integrates forces to comprehensively enhance the detection of nucleic acid detection, flow traceability, isolation management and control, and medical treatment., Strictly prevent the risks caused by the risk of overflowing outflow and prevention and control measures.We must persist in grasping dynamic clearance in one hand, trace the source of the virus in one hand, coordinate the prevention and control of the epidemic and economic and social development, coordinate the prevention and control of the epidemic and the preservation of the port customs clearance, coordinate the prevention and control of the epidemic, and the normal medication needs of the masses.The prevention and control measures are implemented in place, and the comprehensive victory of the epidemic hindering war at the least time and at the minimum cost.

The leaders of the autonomous region, Huang Zhiqiang, Bao Xianhua, and Zheng Guangzhen attended the meeting in Hohhot and Erlianhot, respectively.(Reporter Zhang Kui)

Source: grassland all media

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