Academician Lu Lin and his party went to Zunyi Hospital to investigate the construction of the National Regional Medical Center

Author:Healthy China Observation Time:2022.07.26

Text 丨 Wu Shuangshuang

On July 23, 2022, Academician Lu Lin, dean of the sixth hospital of Peking University, went to the Affiliated Hospital of Zunyi Medical University to investigate the construction of the National Regional Medical Center. Mingyan, deputy mayor of the People's Government of Zunyi City, He Zhixu, Secretary of the Party Committee of Zunyi Medical University, Tang Zili, Secretary of the Party Committee of Zunyi Hospital, Yu Changzhang, Dean Yu Changzhang, Deputy Dean Zhang Shijiang, and Wei Zairong accompanied the investigation and participation.

During the survey, the two sides held a symposium at the Academy of Apocalypse. Yu Changzhang, Dean of Zunyi Affiliated Hospital, presided over the symposium. At the meeting, the hospital's promotional video was watched, and the person in charge of the relevant department reported on the work of brain science. Dean Yu Changzhang said that in addition to improving the diagnosis and treatment capabilities, the construction of a clinical regional medical center needs to participate in scientific research projects and drive clinical clinics with scientific research to better lead the discipline development. It is hoped that the Sixth Hospital of Peking University will continue to support it, adopt multi -faceted and multi -channel cooperation methods to promote the improvement of the overall level of hospitals, and drive the development of the spiritual health undertakings of Zunyi City and even Guizhou Province.

Tang Zili, Secretary of the Party Committee of the Academic Affiliated Hospital, hopes that the team of Peking University and Academician Lu Lin will give strong support in discipline planning, development path, medical technology and talent training to promote the construction of the regional medical center of Zunyi City and the development of the hospital. Improve the spiritual and sanitary capacity of the western region and the old revolutionary area, and better benefit the people of the old district. The people of the Academic Affiliated Hospital will continue to carry forward the spirit of compliance with the doctor, work hard, do not accept losses, bravely break, and contribute to Guizhou's health.

On behalf of the school and the hospital, He Zhixu, Secretary of the Party Committee of Zunyi Medical University, welcomed Academician Lu Lin and his party. He first introduced the basic situation and development process of Zunyi Medical University and Affiliated Hospital. He said that Guizhou's overall medical and health conditions are relatively poor, and the construction of Zunyi Psychiatry is relatively weak. With the high quality of rural revitalization, the improvement of people's living standards will increase The needs of psychiatry will gradually increase. It is hoped that the school and the hospital will strengthen the communication and cooperation with the academician of Academician Lu Lin, and take medical services, scientific research, and talent training as an important opportunity. Many parties work together to take root in the feelings of Academician Lu Lin's team to support the construction of the old revolutionary district and achieve 1+1> The effect of 2 is to strive for the implementation of the regional medical center. At the same time, with the advantages of Zunyi and Zunyi, with the support of Academician Lu Lin's team, make up for the shortcomings to make the development of Zunyi Psychiatry better and better.

Mingyan, deputy mayor of Zunyi City, briefly introduced the basic situation of Zunyi City. He said that the national regional medical center involves the well -being of the people's livelihood. He hopes that Academician Lu Lin's team will be fully supported to promote the development of Zunyi Spiritual Specialty. It is hoped that Zunyi Medical University and its affiliated hospitals will seize this opportunity, continue to exert the spirit of moving westward and the spirit of the third -tier construction, and cooperate with the Sixth Hospital of Peking University to promote the flowering and results of the regional medical center construction project.

Academician Lu Lin made a concluding speech, and he introduced the background of psychiatric related diseases, the background of the construction of the national regional medical center and related policies. He emphasized that the construction of regional medical centers is an important national livelihood project and an effective measure to adjust the imbalance of the development of medical technology services. It has an important role in alleviating patients with expensive medical treatment and difficulty in seeing a doctor. As a national regional medical center, we must not only provide patients with exquisite medical technology, but also strengthen scientific and technological innovation, and do regional medical policies, medical security, medical insurance and diagnosis and treatment technologies. As a leader in brain science and psychiatry, Peking University Sixth Hospital is obliged to support the development of psychiatry in other regions. It is hoped that Zunyi Medical University and its affiliated hospitals will increase the cultivation of psychiatry talents, promote the development of brain science, and provide more brain scientific talents for the country. The Sixth Hospital of Peking University is willing to support Zunyi, support Zunyi, and share experience in high -quality medical resources, scientific and technological innovation achievements and talent training experience.

In addition to the seminar, Academician Lu Lin and his party also visited the hospital's outpatient department and basic medical building, learned in detail the relevant work of the hospital and put forward guidance.

Previously, in order to promote the construction of healthy Guizhou and promote the development of Guizhou's health, comply with the medical resources of the Medical Affiliated Hospital in the sinking advantage of medical resources and assisting the grass -roots hospitals, enhanced the capacity of grass -roots health and health protection, actively exchanged and cooperated, and continued to improve comprehensive strength. Yu Changzhang, Dean of Zunyi Affiliated Hospital, led a team to the Sixth Hospital of Peking University on July 14 to conduct preliminary exchanges on related work. This time, Academician Lu Lin and his party were to further discuss cooperation.

Regarding this survey, Lu Lin said that the two parties will strengthen medical services, talent training, scientific research projects and other aspects, and use a variety of cooperation forms to promote the healthy development of the psychiatry and medical discipline of the Medical Affiliated Hospital and the construction of the construction of the National Regional Medical Center of Zunyi City. Essence

Author Unit: Affiliated Hospital of Zunyi Medical University

Responsible editor: Yan Xiufeng

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