[Learn and implement the spirit of the 14th Provincial Party Congress] "Trinity" releases the red kinetic energy of the "epidemic" line

Author:Jiuquan Daily Time:2022.06.15

Guazhou: "Trinity" releases the red kinetic energy of the "epidemic" line

Recognize in place and quickly plan for deployment. The county party committee and county government attach great importance to activate the emergency command system as soon as possible, and act immediately in the work of "one handling and nine groups" to comprehensively strengthen coordination, dispatch, inspection and supervision. The leader and deputy team leader of the epidemic prevention and control team sank quickly, carried out emergency response, and made every effort to build a strict and powerful prevention and control system. The organizational department of the county party committee gives full play to the functions of the department, requiring 468 grass -roots party organizations and more than 8700 party members in the county to improve their ideological awareness, strengthen responsibility, and take the prevention and control of the epidemic as an important practice of practicing the original mission, lead the county people's hearts in unison Co -widening the prevention and control of the epidemic. All township party committees give full play to the role of the "combat department" of the frontier prevention and control of the epidemic, strictly implement the arrangements of the county party committee on the prevention and control of the epidemic, urge villages (communities) to mobilize the masses, mobilize the masses, and organize the masses to build a strong barrier to prevent and control the prevention and control of the epidemic. Essence Measures are in place, scientific and orderly prevention and control. Continue to deepen the effective practices of precipitation in the preliminary epidemic prevention and control, coordinate and integrate the integration of the strengths and social resources of all parties, strengthen joint prevention and control, group prevention and group control measures, and through the "township party committee-village (community) party organization-grid party group- The party member contacts the "four -level grid -level grid linkage organizational system, actively mobilize party members, cadres, volunteers and other forces, set up 247 party pioneers, 462 party members vanguard, and divide 146 party membership responsibility areas. "Safety barrier" and "fighting forts". At the same time, Guizhou County People's Hospital, together with the medical treatment group of the city's epidemic prevention and control leadership group, jointly established a mixed municipal and county medical personnel mixed temporary party branch, in accordance with the individualized treatment plan of Chinese and Western medicine, through the remote medical system consultation, WeChat, and on -site Consultation and other forms formulate a precise treatment plan for patients to ensure effective treatment for patients, and effectively play the role of the party branch's combat fortress and the pioneering role of party members.

Propaganda in place and strengthen public opinion guidance. Party organizations at all levels in the county give full play to the role of propagating the masses, educating the masses, and mobilizing the masses, adhere to the combination of "online+offline", and set up 111 "epidemic prevention and control propaganda teams". , Electronic screens, small speakers and other propaganda carriers, strengthen the propaganda and public opinion guidance of epidemic prevention and control policies, and actively push the officially released on the official epidemic prevention and control knowledge, epidemic information and prevention and control work. , Comprehensively understand the epidemic, face the epidemic, effectively prevent the epidemic, eliminate unnecessary panic, do not believe in rumors and rumors, wear masks, talk about hygiene, do not meet, do not eat meals, do not go out, and cooperate with information reports well , Nucleic acid detection, home isolation and other work. At the same time, the majority of party members use actual actions to light up their identities, make an example, and timely send the latest prevention and control policies to the masses in the grid through visiting and writing WeChat short messages. I went to the "I am a party member to follow me" and became the strongest voice for the first line of the epidemic prevention and control.

(He Xiaolong)

Editor in charge: Gao Yun

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[Learn and implement the spirit of the 14th Provincial Party Congress] Guazhou: "Trinity" releases the red kinetic energy of the "epidemic" line

Recognize in place and quickly plan for deployment. The county party committee and county government attach great importance to activate the emergency command system as soon as possible, and act immed