Preservation of the stomach | July Lingnan Jiaguo, eliminating food and chemical and giving care of qi

Author:Guangdong Provincial Hospital Time:2022.07.26

July is the season when yellow peels are listed. Huangpi is one of the summer fruits familiar to Cantonese people. It can relieve thirst and eliminate healthy stomachs. The folk people also like to take a bath of yellow leaf fried water to prevent colds. The nucleus of yellow skin is also a good material. For the southerners, Huangpi is a treasure. In the folk, Huangpi has the reputation of "the treasure in the fruit". Today, let me introduce this taste of this taste.

Yellow skin, rutorite, yellow skin, also known as yellow marble, oil skin, chicken skin. Huangpi is one of the fruit trees produced in my country. It is mainly planted in the south of my country, and it is planted in the south of China. Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, Yunnan and other places. The name of the yellow skin is named because its fruit is mature and the skin is yellow.

01 The effect of yellow skin fruit

"Compendium of Materia Medica": "Pilgromes strengthen the spleen and stomach, reduce phlegm and cough, nuclear energy to relieve qi and relieve pain." Huangpi fruit is flat, slightly warm, bitter, sour, and acidic, feasible qi, eliminating food, discharge of food accumulation, abdominal pain, abdominal pain , H hernia pain, phlegm drinking cough and asthma.


The yellow skin fruit is called "positive fruit" by the Guangdong people, because the yellow skin fruit is flat, slightly warm, unlike the fruits such as watermelon and banana cold and the spleen and stomach. Known as "qi fruit". In addition, yellow skin can also act with qi and stomach. The yellow skin contains a large amount of acidic substances, such as ascorbic acid, a variety of amino acids, etc., which can adjust the body's gas machine and reduce the pain caused by qi stagnation.

Stomach stomach

Folk proverbs cloud: "hungry lychee, full of yellow skin." The yellow skin fruit is rich in organic acid ingredients. These ingredients can improve the acidity of the gastric juice, and then stimulate the gastric juice and enhance the digestive capacity of the human body. In addition, the bitter taste of the yellow skin can also stimulate bile secretion and promote digestion. It is indigestion or eating too much. Eating yellow skin can help digestion and play a role in strengthening the stomach.

Phlegm and cough

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that yellow skin has the effects of qi and phlegm. Studies have shown that yellow -skinned fruit contains new cinnamide and phenolic ingredients. It can not only be used to regulate the gas machine and converge the lung qi, but also relax the tension of the chest and abdomen muscles, which is very helpful for reducing the smooth muscle spasm. It plays the role of phlegm and cough.

Other effects

The yellow skin contains a large amount of nutrients and antioxidants. For example, the vitamin C and vitamin E rich in yellow peel flesh are two effective antioxidants, which can protect the cell membrane from the harm of free radicals and is closely related to anti -aging.

02 Huangpi is a treasure

Yellow skin nucleus

The yellow skin is nuclear and slightly warm, with spicy and slightly bitterness, feasible qi and pain, detoxifying and dispersion, and treating stagnation stomach pain, qi stagnation abdominal pain, hernia pain, testicular swelling and pain, dysmenorrhea, child head sores, 蜈 bite. Copycroderma core can be used in the soup, and it can also be used. For example, "Common Chinese Herbal Medicine Manual" records: "Treatment of stomach pain, abdominal spasm pain: yellow skin nucleus three to five dollars. Decoction." , Water milling. "" Lingnan Medicine Records "records:" Treatment of hundreds of feet bite: yellow skin core, smashed it. "

Yellow leaf

The yellow leaf is flat, and the taste is Xinxin and bitter. It can solve the heat dissipation, phlegm, diuretic, detoxifying, and treating warm diseases, cough phlegm, asthma, abdominal pain, unfavorable urination, heat poisoning, and snake bite. Green leaves are usually washed or smashed. For example, the Guangzhou Army's "Common Chinese Herbal Medicine Manual" records: "Treatment of flu, cold, malaria: yellow peel leaves to five dollars to one or two. Decoction." Well, remove thermal dispersion: Wash the yellow leaf frying water. "


The roots of the yellow skin are slightly warm, the taste is spicy, bitter, and can relieve qi and relieve pain. Huangpen's general decoction is generally taken internal, "Nanning Drugs" records: "Swelling, relieving qi and pain, and urinating. Treatment of jaundice, malaria; prevent influenza." "Fujian folk herbs" records: "Treatment of stomach pain: dry yellow skin: Root one to two or two. Stew water. "

03 Pay attention to the edibleness of yellow skin

Although the yellow skin is good, it is not greedy. It is recommended not to exceed 100 grams a day. The following two types of groups are best to reduce the amount of food.

Diabetic patient

Although yellow skin can help digestion, yellow skin contains high fructose, and patients with blood sugar do not control diabetes should eat less.

Patients with gastroesophageal reflux, digestive ulcers

Huangpi has the effect of digestion appetizer, but contains fruit acid, organic acid, and tastes sweet and sour, which can stimulate gastric acid secretion, and it will also stimulate the gastric mucosa. Patients with intestinal ulcers and erosion gastritis should not be eaten too much.

04 Recommended medicated

Yellow peeling chicken

Material: 100 grams of fresh yellow skin, 1 chicken (2 to 3 people)

Method: chopped a small piece of chicken, mix well with salt oil rice wine; washed the yellow skin and squeezed the core inside; the oil pan stirred the ginger slices, poured the chicken and stir -fry, fry the chicken until there is no blood water, pour in the yellow Fruit, stir -fry and pour in an appropriate amount of boiling water, simmer until the chicken is cooked, add an appropriate amount of sugar and salt to eat

Efficacy: awake spleen appetizer

Suitable for the crowd: Summer food stagnation and wet spleen and stomach, person with loss of appetite.

Codonopsis yellow skin lean soup

Materials: 30 grams of Codonopsis, 50 grams of yellow skin fruit, 500g of lean meat, 3 slices of ginger, an appropriate amount of salt (2 ~ 3 people)

Method: Prepare yellow skin and rinse it; cut large pieces of lean meat, rinse it and simmer. Boil water in the casserole, add lean meat, boil on high heat, turn to low heat for about half an hour; add yellow skin, continue to simmer with low heat for about half an hour; add salt to season, turn off the flames to eat. Efficacy: strengthen the spleen, qi, qi and stomach

Suitable for the crowd: spleen and stomach qi deficiency, poor stomach acceptance, etc.

Medical Guidance: Professor Huang Suiping, the leader of the academic leader of the spleen and stomach disease in Guangdong Province and the Guangdong Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Guangdong Province

Huang Suiping

Doctor of Medicine, Chief Chinese Medicine, professor, doctoral tutor, and famous Chinese medicine medicine in Guangdong Province. He is currently the academic leader of the spleen and stomach discipline of Guangdong Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, concurrently served as academic leader of the Chinese and Western University of Traditional Chinese Medicine (Digestive System Diseases), Vice President of the Digestive Diseases Committee of the World Chinese Medicine Association, and the Spleen and Stomach Disease Branch of the Chinese Traditional Chinese Medicine Society Deputy Chairman, Vice President of the Spleen and Stomach Disease Branch of the Chinese National Medicine Society, Deputy Chairman of the Chinese and Western Medicine Integrated Spleen and Stomach Digestive Diseases Committee, Deputy Chairman of the Expert Committee of the Specialist Special Disease Cooperation and Development Platform of the Chinese Chinese Medicine Society, and Guangdong Province Chairman of the Professional Committee of the Chinese Medicine Society, Honorary Chairman of the Professional Committee of the Gastrointestinal Mirror Professional Committee of the Guangdong and Western Medicine Society of the Guangdong Provincial Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine Society, and the chairman of the academic alliance of H. pylori -related gastric disease in traditional Chinese and Western medicine, and Deputy Chairman, Executive Director of the New Media Professional Committee of the Federation of the World Chinese Medicine Association, head of Lingnan Liang's genre inheritance studio, national and old Chinese medicine medicine professor Yu Shaoyuan academic experience inheritance studio, Guangdong Provincial Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine The person in charge of the chronic gastric disease research team specializes in chronic gastritis, pre -gastric cancer and early gastric cancer for chronic gastritis, gastric cancer. He is good at the diagnosis and treatment of Chinese medicine and traditional Chinese and western medicine, and has more than 80 master's and doctoral students. He presided over more than 20 scientific research projects such as the National Natural Science Foundation of China, the Ministry of Health, the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and the Guangdong Provincial Department of Science and Technology. He has won the Science and Technology Progress Award of Guangzhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, the Guangdong Provincial Traditional Chinese Medicine Science and Technology Progress Award, the Science and Technology Progress Award of the Chinese Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine. There are 7 editors, 8 deputy editors, and published more than 180 medical papers. Get the title of "First Lingnan Famous Doctor", "The first Yangcheng Doctor", "2017 Hurun -Ping An China Good Doctor".

The time of diagnosis of Guangdong Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine:

Ersha Island Hospital of Guangdong Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine on Tuesday morning;

On Wednesday evening, the Dade Road General Hospital of Guangdong Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Supply: Huang Suiping Guangdong Famous Traditional Chinese Medicine Inheritance Studio

Liangshi Liupai inheritance studio in Guangdong Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Executive editor: Wu Yuan Tuan

Audit school pair: Zhuang Yingge

Editor in charge: Song Liping

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